View Full Version : God my sister

04-03-2008, 05:56 PM
Shes gone mad she split up with her bf a week ago and they were together for like over a year and now shes just gone mad, she started having ago at me for watching one of her dvds, she carried on the argument the next morning, punched my mum, scratched my mum, kicked my mum etc etc and shes done it again after school. (hit my mum) callign her fat telling her to die, my mum tried to ring my dad up to come and get her but she hits my mum if she trys to phone anyone.

Shes shes 17 in like 2 weeks and yeah well shes gone mad
Trouble is my mum won't get help from someone, my sister won't go to anger management or anything and I'm the one stuck in the middle.

Yeah advice please

04-03-2008, 06:00 PM
Well you should really try control your sister then tell your mum to get her sectioned till shes calmed down :P

04-03-2008, 06:01 PM
If she's assaulting your mum you really shouldn't put up with it, show her that and if you have to you should ring the police. She'll come round eventually, it's extremely hard losing someone you are in love with and different people deal with it in different ways. However the way your sister is reacting is really very unfair, so obviously you have to deal with it whatever way you can.

04-03-2008, 06:06 PM
If you tell ur school they should try to get ur mum help.


04-03-2008, 06:09 PM
How old are you? Im 13 and my sis is 18 but i can easily take her down, if i was you, i'd hold my sis down and shout it in her face that if she EVER did that again you would hurt her. simple.

04-03-2008, 06:11 PM
If you tell ur school they should try to get ur mum help.


His sister needs help, not his mum.


04-03-2008, 06:12 PM
Shes wrecked the house, tried taking loadsa of pills (I had to grab em off her) and she on the phone to my dad shouting at him going "I HAVE NOTHING NOONE LIKES ME I SHOULD JUST DIE MY MUM DOESN'T LIKE ME I HAVER NOONE"

I dunno why I but I just can't phone the police

and I'm 15 nemo

04-03-2008, 06:16 PM
If calling the police means protecting you, your mum and your sister then it's the only thing you can do.

04-03-2008, 06:17 PM
Just hit her one. =]

04-03-2008, 06:20 PM
Call the police before something worse happens

04-03-2008, 06:20 PM
Grab her. Sit her down and lock her into a room where she cant do any harm to herself or anyone else. That should stop her for a bit whilst u can call the police.

04-03-2008, 06:40 PM
Just hit her one. =]

Yeah this isn't a joke thread

04-03-2008, 06:47 PM
How old are you? Im 13 and my sis is 18 but i can easily take her down, if i was you, i'd hold my sis down and shout it in her face that if she EVER did that again you would hurt her. simple.
Lol.. That's kinda stupid?! Didn't your parent bring you up?
For me, you sound crazy. Sorry, but it's true. Who the hell screams at her sister in the ear?


04-03-2008, 06:49 PM
Shes gone mad she split up with her bf a week ago and they were together for like over a year and now shes just gone mad, she started having ago at me for watching one of her dvds, she carried on the argument the next morning, punched my mum, scratched my mum, kicked my mum etc etc and shes done it again after school. (hit my mum) callign her fat telling her to die, my mum tried to ring my dad up to come and get her but she hits my mum if she trys to phone anyone.

Shes shes 17 in like 2 weeks and yeah well shes gone mad
Trouble is my mum won't get help from someone, my sister won't go to anger management or anything and I'm the one stuck in the middle.

Yeah advice please

Why dont you ring your dad?

04-03-2008, 06:49 PM
Lol.. That's kinda stupid?! Didn't your parent bring you up?
For me, you sound crazy. Sorry, but it's true. Who the hell screams at her sister in the ear?

Oh right, i see what you mean, i wouldnt shout in their ear, but i mean i would say in a very serious voice in their face, absolutely seriously, that they should stop what they are doing.

04-03-2008, 07:03 PM
dont show any anger. dont yell. dont curse. dont show any anger, thatll make things worse.

just calmly talk to her.
try and sit her down and ask her whats going on with her. talking about whats wrong can help her. it can help get things off her chest. even if you already know whats happened, she can just talk about how shes feeling - for the majority of people, it helps alot.
tell her that you love her and that nobody hates her, and that she needs help.
if she continues to be abusive, call someone.
a close family member, preferably someone who she is close to aswell, and if it comes down to it, the police.
she could hurt herself or/and someone else.

i know shes your sister, but would you rather have her safe and taken care of, or screaming around the household, being violent and abusive, and a danger to herself and others?

think about it.
she needs help.

04-03-2008, 07:07 PM
Yeah I would call either your dad or the police as that's just crazy. She is just handling the situation a little more extreme than some of us.

04-03-2008, 07:13 PM
I find that really crazy too.
But how would you people feel to call the police about your sister? :S

04-03-2008, 07:13 PM
i would call the police if i had to.
infact, ive called the police on both my sister and my mom.
and it was for their own safety.

id rather have my mom and sister alive, thanks very much. :)

04-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Does your school not have connexions?

04-03-2008, 07:25 PM
Give her a hug. Give your mum a hug.

You've got 2 choices with your sister, they can both be controlled approaches, but both have the potential to go out of hand.
The first, to either be passive with her, let her have her rant but don't pay her any attention, she'll soon realise it's not the way to get attention, if she goes to abuse your mum, then ask your mum to go for a walk, then she can only hurt you, and (not meaning to be harsh) but you should be able to cope with it easier.
The second, is to be the aggresor in the first place, give her a reality check, instead of moping around, why doesn't she do something proactive or more soothing, to take her mind off things.

And of course, others suggestions will also work.

She doesn't sound like she deserves boyfriends if this is her reaction. But that's not for me to decide.

04-03-2008, 07:47 PM
Oh. My. God.

I think that now is the time to call the police. Support your mum, because with that abuse her self esteem/image is probably terrible. If she tried to take pills and said she has nothing to live for and is turning suicidal then you definitely need to call the police, because if she doesn't want anger-management then she won't want psychiatric therapy for sure.

I don't think you should wait for this to blow over. Maybe you could try reasoning with her but by the sounds of it that is out of the question which means you should call the police, say she is violent and has tried to take an overdose. It's for her own good, your mum doesn't deserve this, you don't deserve this and your sister does not have the right to treat any of you like that at all. Losing people can be hard but the way she is coping with it is selfish.

04-03-2008, 08:13 PM
its not selfish.
its hard when you loose someone you love very much.
some people react differently.
obviously she really loved this person.

or maybe other things are going on in her head and she hasnt told anyone about it.
maybe its all piling up and she cant take it.

dont always assume that shes doing it for attention or because shes oh so dramatic.
it can really hit some people hard.

04-03-2008, 08:34 PM
Shes gone mad she split up with her bf a week ago and they were together for like over a year and now shes just gone mad, she started having ago at me for watching one of her dvds, she carried on the argument the next morning, punched my mum, scratched my mum, kicked my mum etc etc and shes done it again after school. (hit my mum) callign her fat telling her to die, my mum tried to ring my dad up to come and get her but she hits my mum if she trys to phone anyone.

Shes shes 17 in like 2 weeks and yeah well shes gone mad
Trouble is my mum won't get help from someone, my sister won't go to anger management or anything and I'm the one stuck in the middle.

Yeah advice please

Throw her out of the window?

04-03-2008, 08:41 PM
If my sister done that I'd knock her out because I'm hard.

04-03-2008, 08:43 PM
If my sister done that I'd knock her out because I'm hard.
Knock her out with your mathematical equations love.

04-03-2008, 08:47 PM
ehm you do know this is like a serious thread right lol?

04-03-2008, 08:50 PM
Yup, that's why we are giving the best advice possiable.

ehm you do know this is like a serious thread right lol?

04-03-2008, 09:01 PM
lol ok den.

05-03-2008, 12:59 PM
seriously. If my brother started hitting my mom I would punch him until he stopped. Its weak, because most mothers wouldnt do any selfdefence as its their children.

05-03-2008, 01:09 PM
I could never imagine getting to a stage where I'd want to hit my Mum :(

05-03-2008, 01:15 PM
I could never hit my mum either, I'd feel horrible afterwards. I have to much respect for her :).

05-03-2008, 01:21 PM
Yeah I would call either your dad or the police as that's just crazy. She is just handling the situation a little more extreme than some of us.

She sounds like a complete nutta.

If she tried taking pills, shes obviously a suicide risk, and with all them suicides going on lately, I say get her done by the police, the police will refer her to a doctor.

07-03-2008, 03:42 AM
Man, just don't even think about it pick up the phone dial 999 or 991 where ever you live, and talk to them explain it and they WILL help, it's their job, thats why they're there, to help you, I personally wouldn't know a situation like that, but then again if my sister resorted to physically assaulting my sister, which she did ONCE before, my dad threw her *** out on the street for a snowy night in december with 10$, her fault tbh, we let her in at 3AM I think.

07-03-2008, 02:58 PM
Well shes legal.. get her laid, might calm her down a bit :)

12-03-2008, 05:35 PM
Well shes legal.. get her laid, might calm her down a bit :)

Thanks for revenge repping when you had 0 rep :rolleyes:

"You're pathetic, I help you and you don't even appreciate it, why post then? Fool. And you where to scared to leave your name because I was non VIP, haha, you're a mess. What a joke, get a life ;) - CRAZYBARTENDER"

Okay lets go through this rep comment.

You didn't help. That post was completely unacceptable to a serious thread I made.

Because I didn't think that immature idiots like you would post.

Why would I bother to leave my name? Its obvious that it was from me.

That comment was the joke. And I do have a life, if I didn't have a life I wouldn't be posting :rolleyes:

16-03-2008, 01:48 AM
If you tell ur school they should try to get ur mum help.

XXShe doesn't need help, she needs to kick her out.

Just hit her one. =]

Yes +rep

Lol.. That's kinda stupid?! Didn't your parent bring you up?
For me, you sound crazy. Sorry, but it's true. Who the hell screams at her sister in the ear?

I agree, what the hell is that going to do, add fuel to the flame? I would send her to jail for a week. I know you can take kids to court if they're unruly.

16-03-2008, 03:30 AM
Sounds like shes gone off the rails a bit. Shes taking it out on people she knows will love her whatever. She needs to realise that she cant get away with stuff like that. Just cos somebody is your family doesnt mean u have to let them get away with mistreating you, i learnt that the hard way.
If i was you i would tell your mum to tell her that she will try to help her sort herself out but if she continues the way shes going and doesnt respect your ma then shel be out on her bum!

16-03-2008, 03:32 AM
Call the police on her.

Love is a very dangerous thing.

16-03-2008, 03:34 AM
People don't know how to let go. For her mother for not throwing her out and the daughter for being dumped.

Wish for the best!

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