View Full Version : Coming Soon : Top Spin 3

21-02-2008, 12:50 PM
Source =

http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/news.php?id=754 (http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/news.php?id=754)

Have always liked Tennis games on the xbox 360, but i prefer the Virtua Tennis series tbh, does anyone know if there is gna be a Virtua Tennis 4?


21-02-2008, 01:10 PM
hi greg bruv long time no see and yer there will be a v t 4

21-02-2008, 04:04 PM
i only liked top spin 1
im no good at top spin no mroe thoguh so i wont bother :(

21-02-2008, 07:08 PM
hi greg bruv long time no see and yer there will be a v t 4

Hey mate! Ent spoke to you for ages, gta catch up on a game sometime, Newayz on topic :

Virtua Tennis 4 would be insane :)

i only liked top spin 1
im no good at top spin no mroe thoguh so i wont bother :(

Try out Virtua Tennis 3, its addictive :)
Online modes are quality, especially when you can do Doubles :)

22-02-2008, 12:50 AM
yea sure m8 anytime

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