View Full Version : The Dursley that could use magic

12-03-2008, 07:28 PM
This is a story idea that I'd been thinking of since I read the final Harry Potter book but never had the confidence to write it because I suck at spelling and grammar so meh lol. Today was boring so I finally decided to have a go at writing the first chapter if you don't like the idea of Harry Potter fan fiction don't read it lol (however Harry Potter isn't a main character in this story and I am only planning to use him briefly in one chapter)

if you find any major grammar related mistakes let me know so I can learn from it because like I said before I suck at it :P ok enjoy (or not)

Chapter 1

The sun was shining brightly on a hot August morning William was up early and felt extreamly excited because today was his eleventh birthday, and that meant his grand parents were going to shower him with gifts. William got dressed up in his best shirt and trousers, he then wandered over to his mirror and put his bow tie on. William gazed at his chubby reflection he then started to comb his blonde curly hair. William decided to practice pulling polite faces his round pink face stretching as he smiled this was of course essential he needed to keep his grandparents happy after all! After straitening his bow tie one final time William walked out into the hall and went straight down stairs. In the kitchen the table was surrounded by gifts. His father Dudley was sat at the table reading the paper his arms covered with muscle and as wide as tree trunks his blonde hair balding slightly and his double chin wobbling just like his sons.

Dudley lowered the paper ‘Son! Happy birthday!’ William excitedly ran over to his gifts but Dudley held out his arm to stop him ‘Hold on there you little tyke, wait for Grandma and Grandpa to arrive!’ William felt extremely annoyed by this obvious ridicules request but was soon distracted by the breakfast his mother was bringing over. His mother’s name was Linda and was an extremely skinny woman compared to her son and husband she had dark brown curly hair and a hooked nose. ‘Breakfast is ready birthday boy!’ William jumped onto his chair and began to eat his bacon and eggs. Dudley looked at his watch ‘Looks like Mum and Dad are late’ Linda rolled her eyes ‘How can they be late? They only live next door’ Linda never liked the idea of moving into number 5 Privet Drive but her in – laws insisted like they did with everything she some times felt they were trying to control her roll as a mother which she hated .

The door bell rang William jumped up out of his chair ‘I’ll get it, I’ll get it!’ he ran down the hallway and opened the door. Petunia Dursley ran through the door and gave William a huge hug and kiss ‘My Willikins’ her once bonnie blonde hair was now white and had been curled. Vernon then wandered in and patted William on the back ‘you look just like your father when he was a boy’ he said proudly. Vernon's once black moustache was now totally grey his hair was almost all gone but he was still as huge as ever. William holding his grandmothers hand walked back into the kitchen. Dudley gave his mother a kiss and shook his fathers hand ‘You’re doing a great job son’ Dudley smiled.

Petunia then gave Linda a half hearted hug Linda narrowed her eyes and grudgingly smiled. William ran over to his gifts again ‘can I open them now please!’ Petunia put her hands over her heart and sighed ‘such a polite boy!’ Vernon patted Dudley on the shoulder ‘oh yes! He’s definitely a Dursley’ Linda rolled her eyes again and plonked two cups of tea down onto the table ‘there you go’. Vernon and Petunia didn’t acknowledge or even thank Linda for there drinks and just continued admiring their grandson.

William soon finished opening his gifts so everyone sat around the table and began singing happy birthday. It was halfway through the song that William heard a letter coming through the letter box ‘I’ll go get the letter’ William got up from his chair as he walked out into the hall he heard his mother say that’s strange the postman has already been’ . When he reached the front door a golden brown coloured envelope was waiting for him on the door matt it was addressed to

William Vernon Dursley
The kitchen showered with gifts
Number 5 Privet Drive
Little Whining

William turned over the envelope on the back was a red wax stamp with some kind of crest imprinted on it. This excited William families with crests normally were rich which meant a huge amount of money could have been sent to him. He ripped the envelope open and pulled the letter out and began to read.

Dear Mr Dursley,

You have been invited to attend Hogwarts school of Witch Craft and Wizardry as you are muggle born this may have come as a shock to you and your family so a representative from our world will arrive shortly with a list of things you’ll need for the school year.

Yours sincerely

Marvellous Marl

William felt someone’s hand come down on his shoulder ‘what have you got there?’ said Dudley William passed the letter to his father. Dudley read the letter his eyes widened. He grabed William by the arm and dragged him back into the kitchen. Vernon looked up ‘Dudley what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost’ Linda draged a chair over so Dudley could sit down he passed the letter to her. Linda read it and laughed ‘very funny William how long did you and your father take to set this up?’ William felt puzzled and looked up to his father who was now as white as a sheet ‘Mum, we didn’t’ Vernon snatched the letter from Linda’s hand ‘what on earth is all the fuss about?’

He began to read it with Petunia. Petunia suddenly let out a high pitched scream and Vernon dropped the letter ‘eighteen years, eighteen years it’s been! NO NOT MY GRANDSON, WILLIAM UP STAIRS NOW’ Vernon jumps up from his seat William felt confused he didn’t know what the big deal was ‘but it’s my birthday’ Vernon picked up the letter and began ripping it ‘NOW!’ William felt angry no one speaks to him like that it was after all his birthday ‘IT’S MY BIRTDAY!’ There was a pop and the light bulb above their heads shattered.

‘Oh dear don’t worry no damage done’ said a high pitched voice all of them screamed Marvellous Marl sat on the kitchen work top behind Linda he was an extremely short man with a twisted black beard and black long hair. He wore a blue top hat and matching robes. He took out his wand tapped it on the table all the small pieces of glass gracefully floated back up to the broken bulb and the light flickered back on.

Linda began to stutter ‘b-b-but how did you get in here?’ Marvellous smiled and jumped down from the work surface ‘all will be explained my dear, now who’s William’ William stepped forward ‘I am’ Marl put his hand out to shake Williams but Vernon blocked him with his arm ‘are you the father?’ Dudley spoke for the first time since reading the letter ‘n-no I am’ Marl laughed ‘Don’t look so scared sir your child has a delightful gift’ Vernon growled ‘Oh! That’s rich, it wasn’t delightful last time!’

Marl opened his mouth to say something but Linda spoke first ‘What? This has happened before?’ Dudley nodded ‘yes it was my cousin Ha-’ Petunia squeaked ‘Don’t say his name’ Marl took a piece of parchment from his robes ‘wait you’re surname is Dursley?’ They all nodded Marl gasped ‘you are the Dursley’s who bought up Harry Potter? Vernon nodded ‘yes no thanks to your lot’ but before Vernon knew it he was shaking Marl’s hand ‘It’s an honour to meet you sir’ Vernon suddenly changed his attitude ‘WHAT! - ah I mean -um thanks’ Marl then turned and kissed Petunia on the hand, Petunia let out an ugly little titter Marl then turned to Dudley and Linda ‘so let’s talk about the school shall we?’

Linda sat down ‘but magic and stuff it can’t be real’ Marl chuckled ‘of course it is you muggles just don’t know it’ William pulled up a chair next to his mother ‘what’s a muggle? Marl picked up the egg timer from the centre of the table and began to examine it ‘Non magical folk’ Vernon let out a gulp ‘but- last time it was dangerous there were dementors, that Lord Voolimat’ Marl smiled and put the egg timer back where he found it ‘Lord Voldemort has been dead for a long time and there’ll always be danger even in the muggle world, but I assure you there is no place safer than Hogwarts ’

William grabbed his mums arm ‘Please can I go mum please?’ Linda sat in silence and looked at Dudley who was shaking his head ‘no the answer is no’ Vernon nodded proudly ‘good lad’ Marl sighed ‘ok but I must warn you if he doesn’t learn how to control his magic it will force it’s way out in other ways’ They all sat in silence for a few moments Vernon stood up ‘you’ve got your answer now get –‘ Marl had already vanished. Dudley sent William up to his room and spent the next twenty minutes searching the house for Marl but no trace of him could be found. Meanwhile William had disobeyed his father and sneaked back into the kitchen he tip-toed over to the table and took the piece of parchment Marl had left. He then crept back out to the hall and past his parents who were searching in the living room.

He silently ran up the stairs and straight back to his room, once safely inside he quietly shut the door behind him. William took a huge sigh of relief and felt really proud of himself, he never thought he’d make it! He wandered over to his mirror and posed like James Bond. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled, as he pretended to pull out a gun from his pocket he suddenly remembered the whole reason why he was sneaking around was to get the piece of parchment. He sat on his bed and unrolled it there was a lot of writing so he began to read.

First year students will need a number of things to see them through the school year. The following items will easily be found in Diagon ally, London

He then folded it back up William had decided due to the success of his first mission the second one should be easy. It wasn’t long before he’d thought up what he was going to do. Once his parents had fallen asleep that night (as all secret agents conduct there missions at night) he was going to sneak out. He didn’t know how he was going to get to London but as he was a great secret agent he’d definitely find a way. After thirty minutes William finally decided he’d find a mode of transport once he’d escaped the house maybe he’d find a sports car and be able to drive to London? ‘William you can come down now’ called Dudley’s voice from down stairs William quickly hid the piece of parchment under his mattress and ran downstairs excitedly thinking of the adventure that he was going to embark on that night.

03-04-2008, 01:08 PM
If I may remember correctly, dialogue is to be started on a new line everytime.

03-04-2008, 03:45 PM
lol kiss my willikins

Edited by --ss-- (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly ;).

22-04-2008, 08:56 PM
A nice read and a nice idea :)

22-04-2008, 09:54 PM
lol kiss my willikins

Edited by --ss-- (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly ;).

lmao never realised :P

A nice read and a nice idea :)

thanks glad you liked it I won't be continueing it though as I wrote it like a month ago and no longer have the original document as it got lost when I was transfering files to my new laptop =] and I even forgot I posted this thread so meh lol =]

If I may remember correctly, dialogue is to be started on a new line everytime.

Yes thats how JK writes it not sure about other Authors as I've never read anything else but meh I'm not a professonal author ;)

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