View Full Version : [Bobba] Console messages & f/r's

22-03-2008, 08:30 PM
Right well I wondered why I hadn't gotten a message in ages,

i turns out I have been getting them but they're not showing up in client?

It says i have them on homepage (the number keeps going up when refresh the page)

But I can't read them even when I reload the hotel?

Anyone else getting this? (Same with Friend requests)

22-03-2008, 08:35 PM
It's because your appearing offline and when people send you messages/friend requests, you can't read them because your apparently offline. If you just reload it should show them, and if it doesn't then have you tried clicking on where it says "you have 1 message" or whatever?

22-03-2008, 08:40 PM
It's because your appearing offline and when people send you messages/friend requests, you can't read them because your apparently offline. If you just reload it should show them, and if it doesn't then have you tried clicking on where it says "you have 1 message" or whatever?

For some reason it started working now after about 4th reload -.-

Ty for your help though, and nope, I wasn't appearing offline.

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