View Full Version : 2 fire capes....

10-03-2008, 05:41 PM
Someone manage to get 2 fire capes i was there when they done it lol
on the pic im the guy standing next the the person who done it
He finished 2 mins before the grave went lol close call

10-03-2008, 05:43 PM
Sean, get 10 capes! :D

10-03-2008, 05:45 PM
I probably count do it in an hour lol

10-03-2008, 05:49 PM
Sean, get 10 capes! :D
lol yeh thats what i was thinking

I probably count do it in an hour lol
Use onyx bolts thier good he koed jad witha 71 69 when healers came lol

10-03-2008, 07:56 PM
i don't see why everyones going insane over it for, he can't actually prove he has 2 like going
"hey look heres one"
"heres another"

10-03-2008, 08:08 PM
Suppose now he doesnt have to worry about losing one

10-03-2008, 08:23 PM
he should show a bank pic, even though i guess that could be faked.

thats the thing with rs, how can you ever really prove stuff? lol

10-03-2008, 09:20 PM
he should show a bank pic, even though i guess that could be faked.

thats the thing with rs, how can you ever really prove stuff? lol

Well he could video it with like Hypercam... unless he's really upsettingly sad enough to input each picture that'd prove it for me xD!

10-03-2008, 09:23 PM
cant you go thought it all then drop the firecape then get it from wherever and pick up the other one :S ?

10-03-2008, 09:26 PM
cant you go thought it all then drop the firecape then get it from wherever and pick up the other one :S ?

you get given the firecape after you win - when you walk out of the cave

If you already have one you don't get another one... so you'd have to drop it inside the cave... then you may loose it that way D;

11-03-2008, 03:53 PM
He's going to vid getting his 3rd.

The Professor
11-03-2008, 04:48 PM
Thats quite impressive, I can't be bothered to get one :P

11-03-2008, 05:04 PM
That's well cool

11-03-2008, 05:07 PM
i still don't see what the point is, someone tell me why people are going ape over his thread on rsc? ...

12-03-2008, 03:17 PM
i still don't see what the point is, someone tell me why people are going ape over his thread on rsc? ...

It's fun to own more than 1 and now it's easier to keep your bank organised. :P :D

The Professor
12-03-2008, 04:12 PM
i still don't see what the point is, someone tell me why people are going ape over his thread on rsc? ...

Because it hasn't been done before presumably.

12-03-2008, 07:20 PM
Because it hasn't been done before presumably.

maybe because everyone realised how pointless it is and didn't bother

13-03-2008, 07:35 PM
lol i cant even get one firecape and jay if you please messge me

18-03-2008, 02:25 PM
they fixed it now
you gat a cape each time

18-03-2008, 03:09 PM
someone ended up with 8 firecapes before they fixed it.

18-03-2008, 03:52 PM
someone ended up with 8 firecapes before they fixed it.


18-03-2008, 04:18 PM
In other news...
Players will now always receive a TzHaar fire cape and 8,000 TokKul after defeating TzTok-Jad. You can keep any extra fire capes you win as spares in case you lose them, or speak to TzHaar-Mej-Jal, master of the Fight Cave, who will purchase spare fire capes from you for 8,000 TokKul a piece.

LOL! What a waste of time that turned out to be. =]

18-03-2008, 04:33 PM
Waste!! Now im gonna get a fire cape coz i wont have to keep wasting 3m+ everytime i die!

First thing jagex has done good for players In ages!!!!!!

18-03-2008, 07:14 PM
If you lose your cape withing the 2 mins of dying with it, or alching it, or anything else you still have to kill jad again, you cant buy your cape back. you can only sell it for 8k tokkul or optain spares from killing jad again.

19-03-2008, 05:09 PM


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