View Full Version : Looseing weight.

Glen Coco
20-03-2008, 10:30 AM
Hey well, im like 7.8 stone ( last time i checked) and im 5'3.
i wanna get down to around 7 stone. I already do horse riding for half an hour every sunday (i only do half an hour 'cos i have a private lesson) i used to do an hour. but next thursday im doing 1 and a half hours. anyway i also do 75 x2 minuites of PE everyweek. then i walk to & from school 5 days a week. it takes about 20 minuites each way so thats about 200 minuites?
wow i didnt even know that.
anyway, i wanna loose weight. atm the thought of big meals make me sick so i dont eat alot. but anyway, any good ways of loosing weight? where u dont have to go outside. i sometimes dance, badly, in my room. xD

20-03-2008, 10:38 AM
u sound annorexic tbh lol...

but cut out snacks, only eat your meals, and do exercise :].

Glen Coco
20-03-2008, 10:46 AM
u sound annorexic tbh lol...

but cut out snacks, only eat your meals, and do exercise :].

hhah im not anorexic! far from it.
im trying to cut out snacks :) i can never eat a whole meal haha. ima try to do more exercise ;D

20-03-2008, 11:04 AM
Cutting out meals doesn't help you loose weight at all, tbh eating little but often is good.
and also eating alot at breakfast, a medium amount round dinner time, then not much at tea, don't eat after 6pm.

Drink water, not pop.
Eat lot's of fruit and veg etc.

20-03-2008, 11:23 AM
Cutting out meals doesn't help you loose weight at all, tbh eating little but often is good.

i find that hard to believe when there are plenty of people who have lost 75% of their weight from not eating.

Glen Coco
21-03-2008, 09:32 AM
Cutting out meals doesn't help you loose weight at all, tbh eating little but often is good.
and also eating alot at breakfast, a medium amount round dinner time, then not much at tea, don't eat after 6pm.

Drink water, not pop.
Eat lot's of fruit and veg etc.

the 6pm thing may be hard because i have tea at half 7. my parents get n at around 3 then relax for like 2 hours then cook dinner.
my breakfast , lunch and dinner thing is a bit screwed up. when im at school ill have breakfast like 8. and when im at home around 11. then lunch at school is 1.10 at home its like 4. then dinner is always at around 7 - 7.30.

21-03-2008, 02:02 PM
just dont starve yourself. its horrific. I dont that last year to lose som of my stomach fat, its taken me a year to eat as normal as i can, but even then i look at myself and think im too fat again. Im a siz 8-10. :/ so you either get anorexic thoughts or your stomach shrinks to the point where you cant eat a full meal without wanting to throw it all up again.

usually going for a short jog? Maybe around the park? or get into a sport? just stay as active as you can :)

Glen Coco
21-03-2008, 09:52 PM
theres nothing rly to do where i live :(
i hate jogging and the parks are full of chavs :'(.

21-03-2008, 10:04 PM
Not eating does make you gain weight. It makes your digestive system less active, so taht when you next eat you gain twice what you would normally.

I should know. I was 6 stone, nearly anoerexic, at 5'5".

Now I'm 11 stone, because I tried to start eating normally, at 5'7"

I wanna diet :'(

Also, horse riding is "NOT EFFECTIVE!" exercise. It's the horse doing the work. Not you.

Glen Coco
21-03-2008, 10:23 PM
Not eating does make you gain weight. It makes your digestive system less active, so taht when you next eat you gain twice what you would normally.

I should know. I was 6 stone, nearly anoerexic, at 5'5".

Now I'm 11 stone, because I tried to start eating normally, at 5'7"

I wanna diet :'(

Also, horse riding is "NOT EFFECTIVE!" exercise. It's the horse doing the work. Not you.

you still use ur legs so you are doing exercise

21-03-2008, 11:27 PM
Not eating does make you gain weight. It makes your digestive system less active, so taht when you next eat you gain twice what you would normally.

I should know. I was 6 stone, nearly anoerexic, at 5'5".

Now I'm 11 stone, because I tried to start eating normally, at 5'7"

I wanna diet :'(

Also, horse riding is "NOT EFFECTIVE!" exercise. It's the horse doing the work. Not you.

find that hard to believe.
i didnt eat for a bit, still rarely do, lost 3-4 stone, kept it off regardless how much ive ate since then. (and trust me when i say i can eat quite alot.)

21-03-2008, 11:35 PM
You're not even overweight, and on the BMI scale thing you're at the lower part of the good weight on the scale.

Anyway, you should really exercise more, not horse riding although you do it, don't really count that and do something else.

Read the lose wieght thread and do it correctly.

Don't not eat, as you can gain weight, and sometimes nothing actually happens.

21-03-2008, 11:42 PM
This should help, me and Bren got it :)

http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BgRw8q0fkR9e4OIX40AaA54DpB6SC6EmA2cimA8CNtwHAqQ cQARgBIOvbnQI4AFCF34WF_P____8BYLuWtYPQCqAB7JX-_AOyAQ9oYWJib3hmb3J1bS5jb226AQk3Mjh4OTBfYXPIAQLaAS 9odHRwOi8vaGFiYm94Zm9ydW0uY29tL3Nob3d0aHJlYWQucGhw P3A9NDU2NDk0MagDAcgDBegDmgHoA-wB6APJA_UDAAEAAA&num=1&adurl=http://www.20in10days.com&client=ca-pub-8583090865972491&nm=4

21-03-2008, 11:42 PM
Walk/Jog to McDonalds stock up on energy there then walk/Jog back.

Glen Coco
22-03-2008, 11:59 AM
hmm do u think walking a dog would be quite good exercise?
and for the guy above i dont eat mcdonalds :) or KFC. :)

28-03-2008, 03:13 PM
Eating when your not hungry is stored as fat.
Eating before excercising is stored as fat.

06-04-2008, 11:30 AM
To be honest, you need to speed with your metabolism while you're dieting. What I usually do is have around four frequent small meals/snacks everyday and afterwards I make Green Tea, which speeds up your metabolism.

For excercise, you can do it in your own home. Run up and down stairs ten times, running up and down once making it ONE. Do this ten times, you seriously might not be able to finish it because it gets extremely tiring but it's toning your muscles while burning off a good amount of calories.

Then afterward you should do toning excercises like leg lifts, stomach crunches etcetera, they speed up your metabolism. Don't do the excersise bunched all at once, random bursts of excersise frequently speeds up your metabolism quicker. This is the problem with dieters, they forget about their metabolism, the little they eat the more they will put on weight so you have do things which will speed up your metabolism, and then you can eat less and loose weight.

07-04-2008, 11:24 AM
anyway i also do 75 x2 minuites of PE everyweek.

You have 75 PE lessons a week that last 2 minutes? x]
Did make me lol

07-04-2008, 12:02 PM
vary your exercise for more effective results.

07-04-2008, 12:25 PM
Lots and Lots of exercise and eat green stuff :D

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