View Full Version : FTP Help [+rep for help]

25-02-2008, 01:19 AM
Ok, so I made an account at hwhosting.com and it gave me a free FTP server.

I downloaded SmartFTP Client and uploaded my mass collection of funny images.

The only problem is, the only way to connect to it is via " ftp://ftp.0lx.net/ " and I believe it asks you for a login name and password, which only I know.

How do I go about adding my FTP server to a website so EVERYONE can view it, and I can hotlink directly from it?

+rep to anyone who can help.

25-02-2008, 08:37 AM
Whoops, okay the site I registered at was http://www.hwhost.0lx.net/

Free FTP and such. However, my first one may already be full >.> I try to upload something, it don't work. Multiples may help ;)

But still, how do I connect said FTP servers to a website and make them un-pw'd so anyone can view and I can hotlink from them? Or is there a way to change the FTP:// to HTTP://, kinda like this FTP site:


Edit: Checked my stats on hwhost and this is my usage stats...

General Information

Hosting (http://cpanel.0lx.net/panel/index.php?option=ftpoverview#) package
Free Hosting
Email Addresses
FTP accounts
1 / 1
0 / 6
Addon Domains
0/ 6
Parked Domains
0 / 6
MySQL (http://cpanel.0lx.net/panel/index.php?option=ftpoverview#) Databases
0 / 3
Disk space quota
243 MB
Bandwidth quota
6246 MB
Bandwidth used
24 MB
Bandwidth left
6222 MB Account Information

FTP host name
FTP user name
Panel user name
POP user name
MySQL host name
MySQL user name
0lx_1611187 Server Information

VistaPanel Version
2.0.14 Beta
Operating system (http://cpanel.0lx.net/panel/index.php?option=ftpoverview#)
Apache version
2.2.8 (Unix)
PHP version
MySQL version
Knowledge Base
Click to View
I don't think I've used up all the space on my FTP, however, I'm not sure as I don't see any FTP specific stats.

25-02-2008, 09:20 AM
That link you gave us to http://www.orokos.com/kippyhiller/ isn't an FTP site. Its a directory with no index file.

25-02-2008, 10:23 AM
ooh, how do i get one? I have TONS of images I need to upload so i can delete off my comp.

how does one get a directory?

25-02-2008, 12:52 PM
Just save the file you want to come up as index.*** eg index.html; index.php; index.htm. etc.

25-02-2008, 03:45 PM
VistaPanel is rubbish, cPanel ftw.

Also, why use a free host, you could use an image hosting site, and keep track of all your links?

25-02-2008, 04:32 PM
Nah. Also, I also use CPanel, it comes on hwhost.

Ok so I get the index.htm part......but how do I transfer my images from My Pictures to the index.htm?

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