View Full Version : Kristall Panel Beta Testing

Agnostic Bear
27-03-2008, 01:17 AM
I've been poking around coding recently and in about a week or so (maybe 2, i dunno) I'll be looking for some beta testers to test the latest version of KP, the beta version will be a fully inclusive panel with everything you will need, it'll be a standard copy of the panel that will be used to get any bugs out of the way before I release to the public, if you're interested, feel free to add [email protected] to msn and i'll see what i can do in about a week, until then, have some previews of the panel. (It's not complete yet so there will be more things on it)





And on a totally unrelated matter:

27-03-2008, 01:35 AM
It looks good and function, but theres no easy way to say this but it is 100% fugly.

27-03-2008, 01:48 AM
what has been said is all that needs to be said.

although, it does have a templating 'system' for a reason.

27-03-2008, 01:50 AM
I know, but it should be atleast okay as it comes....

Agnostic Bear
27-03-2008, 01:59 AM
It looks good and function, but theres no easy way to say this but it is 100% fugly.

That's not the design that will be in the release ;)

27-03-2008, 02:01 AM
Why's it fugly? I think it's hot. :)

27-03-2008, 02:03 AM
That's not the design that will be in the release ;)
Good, good.

Why's it fugly? I think it's hot. :)
whys* why does everybody think theres an apostrophe in anything with an 's' on the end.

27-03-2008, 02:06 AM
Why + is = Why's. I just thought that's how it goes.

27-03-2008, 07:07 AM
It is "Why's" whenever you join two words together without full spelling you put an '

Like don't can't i'll isn't etc...

However back on topic, I agree witht he comments on design however if it's editable then it should be simple.

Agnostic Bear
27-03-2008, 10:40 PM
It is "Why's" whenever you join two words together without full spelling you put an '

Like don't can't i'll isn't etc...

However back on topic, I agree witht he comments on design however if it's editable then it should be simple.

I've already changed the design but kp_blue will be there if they want to use it.

27-03-2008, 10:41 PM
Well done, look's good. (:

27-03-2008, 10:44 PM
I like the timetable, but our current DJ Panel has many custom features, so I wont ask to beta test it, as I would have to add aload of features again :(

27-03-2008, 10:55 PM
It's looking good, Dan, always liked KP.

Agnostic Bear
27-03-2008, 11:04 PM
I like the timetable, but our current DJ Panel has many custom features, so I wont ask to beta test it, as I would have to add aload of features again :(


27-03-2008, 11:10 PM
Good, good.

whys* why does everybody think theres an apostrophe in anything with an 's' on the end.

No, why's*

Why + is = why's (whyis)

28-03-2008, 12:10 AM
;) I'm dumb.

28-03-2008, 03:23 AM
It looks great from what I have seen, very professional, and speedy at that. The design isn't my taste though, but dan works hard on it.

About a billion regex's :P I like the way he did things on it, there are a few things I don't go crazy over, like the way he does <include> as you have to return everything and not echo. You could always store it in a buffer? Then output it, then you can do what you want.

28-03-2008, 12:03 PM

DJ Rules can be edited by admin
Ventrilo Information page (can be edited by admin also)
Radio Jingles Page (can be edited by admin)
Report a DJ
Competition, but we don't use this anymore :p
Alerts (Wasn't on KP2)
DJ of the week
DJ last logins (it displays the users in order of there logins, and is colour coded. Green and orange is safe, and red means they haven't logged in within so many days so they need a warning :p)Were also adding applications, so the RM's can accept them, and it will send an email to the person who applied, along with a verification link, so if they don't accept there job within a week, they wont get an account (the verification link creates there account).

29-03-2008, 12:00 AM
DJ Rules can be edited by admin
Ventrilo Information page (can be edited by admin also)
Radio Jingles Page (can be edited by admin)
Report a DJ
Competition, but we don't use this anymore :p
Alerts (Wasn't on KP2)
DJ of the week
DJ last logins (it displays the users in order of there logins, and is colour coded. Green and orange is safe, and red means they haven't logged in within so many days so they need a warning :p)Were also adding applications, so the RM's can accept them, and it will send an email to the person who applied, along with a verification link, so if they don't accept there job within a week, they wont get an account (the verification link creates there account).
I would like to add to that ;) how about some JS? and looking good so far.

Agnostic Bear
29-03-2008, 01:35 AM
DJ Rules can be edited by admin
Radio Jingles Page (can be edited by admin)
Alerts (Wasn't on KP2)
DJ last logins (it displays the users in order of there logins, and is colour coded. Green and orange is safe, and red means they haven't logged in within so many days so they need a warning :p)

Thanks for telling me! I'll include all of them. Rules + Last logins (not like that, but a log) were going to be in it to start with along with alerts, but I like the idea of colour coding so I'll add that in aswell.

29-03-2008, 12:26 PM
I would like to add to that ;) how about some JS? and looking good so far.

Thanks for telling me! I'll include all of them. Rules + Last logins (not like that, but a log) were going to be in it to start with along with alerts, but I like the idea of colour coding so I'll add that in aswell.

Another feature you could have for job applications is that admins can open/close job applications. If it's open then it'll show one page with the form on etc. and if it's closed it'll show a polite message :)

Ideas on how it would work for php coder:
Stored in a row on MySQL database... 1 = open, 2 = closed (something like that)... for the php, if (mysql query database for row jobapps) = 1 { include open.php } else { include closed.php }

Technicalities in above are bad, just something to start with... although probably not needed.

29-03-2008, 12:28 PM
Another feature you could have for job applications is that admins can open/close job applications. If it's open then it'll show one page with the form on etc. and if it's closed it'll show a polite message :)

Ideas on how it would work for php coder:
Stored in a row on MySQL database... 1 = open, 2 = closed (something like that)... for the php, if (mysql query database for row jobapps) = 1 { include open.php } else { include closed.php }

Technicalities in above are bad, just something to start with... although probably not needed.
I am sure Dan can code it his-self :P

29-03-2008, 12:32 PM
I am sure Dan can code it his-self :P

Me too, but I'm bored. :rolleyes:

Agnostic Bear
29-03-2008, 12:32 PM
I'll just make it as a plugin lol >.>

29-03-2008, 05:24 PM
How do you make plugins, I was told you need to create a platform for them first. I'm stumped.

29-03-2008, 05:25 PM
How do you make plugins, I was told you need to create a platform for them first. I'm stumped.
Plugins have nothing to do with a "platform".. well.. it depends on what you are doing (IE: Facebook Development Platform), that allows other users to integrate and connect in with facebook and develop things.

29-03-2008, 05:50 PM
And Zedtu platform as you told me yesterday.

I personally just want like a way I can type up a php script: .rar/.zip it, login to a clients backend on the prebuilt account and install it through the web..

29-03-2008, 05:52 PM
Why would they want you to install it, it should be easy enough for them to do it themselves.

29-03-2008, 05:52 PM
Ok, that way then.

29-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Another feature you could have for job applications is that admins can open/close job applications. If it's open then it'll show one page with the form on etc. and if it's closed it'll show a polite message :)

Ideas on how it would work for php coder:
Stored in a row on MySQL database... 1 = open, 2 = closed (something like that)... for the php, if (mysql query database for row jobapps) = 1 { include open.php } else { include closed.php }

Technicalities in above are bad, just something to start with... although probably not needed.

I allready coded a system for that :P

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