View Full Version : Selling 4 Green Screens.

03-03-2008, 06:24 PM
There are only 4 in the Hotel. 2t each, I might haggle. :)

03-03-2008, 06:24 PM
No there are six in the hotel.

I offer 10HC for one.

03-03-2008, 06:31 PM
A super rare that goes for 10 HC honestly thats not even close to funny.

Blissa send me a friend request regarding the sale please.

03-03-2008, 06:32 PM
Um, no. Selling screens. :)

03-03-2008, 06:36 PM
I wasn't trying to be funny. My offer was based on the look of the item and the ammount that are in the hotel (six at present). It will never sell well as screens aren't in demand and it will probably be released for St. Patricks Day.

I offer 25HCs then, if you want a decent offer.

03-03-2008, 06:42 PM
Milennia. People always say new things are going to be released, or that there's more than there actually are... I've seen it happen in a number of cases, Ie: The Pink Pillow, was it released on Valentines day? No. What evidence have you based the decision that it's going to be released on St.Patrick's day? Pure guess-work? Well that's easy, I could say the Red Ice-cream Machine is being released tomorrow because the Sky is going to be red in the Morning. It's completely immaterial.

You are saying it's going to be released merely because it's Green? There are plenty of other Green items in the hotel that are much more likely to be released on St.Patrick's day, Ie: The Green Pillar. Pillars would be more suiting to St.Patrick's day as it's to do with architechture, what does a Green screen have to do with St.Patrick? Especially since it's an 'Oriental' screen. And in it's motto it clearly says 'Exotic', and as far as I'm aware, the UK isn't Oriental or Exotic.

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don’t comment in the trading forum.

03-03-2008, 07:06 PM
all that is irrelevant. there are no demand for screens. my offer still stands. AND there are six of these in the hotel i've seen them

proof they are in circulation:


they've been in circulation since 2005.

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