View Full Version : Stupid Habbo X's!

01-04-2008, 03:38 PM
This aint really news but the 'Gladiator Entrance' was full within a second.
31/20 People in the room, I think its ridiculous how Habbo X's get to enter every competition.

(This isn't aimed at every Habbo X but alot of them are greedy)

Thread moved from Uk news and rumours by --ss-- (Forum Super Moderator): This isn't exactly counted as news ;).

01-04-2008, 03:43 PM
I completely agree with you.

It was the same with the Habborella things.

Its gunna be like it EVERY competiton >.<

01-04-2008, 03:44 PM
Tbh, X's should not overload the room.
They should wait.
Most of the X's don't even do their jobs.
They just stand around thinking they are the best.

01-04-2008, 03:48 PM
I think that X's should only have the over-ride for the Welcome Lounge's.

01-04-2008, 03:49 PM
I'm not usually one to moan about X's because they do a voluntary job to help Habbo's. However, when I went to the welcome lounges and saw only one Habbo X, there are at least 10 online. I know they don't have to live there but it would be nice if there was one in each room with over 8000 users on. I struggle to see why they need this anymore seeing as there are three welcome lounges which are never full anyway, absolutely ridiculous.

01-04-2008, 03:54 PM
Ewww at the Welcome Lounge.

01-04-2008, 03:54 PM
All habbo X's were asked to reload the room before entering the Gladiator event.

Fair :)

01-04-2008, 03:55 PM
lol @ 2 x's sticking up :) obviously you think its fair, tbh I aint picking an argument but john and dan your hardly helping habbos.

Judge Judy
01-04-2008, 03:57 PM
A nice little protest in Hallway I just for you! :P

01-04-2008, 03:57 PM
lol @ 2 x's sticking up :) obviously you think its fair, tbh I aint picking an argument but john and dan your hardly helping habbos.

Been doing it most of today thanks Dan.

01-04-2008, 03:57 PM
lol @ 2 x's sticking up :) obviously you think its fair, tbh I aint picking an argument but john and dan your hardly helping habbos.

Well, I am in the Welcome Lounge so I would say I am ;)

01-04-2008, 03:58 PM
Only because all the crap has begun and Habbo X's aren't 'famous Habbos' considering
alot of you walk around like you are, this isn't AIMED at you John considering I like you
but alot of Habbo X's only applied for the over-ride power.

EDIT: Boxiel just blocked me from msn and removed me from Habbo for making this thread -BRB CRYIN

01-04-2008, 04:00 PM
Well, I am in the Welcome Lounge so I would say I am ;)

Not singling you out John because you know I have a lot of respect for you. However, you weren't in the welcome lounge when all this happened.

EDIT: Boxiel just blocked me from msn and removed me from Habbo for making this thread -BRB CRYIN

Maturity always wins... :rolleyes: Easy way to avoid the truth I suppose.

01-04-2008, 04:03 PM
I was in there earlier Jake. X's Don't need to be in the Welcome Lounge all the time do they.

01-04-2008, 04:05 PM
Can i ask why you actullay need the over-ride tool?

01-04-2008, 04:06 PM
I was in there earlier Jake. X's Don't need to be in the Welcome Lounge all the time do they.

If you managed to read my earlier post I stated quite clearly I don't expect them to be in there 24/7 i've always found reading helps on forums :).

01-04-2008, 04:06 PM
I support whatever John says ;)

01-04-2008, 04:07 PM
Can i ask why you actullay need the over-ride tool?

They dont :S

01-04-2008, 04:09 PM
Can i ask why you actullay need the over-ride tool?
They only need it for Welcome Lounges tbh, most of them abuse it.
Dragon-Nccb is an amazing X!!!!!!

01-04-2008, 04:09 PM
They dont :S
Yeh, I can't think of something they need it for :(

01-04-2008, 04:09 PM
I hadn't a chance to get in tbh ;l
And seeing 31 in a 20 room wasn't helping either

01-04-2008, 04:09 PM
They only need it for Welcome Lounges tbh, most of them abuse it.
Dragon-Nccb is an amazing X!!!!!!

They don't really need it now for the welcome lounge either
now theres 3 theres no problem

it wouldn't hurt queuing a few seconds either

01-04-2008, 04:09 PM
I can't believe people waste their time flooding **** like that

01-04-2008, 04:10 PM
To be honest, just to let you all know.

They all overrid the room limit today and Lost said TODAY only for todays comp to make it fair. Otherwise X's will never be able to participate in any competitions tbh cuz everyone will just flame them whenever they enter a competition.

ANDDD They x's HAD to let normal habbos go first

01-04-2008, 04:10 PM
Not reading the whole thread but..

Lost said that the limit is meant to be 20 and not 29 (as it were when the X's entered) And that he would let it slide today but tomorrow it will stay at 20

01-04-2008, 04:11 PM
To be honest, just to let you all know.

They all overrid the room limit today and Lost said TODAY only for todays comp to make it fair. Otherwise X's will never be able to participate in any competitions tbh cuz everyone will just flame them whenever they enter a competition.

ANDDD They x's HAD to let normal habbos go first
even over-riding after room full that prevented from people who didnt get
in the first time from DEFFINATELY getting in.

01-04-2008, 04:15 PM
The room being 31/20 is a bit outrageous.

01-04-2008, 04:15 PM
I find it quite incredible that it was over-filled within 1 second...

I love what X's do (most of them, anyway) and I greatly value their help in the hotel. However, I don't like how X's have override power. I don't think that it's fair for regular habbos, nor do I think it's fair for the X's. They are obviously getting a lot of grief for something that they can't really help. Sure, they could go on another account but that's no fun. When you create a habbo, you really want to be able to use your habbo. They could wait until the room is completely full and then go in, but in some cases that's not completely fair to them either because then they may not get a chance to play in a competition or game simply because they had to wait.

I think the override is unfair for both sides, really.

01-04-2008, 04:16 PM
If you managed to read my earlier post I stated quite clearly I don't expect them to be in there 24/7 i've always found reading helps on forums :).

Eww Reading! :( But yeh, ok Jake fair duesss! TBH, X's do need Over-ride for many reasons. If we were hosting an event, and D/ced, then people would think we were scamming. Also, I might go in there for the 2nd game if it hasn't started already. If its already full I will leave.

01-04-2008, 04:16 PM
(copied and pasted this from my post on CHF)
Right, this is totally hacked me off (once again) so here's my rant.

Rants of this form are getting completely boring. Every hotel-wide event that happens, some immature kid gets upset that he cannot get into the room to win his/her favourite furni or badge so decides to gather some friends and start a protest about matters that are completely out of their control and, to be fair, tend to have no effect on whatsoever.

First of all, X's have no control over the room over-ride feature. What do you expect, for them to sit out of all the hotel events just so spoilt kids can have a go? No. That would be the least logical thing to do. You're also forgetting that the room isn't full of X's, infact X's reload the room specifically so that people can get in; hence why events like these tend to accumulate generally a dozen more members than the room allowance.

I also noticed that in this particular protest, some people were saying "kill all X's" or "to hell with X's" - what the hell? How completely inappropriate, unnecessary and uncalled for is that? The only job of an X is to help new users which shouldn't concern anyone else in the slightest. I also bet that most of the people saying these things failed Round 1 of the last application process.

Speaking as an international X myself I'm glad that my (other) hotel doesn't have this problem on quite the same scale as the UK hotel. However I will say this - X's are regular people and have the right to participate in community events. I just saw someone (not to name anyone in particular) saying "Stop X's getting into events its selfish let us have a go" - I'm sorry but am I the only one who doesn't think that sentance screams irony from the offset?

I rest my case.

01-04-2008, 04:18 PM
Eww Reading! :( But yeh, ok Jake fair duesss! TBH, X's do need Over-ride for many reasons. If we were hosting an event, and D/ced, then people would think we were scamming. Also, I might go in there for the 2nd game if it hasn't started already. If its already full I will leave.

what and its ok if a normal habbo d.c's and cant get in and everybody calls him/her a scammer?

01-04-2008, 04:19 PM
Rants of this form are getting completely boring. Every hotel-wide event that happens, some immature kid gets upset that he cannot get into the room to win his/her favourite furni or badge so decides to gather some friends and start a protest about matters that are completely out of their control and, to be fair, tend to have no effect on whatsoever.

I rest my case.

I love you, well said.

01-04-2008, 04:21 PM
(copied and pasted this from my post on CHF)

I also noticed that in this particular protest, some people were saying "kill all X's" or "to hell with X's" - what the hell? How completely inappropriate, unnecessary and uncalled for is that? The only job of an X is to help new users which shouldn't concern anyone else in the slightest. I also bet that most of the people saying these things failed Round 1 of the last application process.

I agree with you on your post, except for the last sentence of this paragraph. I don't think that you have anything to base this statement on and it really isn't fair for you to judge people. Also, even if people did fail on an application process, that really doesn't have much to do with this. Up until this sentence I thought you were doing a very good job at making your case.

In addition to my previous post, I'm finding that many people are wanting to apply to be X's now just so that they can have the override feature. It seems like the idea of X's is starting to become corrupt.

01-04-2008, 04:22 PM
(copied and pasted this from my post on CHF)
Right, this is totally hacked me off (once again) so here's my rant.

Rants of this form are getting completely boring. Every hotel-wide event that happens, some immature kid gets upset that he cannot get into the room to win his/her favourite furni or badge so decides to gather some friends and start a protest about matters that are completely out of their control and, to be fair, tend to have no effect on whatsoever.

First of all, X's have no control over the room over-ride feature. What do you expect, for them to sit out of all the hotel events just so spoilt kids can have a go? No. That would be the least logical thing to do. You're also forgetting that the room isn't full of X's, infact X's reload the room specifically so that people can get in; hence why events like these tend to accumulate generally a dozen more members than the room allowance.

I also noticed that in this particular protest, some people were saying "kill all X's" or "to hell with X's" - what the hell? How completely inappropriate, unnecessary and uncalled for is that? The only job of an X is to help new users which shouldn't concern anyone else in the slightest. I also bet that most of the people saying these things failed Round 1 of the last application process.

Speaking as an international X myself I'm glad that my (other) hotel doesn't have this problem on quite the same scale as the UK hotel. However I will say this - X's are regular people and have the right to participate in community events. I just saw someone (not to name anyone in particular) saying "Stop X's getting into events its selfish let us have a go" - I'm sorry but am I the only one who doesn't think that sentance screams irony from the offset?

I rest my case.

I can see where you are coming from but personally from my opinion alot of Habbo eXperts especially off the UK Hotel don't even do there job properly. I can name about 2 Habbo X's who do there job properly 'Dragon-nccb' being one of them, shes an amazing X and I wouldn't wish anything bad to ever happen to her.

But therefore people like 'Boxiel' just likes to abuse his X Over-ride and attend every single community event which is uncalled for? He could attend a couple of events doesn't necosaraley mean every SINGLE event.

Habbo suckups who say 'Habbo X's came in after the room was full' Ye well that still prevents people who have been ATTEMPTING to get in for the past 10 MINUTES, with 30/20 in the room they have no chance in hell!

I think the PROTEST is uncalled for, but Habbos want to get there point across, protesting isnt the correct way but hey!

01-04-2008, 04:22 PM
what and its ok if a normal habbo d.c's and cant get in and everybody calls him/her a scammer?

People go into an X event thinking its safe, and therefore it needs to be.

01-04-2008, 04:24 PM
lol I didn't think it would become that big... I stalked my friend and there were only like 3 people in there when I first went in. didn't think it'd become a riot! I left shortly after...

01-04-2008, 04:28 PM
I agree with you on your post, except for the last sentence of this paragraph. I don't think that you have anything to base this statement on and it really isn't fair for you to judge people. Also, even if people did fail on an application process, that really doesn't have much to do with this. Up until this sentence I thought you were doing a very good job at making your case.
Regardless of how unfair it may seem, I still support my reasoning for saying it. There are thousands of X applications per each recruitment drive and this fact alone will suggest that the majority will have applied (and been rejected) as a Habbo X at least once - I'm pretty sure that's something you simply can't disagree with.

In addition to my previous post, I'm finding that many people are wanting to apply to be X's now just so that they can have the override feature. It seems like the idea of X's is starting to become corrupt.
I do, however, agree with you and everyone else who says this. On quieter hotels I must admit that the knowledge of X "bonuses" is far less so there many more genuine candidates however on the UK hotel it appears as though very little about the X team is kept private. I personally feel that X over-ride capabilities should be limited to certain areas so as to make sure it is not abused (consciously or not). But even then this may not even be necessary - I just think that at the end of the day, if there are people abusing the responsibility for its "bonuses", they ought to be weeded out and the recruitment process re-written so as to prevent or reduce as many "false applicants" succeeding as possible..

01-04-2008, 04:31 PM
(copied and pasted this from my post on CHF)
Right, this is totally hacked me off (once again) so here's my rant.

Rants of this form are getting completely boring. Every hotel-wide event that happens, some immature kid gets upset that he cannot get into the room to win his/her favourite furni or badge so decides to gather some friends and start a protest about matters that are completely out of their control and, to be fair, tend to have no effect on whatsoever.

It's quite clear that the majority of the people in the hallway were joking, of course you're going to get some people who are annoyed but surely you must be used to that if you're such an experienced player. For the people in the hallway that were being serious, what do you expect? How else do you suggest they ventilate their annoyance, people have and always will start a protest.

First of all, X's have no control over the room over-ride feature. What do you expect, for them to sit out of all the hotel events just so spoilt kids can have a go? No. That would be the least logical thing to do. You're also forgetting that the room isn't full of X's, infact X's reload the room specifically so that people can get in; hence why events like these tend to accumulate generally a dozen more members than the room allowance.Yeah, I think the majority of people realise this. However, when all three welcome lounges had one eXpert in altogether and a good number of x's in the room it does make you wonder. I agree that they can't really help it but then I wonder why do they really need the feature of room over-ride. I remember asking a staff member once and they informed me that fundamental reason for this feature was that all eXpert's could get into the welcome lounge when they desired. However, now there are three welcome lounges then that reason is no longer valid because never have all three of them been full, never.

I also noticed that in this particular protest, some people were saying "kill all X's" or "to hell with X's" - what the hell? How completely inappropriate, unnecessary and uncalled for is that? The only job of an X is to help new users which shouldn't concern anyone else in the slightest. I also bet that most of the people saying these things failed Round 1 of the last application process.One I thing I do agree with you on. The people shouting these complete unnecessary and harsh statements clearly have a very low level of intelligence. Then you realise that they're angry teens and clearly incompetent and you find yourself pitying them.

01-04-2008, 04:31 PM
i dont think its fair for X's to be able to do that.

01-04-2008, 04:33 PM
Regardless of how unfair it may seem, I still support my reasoning for saying it. There are thousands of X applications per each recruitment drive and this fact alone will suggest that the majority will have applied (and been rejected) as a Habbo X at least once - I'm pretty sure that's something you simply can't disagree with.

I do, however, agree with you and everyone else who says this. On quieter hotels I must admit that the knowledge of X "bonuses" is far less so there many more genuine candidates however on the UK hotel it appears as though very little about the X team is kept private. I personally feel that X over-ride capabilities should be limited to certain areas so as to make sure it is not abused (consciously or not). But even then this may not even be necessary - I just think that at the end of the day, if there are people abusing the responsibility for its "bonuses", they ought to be weeded out and the recruitment process re-written so as to prevent or reduce as many "false applicants" succeeding as possible..

Well said!

I remember back during the RAF4U events when I got a VIP badge for being a JENOVA team leader, we were told not to enter events until after the room count was completely full. And we abided by this because we knew it was unfair. I know that some X's abide by this, and I wish that more would do the same.

But on the other hand, it's really not fair for someone who wants to participate in an event to have to wait just because they are granted override, and then risk not being able to participate.

01-04-2008, 04:34 PM
I used to love ranting on about how Habbo X's are such a bad idea, and in fact I'd rather have them without even a badge. It's all about power when it comes to most Habbo X's, and I know it gives them some sort of feeling that they're superior to everyone else. I've seen it again and again and again. I'm not going to say much else about it, because I can't be assed arguing about something which will never change.

It's not Sulake's problem, it's working for them at the moment. There's no security risk in it, and eventually it all dies down again. Just argue about it really, but you won't get far unless you actually tell someone who cares. Every Hotel Manager employed by Sulake would be a start, and then forwarding it to Sulake HQ along with a request of all HM's to forward it to Sulake HQ would be a nice little thought.

I'm sure there's one sadact on this forum who has a collection of Habbo emails.

01-04-2008, 04:38 PM
It's quite clear that the majority of the people in the hallway were joking, of course you're going to get some people who are annoyed but surely you must be used to that if you're such an experienced player. For the people in the hallway that were being serious, what do you expect? How else do you suggest they ventilate their annoyance, people have and always will start a protest.
You say majority however when I was in the room at one particular time it was literally most of the room shouting the odds, swearing and whatever which doesn't suggest joking to me.. lol.

Yeah, I think the majority of people realise this. However, when all three welcome lounges had one eXpert in altogether and a good number of x's in the room it does make you wonder.
Keep in mind that X's dont need to dedicate all of their time to X'ing and the specifically the ones I know do spend their first 15 minutes in the welcome lounge.

01-04-2008, 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Scandinavia
Rants of this form are getting completely boring. Every hotel-wide event that happens, some immature kid gets upset that he cannot get into the room to win his/her favourite furni or badge so decides to gather some friends and start a protest about matters that are completely out of their control and, to be fair, tend to have no effect on whatsoever.

I rest my case

but you obviously want to win one of the badges otherwise u wouldnt be trying to get in or w.e would you ?

01-04-2008, 04:40 PM
but you obviously want to win one of the badges otherwise u wouldnt be trying to get in or w.e would you ?

out of what little sense I made of that; assuming you mean specifically me then no, i wasnt trying to get in the room at all :S

01-04-2008, 04:42 PM
out of what little sense I made of that; assuming you mean specifically me then no, i wasnt trying to get in the room at all :S

sorry, i didnt mean to quote you... i was meaning the x's obviously wanted a badge otherwise they wouldnt be using there powers to try and get one ?

i didnt mean you Scandinavia

01-04-2008, 04:44 PM
Well said!

I remember back during the RAF4U events when I got a VIP badge for being a JENOVA team leader, we were told not to enter events until after the room count was completely full. And we abided by this because we knew it was unfair. I know that some X's abide by this, and I wish that more would do the same.

But on the other hand, it's really not fair for someone who wants to participate in an event to have to wait just because they are granted override, and then risk not being able to participate.

They do reload the room periodically and then people complain the room is over the limit? :S

They just can't win!

01-04-2008, 04:45 PM
I agree. There is no winning :)

P.S: Having Riots won't have any effect. X's are a Global Sulake issue, not the UK Office.

01-04-2008, 04:45 PM
sorry, i didnt mean to quote you... i was meaning the x's obviously wanted a badge otherwise they wouldnt be using there powers to try and get one ?

i didnt mean you Scandinavia

oh lol okay my bad.
well yes, obviously they want a badge but you cant really deny them he right to compete :S

01-04-2008, 04:46 PM
All habbo X's were asked to reload the room before entering the Gladiator event.

Fair :)

it is not fair, yes you should be able to go to events like everyone else but you should not be able to use override for events! If you wana go to en event go early like everyone else or dont go at all

Xs can and do go to every habbo event! why? because they are always able to get in, whereas normal habbos queue for over an hour to get in events! totally unfair

Xs should not have override in public rooms, yes i know some of you do X events but you can always be given a vip badge for that one event as they are very rare

01-04-2008, 04:48 PM
VIP Badges have other powers as well as Room Overide ;)

01-04-2008, 04:48 PM
it is not fair, yes you should be able to go to events like everyone else but you should not be able to use override for events! If you wana go to en event go early like everyone else or dont go at all

Xs can and do go to every habbo event! why? because they are always able to get in, whereas normal habbos queue for over an hour to get in events! totally unfair

Xs should not have override in public rooms, yes i know some of you do X events but you can always be given a vip badge for that one event as they are very rare

It's not possible just to give a user Room overide in Public Rooms. If they get overide it's across the whole hotel.

01-04-2008, 04:49 PM
I agree. There is no winning :)

P.S: Having Riots won't have any effect. X's are a Global Sulake issue, not the UK Office.

Heh, exactly my point.

I guess no-one pays attention to a reccomendation from me. I've been ranting on about Habbo X's enough to know when to quit, and when to do something which will have an effect. eejits.

01-04-2008, 04:50 PM
VIP Badges have other powers as well as Room Overide ;)

so? its not like normal habbos haven't had them before, pixel maze for instance

It's not possible just to give a user Room overide in Public Rooms. If they get overide it's across the whole hotel.

im sure it could be made possible

01-04-2008, 04:50 PM
They do abuse their powers.

01-04-2008, 04:52 PM
You say majority however when I was in the room at one particular time it was literally most of the room shouting the odds, swearing and whatever which doesn't suggest joking to me.. lol.

You obviously were in there at a different time to me then. When it started it was mostly people joking.

Keep in mind that X's dont need to dedicate all of their time to X'ing and the specifically the ones I know do spend their first 15 minutes in the welcome lounge.

Yeah but for the amount of users online and the amount of Habbo eXperts there are I expect more then one in there.

Virgin Mary
01-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Most UK Xs are stupid anyway. Everyone knows that, they talk about it on the X forums. If Xs only existed on the UK hotel the whole program would probably be gone by now.

01-04-2008, 04:54 PM
I think that X's should only have the over-ride for the Welcome Lounge's.

I don't even think that they need an over-ride, sure theirs 3 welcome lounges, and now they'res always room.

I wouldn't mind if Habbox's had gotten their BEFORE the 20/20 limit was their, but then all of a sudden at least 9 of them where in (not including L_W). Perhaps they're override should be removed?

01-04-2008, 04:57 PM
I don't even think that they need an over-ride, sure theirs 3 welcome lounges, and now they'res always room.

I wouldn't mind if Habbox's had gotten their BEFORE the 20/20 limit was their, but then all of a sudden at least 9 of them where in (not including L_W). Perhaps they're override should be removed?
I agree, When do you ever see 41/40 in the welcome lounge's?

01-04-2008, 05:01 PM
I don't even think that they need an over-ride, sure theirs 3 welcome lounges, and now they'res always room.

I wouldn't mind if Habbox's had gotten their BEFORE the 20/20 limit was their, but then all of a sudden at least 9 of them where in (not including L_W). Perhaps they're override should be removed?

The room gest flooded so quickly, that it is hard to tell if you do get there before or after.

01-04-2008, 05:03 PM
The room gest flooded so quickly, that it is hard to tell if you do get there before or after.

I know, but then the powers should be removed. Honestly, have you seen all 3 Welcome lounges full? And if the power's where removed and they got filled, habbo can just add more. That was most habbos'll be happy

01-04-2008, 05:07 PM
lets look at this logically, who can make a list of WHY they need override in the first place? the rooms in which they are supposed to help are never full.. so i cant think of any

if there are no real reasons they shouldn't have it

obviously all the Xs will post "we need it for X events" but im sure habbo could give a badge override permissions for 1 or 2 hours like with the pixel maze

01-04-2008, 05:13 PM
lets look at this logically, who can make a list of WHY they need override in the first place? the rooms in which they are supposed to help are never full.. so i cant think of any

if there are no real reasons they shouldn't have it

obviously all the Xs will post "we need it for X events" but im sure habbo could give a badge override permissions for 1 or 2 hours like with the pixel maze

OR habboX's can just be more orginised and be their several minutes before people start to come.

01-04-2008, 05:16 PM
Its true some of us can't even enter the event, not that I enter any.

01-04-2008, 05:17 PM
Its true some of us can't even enter the event, not that I enter any.
I know but before (unless your talking about the HabboX events :P) habboX's came it was a 'battle of the fastest' and most of us can't get in, but without the powers of room override more people will have the oppertunity

01-04-2008, 05:46 PM
To be fair to them though even if they aren't in the first 20/25 or whatever the room limit is set to, they're not going to know that until they're in the room. I think that's what happens more often than not. I don't think there are any X's that are just in it for the room over-ride for those of you who said that but I do think without it people wouldn't be so interested.

01-04-2008, 06:18 PM
OR habboX's can just be more orginised and be their several minutes before people start to come.

The problem with that is Xs would take the majority of the space and that leaves little space for other habbos to get into the room.

01-04-2008, 06:57 PM
The problem with that is Xs would take the majority of the space and that leaves little space for other habbos to get into the room.
That could be true, but most of the time an X is their before the people are there. So sometimes i makes no difference.

I doon't mind the X's having the power, but what annoys me is that they abuse it.

01-04-2008, 08:08 PM
i missed what happened, was out :P

01-04-2008, 08:11 PM
A nice little protest in Hallway I just for you! :P

How sad.

01-04-2008, 08:14 PM
That could be true, but most of the time an X is their before the people are there. So sometimes i makes no difference.

I doon't mind the X's having the power, but what annoys me is that they abuse it.

The fact that people are using 31/20 as proof that X's are 'abusing' the Override is totally moronic.
Habbo X's only overspill the limit if the room is full already.
For all you know, 20 normal habbos got in, then 11 Habbo X's went in.

The habbo x's always reload to make sure normal habbo's can get in.

At the end of the day, if an X wants to do a competition, what right have you got to say otherwise?
If there was no override, but people still didnt get into rooms, theyd only complain that there wasnt enough room, or that the room size could have been made bigger, or not enough events were organised.

X's are just your scape goats atm.
Tbh give them a break?

01-04-2008, 08:19 PM
X's only do it for power and badge.

01-04-2008, 08:20 PM
It's get down right crazy at times, but if I were an X I'd probably want that for at least helping out Habbo. They often refresh the room to let more people in. I noticed that it's the same few that actually help others, but some also just wants the badge.

01-04-2008, 08:21 PM
They shouldn't be allowed in any events because.

25/25 room.

If 31/25 means. If a normal habbo leaves they no normal habbos can reenter till 11 X's have left which never happerns.

01-04-2008, 08:21 PM
Ooer, been out all day so haven't seen this thread nor the event that actually took place, was it the gladiators one?

Right, forgive me if I repeat anything but reading seven pages of long explanations is too boring for me ;)

Ok, Xs do need override in both guest and public rooms for the simple fact that we need to get into full rooms, numerous reasons why and I won't bore you like 5 year olds in listing them.

Yes, 11 Xs is quite a lot, but with about 67 Xs on the current UK X Team, you expect us to all sit out of every single event meaning we can no longer be part of a Habbo community?

Meh... And keep this thread nice and civilised? :)

01-04-2008, 08:22 PM
From what i have seen, alot of the X's on the team shouldn't be there. It's falling anyway....

01-04-2008, 08:35 PM
The fact that people are using 31/20 as proof that X's are 'abusing' the Override is totally moronic.
Habbo X's only overspill the limit if the room is full already.
For all you know, 20 normal habbos got in, then 11 Habbo X's went in
but its still proof 11 habbo Xs used override to get in? :S

The habbo x's always reload to make sure normal habbo's can get in.

yes they can, and most do! but that makes the room more laggy and more people D/C! not a problem to an X cos you can get back in.. but normal habbos cant

At the end of the day, if an X wants to do a competition, what right have you got to say otherwise?

no one is saying they shouldn't be allowed to participate, X management have always said habbo Xs are normal habbos, but most habbos dont have the chance to get in to every single event because they have to worry about the room limit

the real problem i think is not that a habbo X uses override to get in to the odd event, its the fact alot of them go to every single event

X's are just your scape goats atm.
Tbh give them a break?

they are not scapegoats, moderators are the habbo scapegoats because most habbos blame them for everything

Xs bring it on themselves, most if not all of them know its an unfair privilege they have being able to get in to full rooms and events at will, and that is abused so obviously Xs need to be prepared to deal with the consequences

X's only do it for power and badge.

an unfair generalization! yes some do but some are an X because they like helping and meeting new people

Ok, Xs do need override in both guest and public rooms for the simple fact that we need to get into full rooms, numerous reasons why and I won't bore you like 5 year olds in listing them.

please do bore me with the reasons why, because frankly i cant think of any room you need permanent room override in, maybe the welcome lounges and safety spa but as they're never full its hardly a necessity

01-04-2008, 08:42 PM
Habbo X's should have no override feature - if it is necessary, add it for the welcome lounge only.

If a Habbo X abuses their override feature, they should be fired and that is the end of that. If Habbo staff choose not to take this matter seriously then I won't be surprized if people stopped participating in events or started to quit.

- Yes, I have read over 95% of the thread -

01-04-2008, 08:44 PM
Habbo X's should have no override feature - if it is necessary, add it for the welcome lounge only.

If a Habbo X abuses their override feature, they should be fired and that is the end of that. If Habbo staff choose not to take this matter seriously then I won't be surprized if people stopped participating in events or started to quit.

- Yes, I have read over 95% of the thread -

There is no current feature to make override available for just one room or for just public/guest rooms only.

01-04-2008, 08:54 PM
There is no current feature to make override available for just one room or for just public/guest rooms only.
Why is that they can code room ban, etc. but not a simple script to enable room override for one room for someone who has an X badge?

01-04-2008, 08:55 PM
I'd be happy to bring the hobba system back.

At least then we don't get 70 odd stuck up older teenagers/adults.

01-04-2008, 08:59 PM
There is no current feature to make override available for just one room or for just public/guest rooms only.

this is the internet, most things are possible

-waits for the many reasons about why you need override- :rolleyes:

01-04-2008, 09:01 PM
Why is that they can code room ban, etc. but not a simple script to enable room override for one room for someone who has an X badge?

I'm sure they could code it, but as for now, they haven't.

01-04-2008, 09:09 PM
This arguement gets me everytime, usually I just read the forums and move on.

It's obvious no one on this board is going to change anyones mind on this subject. Habbo X's have had room over-ride since their beginning, riots in the welcome lounge aren't going to change that. What does Habbo Staff care if people are flooding text in one of their rooms? The fact of the matter is X's have it for a reason, no matter how much bickering goes on, nothing is going to change that. FACT.

01-04-2008, 09:10 PM
i take it you where lying about having any reasons as to why you need over ride? iv asked twice now and still you dont post them :rolleyes:

Ok, Xs do need override in both guest and public rooms for the simple fact that we need to get into full rooms, numerous reasons why and I won't bore you like 5 year olds in listing them.

01-04-2008, 09:13 PM
i take it you where lying about having any reasons as to why you need over ride? iv asked twice now and still you dont post them :rolleyes:

Lying? Where have I lied? I just don't want to treat you like 5 year olds by listing all the reasons of why we need them... As I said in my first post :)

Unless you want to hear them all over again?

01-04-2008, 09:14 PM
I'm sure they could code it, but as for now, they haven't.
By having it, wouldn't all this riot and crap be behind us now?

01-04-2008, 09:15 PM
Lying? Where have I lied? I just don't want to treat you like 5 year olds by listing all the reasons of why we need them... As I said in my first post :)

Unless you want to hear them all over again?

i have said in numerous posts i would like a list of reasons as to why you need them

then we can this debate to a new level or leave it be depending on your answers :D

01-04-2008, 09:17 PM
Is it true that Habbo X's are only surpose to wear there badge in Welcome Lounge etc..? Not in private rooms?

01-04-2008, 09:19 PM
Yes because you only go there because you know your guaranteed a spot, when we see the h/a its unlikely we get a spot. So maybe you should all get a bum group and host your own and do events for you X's.
If you wanna do normal events. Drop the X badge. And help without a badge.

Ooer, been out all day so haven't seen this thread nor the event that actually took place, was it the gladiators one?

Right, forgive me if I repeat anything but reading seven pages of long explanations is too boring for me ;)

Ok, Xs do need override in both guest and public rooms for the simple fact that we need to get into full rooms, numerous reasons why and I won't bore you like 5 year olds in listing them.

Yes, 11 Xs is quite a lot, but with about 67 Xs on the current UK X Team, you expect us to all sit out of every single event meaning we can no longer be part of a Habbo community?

Meh... And keep this thread nice and civilised? :)

01-04-2008, 09:19 PM
By having it, wouldn't all this riot and crap be behind us now?

Yeah it would be, or it could be easier to get everyone to accept it like they have done for the past 28 months :rolleyes:

i have said in numerous posts i would like a list of reasons as to why you need them

then we can this debate to a new level or leave it be depending on your answers :D

Okay. Why Xs need over ride:

First of all, we need it so we can get into the Welcome Lounge, Safety Spa and Gaming rooms when Xing :) We also need it when Xs hold official events in the gaming rooms, such as gaming month in March. (Hotel alert went out and the room was full in seconds.)

The same goes for Xs hosting Infobus sessions in the Habbo Gardens :)

We need it for guest rooms if we have X get togethers (In which there will be more than 50 of us...) aswell as X Events within guest rooms...

That enough?

Regarding Cavaz; Xs do do XEvents and for Jack, Xs are NOT allowed to wear X Badges in Help Desks or gaming events where it's not an official X Event :)

01-04-2008, 09:22 PM
Its only a badge. You shouldn't be allowed in any events. Its only a badge as you say. So lose it and then you can participate.

I see more Habbos without the X badge helping that the X's. All they do is try attract attention to get Habbos surrounding them.

01-04-2008, 09:31 PM
Okay. Why Xs need over ride:

First of all, we need it so we can get into the Welcome Lounge, Safety Spa and Gaming rooms when Xing :) We also need it when Xs hold official events in the gaming rooms, such as gaming month in March. (Hotel alert went out and the room was full in seconds.)

The same goes for Xs hosting Infobus sessions in the Habbo Gardens :)

We need it for guest rooms if we have X get togethers (In which there will be more than 50 of us...) aswell as X Events within guest rooms...

That enough?

i agree you need room override for events such as games, infobus sessions etc but i do not agree you need permanent room override for them!

as for the welcome lounge and safety spa, i have never seen the safety spa full unless there is a event in there and now that there are three welcome lounges i think it absurd you still think you need override to get in!

01-04-2008, 09:36 PM
i agree you need room override for events such as games, infobus sessions etc but i do not agree you need permanent room override for them!

as for the welcome lounge and safety spa, i have never seen the safety spa full unless there is a event in there and now that there are three welcome lounges i think it absurd you still think you need override to get in!

I've seen both the welcome lounge and safety spa full :)

And with override, it's with the badge. Meaning if you have the badge you have the override. Meaning that you wan us to not have override at certain times (Such as this gladiator event) then that means no Xs can have override at that time whatsoever...

And I think you'll find at the same time as that event an X Infobus was going on... meaning that couldn't have taken place.

To make us not have override at certain times would mean removing the X badge from each X :)

And at Cavaz, of course you'll see more Non-Xs helping.

There's 67 Xs, how many non-Xs? Thousands.

01-04-2008, 09:44 PM
I've seen both the welcome lounge and safety spa full :)

And with override, it's with the badge. Meaning if you have the badge you have the override. Meaning that you wan us to not have override at certain times (Such as this gladiator event) then that means no Xs can have override at that time whatsoever...

And I think you'll find at the same time as that event an X Infobus was going on... meaning that couldn't have taken place.

To make us not have override at certain times would mean removing the X badge from each X :)

And at Cavaz, of course you'll see more Non-Xs helping.

There's 67 Xs, how many non-Xs? Thousands.

lol i actually meant take override away completely on the X badge and when you need room override for an event or game simply post on the x forum and they could give you a vip badge for an hour or so

01-04-2008, 09:46 PM
lol i actually meant take override away completely on the X badge and when you need room override for an event or game simply post on the x forum and they could give you a vip badge for an hour or so

So wait... You don't want us to have override? But you're happy letting us have override and the anti-kick ability for a few hours?

Surely that would make things even worse? :rolleyes:

And Xs can and have hosted events at 9pm onwards, I'm not sure staff would like to add and remove badges at that time and beyond.

01-04-2008, 09:47 PM
Can't you see why we're angry?
Event after event after event HabboX's have flooded the room, filling it at least by a quater when people try they're hardest to get into this room, all you X's have to do is click 'Go' and your in. Like for example, do you's even play the game? In the Habborella the majority of X's just went visiting room to room, taking up a somewhat valuable space of another habbo.
And how often does an event come along where you could get ANY badge?
You'll probably say you want the badge to but fair enough, you have one of the valuablest badges AND powers that a normal habbo could want (after Staff)

Afterall now-a-days, their is 3 welcome lounges and from what I've seen (after about 1 week of the 3 opening) have not been full, .:. plenty of room for yous. Habbo X events, you could orginise them, normally there's a few X's their to welcome guests and hosts waiting in the room they're hosting in so they hardly need powers when they take up space anyway.
Sorry to X's who didn't 'abuse' powers and did not go to these events, or had no intention to abuse them.

01-04-2008, 09:52 PM
So wait... You don't want us to have override? But you're happy letting us have override and the anti-kick ability for a few hours?

Surely that would make things even worse? :rolleyes:

And Xs can and have hosted events at 9pm onwards, I'm not sure staff would like to add and remove badges at that time and beyond.

if you read my posts properly you would know i have no objection to having override when it is needed, however 95% of the time Xs are on the hotel they do not need it. as for kicking, if your in an X event there is no reason why you should be kicked so why does that matter?

as for the time issue, it wouldn't be hard to give you a vip badge before office hours close and take it away first thing the next morning

that would be better than 24/7 permanent override anyway

01-04-2008, 09:52 PM
Can't you see why we're angry?
Event after event after event HabboX's have flooded the room, filling it at least by a quater when people try they're hardest to get into this room, all you X's have to do is click 'Go' and your in. Like for example, do you's even play the game? In the Habborella the majority of X's just went visiting room to room, taking up a somewhat valuable space of another habbo.
And how often does an event come along where you could get ANY badge?
You'll probably say you want the badge to but fair enough, you have one of the valuablest badges AND powers that a normal habbo could want (after Staff)

Afterall now-a-days, their is 3 welcome lounges and from what I've seen (after about 1 week of the 3 opening) have not been full, .:. plenty of room for yous. Habbo X events, you could orginise them, normally there's a few X's their to welcome guests and hosts waiting in the room they're hosting in so they hardly need powers when they take up space anyway.
Sorry to X's who didn't 'abuse' powers and did not go to these events, or had no intention to abuse them.

You have a right to be angry yes, and if I wasn't an X I'd probably agree with you, but you have to look at it from the Xs point of view aswell. Just because we enjoy helping new habbos we aren't allowed to go to hotel events, celeb visits or enter competitions?

Basically, with every decision there is there will always be someone that doesn't agree with it, and that's just life :)

And about the guest rooms, if an X hosting an event disconnects then we can't get back into the room can we? Not a very good rep for the X Team is it when it looks like an X has scammed a room full of Habbos :)

@ Okeanos read above about the disconnection issue and XEvents.

As for the VIP Badges I think a Habbo having Override and Anti-Kick for Friday 5:30 until Monday 09:00 is much worse than an X having override until they are no longer part of the team.

With override and antikick a Habbo can cause much more disruption... Plus the simple fact that staff no longer like giving VIP Badges out due to the immense power it carries :)

01-04-2008, 10:02 PM
Just because we enjoy helping new habbos we aren't allowed to go to hotel events, celeb visits or enter competitions

i hate it when Xs keep saying this, i have already said i have no problem with Xs going to events, but its not the odd event here and there that bothers me! alot of Xs abuse there override and go to every single event

all things in moderation, sure go to events but dont go to every single one

As for the VIP Badges I think a Habbo having Override and Anti-Kick for Friday 5:30 until Monday 09:00 is much worse than an X having override until they are no longer part of the team.

aren't Xs supposed to be trusted members of the habbo community? so theoretically none of you should abuse that feature :)

With override and antikick a Habbo can cause much more disruption... Plus the simple fact that staff no longer like giving VIP Badges out due to the immense power it carries :)

same as above ;)

01-04-2008, 10:07 PM
i hate it when Xs keep saying this, i have already said i have no problem with Xs going to events, but its not the odd event here and there that bothers me! alot of Xs abuse there override and go to every single event

all things in moderation, sure go to events but dont go to every single one

aren't Xs supposed to be trusted members of the habbo community? so theoretically none of you should abuse that feature :)

same as above ;)

But I thought you said that Xs abuse their override, therefore according to you they'll abuse the override with the VIP Badge?

And as I said, Staff don't like handing out VIP Badges. Look how many badges L_W has given out compared to the amount of VIP Badges Callie gave out :)

Anyway, I'm going to leave this thread since we're just going around in circles and there's been numerous threads and rants like this before and all they do is cause feuds between people.

Ranting on a teenage forum will do nothing, if you want something to be done there's always the HHT to contact staff :)

01-04-2008, 10:15 PM
But I thought you said that Xs abuse their override, therefore according to you they'll abuse the override with the VIP Badge?

And as I said, Staff don't like handing out VIP Badges. Look how many badges L_W has given out compared to the amount of VIP Badges Callie gave out :)

Anyway, I'm going to leave this thread since we're just going around in circles and there's been numerous threads and rants like this before and all they do is cause feuds between people.

Ranting on a teenage forum will do nothing, if you want something to be done there's always the HHT to contact staff :)

im not ranting, im debating!

i said some Xs abuse override, not all! the reason there are so many rants on this particular issue is because habbo ignore it, when we have valid points that need addressing

i love how iv had a few Xs msg me on consol saying nasty things because of my opinions in this thread!

01-04-2008, 10:19 PM
You have a right to be angry yes, and if I wasn't an X I'd probably agree with you, but you have to look at it from the Xs point of view aswell. Just because we enjoy helping new habbos we aren't allowed to go to hotel events, celeb visits or enter competitions?

I didn't say you couldn't, but okay say they're was 2 habbo staff members in that room today, that would mean EIGHT HabboX's where in that room, and from what I had seen did not leave, if you all get into the room with constance clicking - why click for so long, you have override powers and when people notice 8 extra habbos in that room none of the X's have the decency to leave, you may say they refresh - but what helps that doing? They just go back in.

Basically, with every decision there is there will always be someone that doesn't agree with it, and that's just life :)

And about the guest rooms, if an X hosting an event disconnects then we can't get back into the room can we? Not a very good rep for the X Team is it when it looks like an X has scammed a room full of Habbos :)
That is life, but not 'life' when so many people abuse the right of this decision. What about if a habbo in that event disconnects and wants nothing more to get back in? What about event hosted by a popular habbo in someone else's room and they can't get back in?

@ Okeanos read above about the disconnection issue and XEvents.

As for the VIP Badges I think a Habbo having Override and Anti-Kick for Friday 5:30 until Monday 09:00 is much worse than an X having override until they are no longer part of the team.
How many people are VIP? How many are X's?

With override and antikick a Habbo can cause much more disruption... Plus the simple fact that staff no longer like giving VIP Badges out due to the immense power it carries :)

Could do, but once again how many VIP are they're in the hotel that are active?

01-04-2008, 10:20 PM
i love how iv had a few Xs msg me on consol saying nasty things because of my opinions in this thread!

Same, well not all x's but some anyway.

01-04-2008, 10:50 PM
Speaking as an international X myself

So you obviously have a chip on your shoulder and take things too personally. In a couple of months you will wish you didn't write this as it makes you look like an immature child who rose to the bait.

I rest my case.


01-04-2008, 11:16 PM
Hmmm... well I do agree that the over ride privilege is more of a privilege than it is an essential. They should either be allowed to keep it, and not be permitted entering events or the privilege should be revoked, and they should be allowed doing events. Having 31/20 users in a room, and one X in the welcome lounge is rather ridiculous.

But I do applaud Sulake on forming a group of users with the single purpose of helping other users. I think that if they're helping people that's good. But I think the requirements of an X's job should be risen. Perhaps they should be required to be in the Welcome Lounge at least 2 hours a day they're active or something.

01-04-2008, 11:51 PM
2 Hours a day? ROFL Never going to happen :) But If I am going to be honest, most X's inluding myself will help out whenever needed, on duty or off duty. If we see someone that needs help, we will help them :)

02-04-2008, 12:03 AM
aren't Xs supposed to be trusted members of the habbo community? so theoretically none of you should abuse that feature :)

ive been barking up that tree for 9 months mate ;)
Staff dont trust any Habbo. Well.. 99.999999999% of them xD

And tbh right
Lets get things into perspective.

These are trained adults who deal with teenage problems day in and day out.
All they're going to think of this thread or your complaints is "oh its just some 14 yr old moaning that he dint get a badge"
basically thats what itll come down to.

You need to face facts here.
The average habbo user is not even allowed to drive a car, buy cigarettes or alcohol, or vote.
You honestly think Staff are going to pay attention to what we say??

The override facility is here for a reason.


it's been here for 28 months.
It's been on international hotels as well.

You can either like it or lump it.
You know where the Log Out button is.

It's getting pathetically repetitive every time there is an event now cuz all i know will happen is i will get 200 messages from ppl moaning about X's.
Then there will be protests.
then there will be threads like this.
For god's sake ppl take the bloody hint!!
If it didnt work the first time, what on EARTH makes u think itll work the 20th time? or the 50th time? When will you lot realise?

I can understand ur frustration, but ya know, at the end of the day, it's not the worse thing that can happen in the world is it.

02-04-2008, 12:33 AM
My question towards the X's is why you need the overrule to get into rooms.

I want a simple answer, not a long and moany one; as I just cannot understand how childish some of you are looking in this thread. 'Scandinavia' - "Speaking as an international X myself" - why brag? and Stuey was spot on when he said that you'll regret saying this.

Kardan and Chaingang, why the heck are you trying to battle a lost cause? Not being nasty but I believe the habbos that have expressed their disatisfaction in Habbo X's by having the room overrule have made valid points. Eg, I remember someone (not who exatly) saying that they should only be allowed this feature in the welcome lounge; as in my opnion you shouldn't really be anywhere else because you had taken the decision to sign up as a habbo X and all you are doing by trying to defend yourself in this thread is proving that to an extent you like being a habbo X because you get the room override rule - A tad controversial, but I live in a society that has free speech.


02-04-2008, 01:16 AM
I don't like the X system, been like that for ages and this is one of my reasons :rolleyes:

ive been barking up that tree for 9 months mate ;)
Staff dont trust any Habbo. Well.. 99.999999999% of them xD

And tbh right
Lets get things into perspective.

These are trained adults who deal with teenage problems day in and day out.
All they're going to think of this thread or your complaints is "oh its just some 14 yr old moaning that he dint get a badge"
basically thats what itll come down to.

You need to face facts here.
The average habbo user is not even allowed to drive a car, buy cigarettes or alcohol, or vote.
You honestly think Staff are going to pay attention to what we say??

The override facility is here for a reason.


it's been here for 28 months.
It's been on international hotels as well.

You can either like it or lump it.
You know where the Log Out button is.

It's getting pathetically repetitive every time there is an event now cuz all i know will happen is i will get 200 messages from ppl moaning about X's.
Then there will be protests.
then there will be threads like this.
For god's sake ppl take the bloody hint!!
If it didnt work the first time, what on EARTH makes u think itll work the 20th time? or the 50th time? When will you lot realise?

I can understand ur frustration, but ya know, at the end of the day, it's not the worse thing that can happen in the world is it.
Only just read your post, but Habbo eXperts are supposed to appear as the perfect Habbo :S, what I've suggested is that X's only have over-ride in specific rooms but then gaming X's beg to differ. Also some of the new & current X's have made the whole system corrupt, the room over-ride problem wasn't a problem last year or the year before that? I wonder why? ;)

02-04-2008, 06:41 AM
ive been barking up that tree for 9 months mate ;)
Staff dont trust any Habbo. Well.. 99.999999999% of them xD

And tbh right
Lets get things into perspective.

These are trained adults who deal with teenage problems day in and day out.
All they're going to think of this thread or your complaints is "oh its just some 14 yr old moaning that he dint get a badge"
basically thats what itll come down to.

You need to face facts here.
The average habbo user is not even allowed to drive a car, buy cigarettes or alcohol, or vote.
You honestly think Staff are going to pay attention to what we say??

The override facility is here for a reason.


it's been here for 28 months.
It's been on international hotels as well.

You can either like it or lump it.
You know where the Log Out button is.

It's getting pathetically repetitive every time there is an event now cuz all i know will happen is i will get 200 messages from ppl moaning about X's.
Then there will be protests.
then there will be threads like this.
For god's sake ppl take the bloody hint!!
If it didnt work the first time, what on EARTH makes u think itll work the 20th time? or the 50th time? When will you lot realise?

I can understand ur frustration, but ya know, at the end of the day, it's not the worse thing that can happen in the world is it.

so basically what you're saying is that habbo know override is a bad idea and even no there is countless evidence that proves its abused habbo wont do anything because its easier for them just to let it be and if we dont like it we can sign off?

i dont understand why every other e-community listens to its users and takes feedback onboard but habbo are determined to ignore key issues and turns a bind eye to many corrupt systems within it

02-04-2008, 07:24 AM
i dont understand why every other e-community listens to its users and takes feedback onboard but habbo are determined to ignore key issues and turns a bind eye to many corrupt systems within it

The habbo X system is not corrupt.
We do a LOT of work for the community.
So to accuse us of being corrupt is just silly.

And to the earlier poster who said X's should only get override in the welcome lounge: Not all x's do their duty in the Welcome Lounge.
Host X's do theirs in the Welcome Lounge.
Others do theirs elsewhere.
Eg. Safety/Tech can be in the Safety Spa.
Gamer X's can be in the BB/SS/WS/Diving areas, and also in the Guest Gaming rooms.

Furthermore, just because you go into the WL and see one Habbo X, doesnt mean u can start criticising that no 1 is in there. Unless you spend every minute of ur Habbo life roaming after X's, you will not be able to know when each is on duty. Yes 10 X's may be online, but X's are not obliged to be on duty all the time. As long as they have done their duty when they logged in, then they have fulfilled their obligations. If they want to do more, then that is up to them.

I think we have probably covered all these points before in other threads when other ppl have had hissy fits over X's going into events.
At the end of the day, Habbo X's are just regular Habbo's who have the same right to go into events and do things that other Habbo's want to do.
What right do u have do you have to say otherwise?
X's always reload to allow the most amount of ppl to come in.
If we could turn the override off we would, but we cant.
We are trying to be as fair as possible, but half of you want one thing, and the other half want the opposite.
The X's can't win at the moment, so until you lot come to a decisive agreement, X's will keep reloading, which is what theyve been doing since the system started 28 months ago.

02-04-2008, 07:55 AM
Ok first of all i have to agree that the over-ride feature should be implemented better. For a start the over-ride feature could be an incentive for people applying to be a Habbo X. Maybe they could have the over-ride only for certain rooms, like the welcome lounge.

Secondly just because a habbo commits some of their time to help other habbo's this should not exclude them from entering events, as it was said they had to wait until the room was full of normal habbo's, so infact many probably could not participate in the event but merely spectate, which when you look at it like that it kinda sucks, as some may have got in genuinely before the room was full.

Thirdly i do not believe that if you had the over-ride that you would not have entered the room after it was full. I know i would have.

So all in all yes the over-ride should be better implemented, however there is no point in blasting Habbo X's because they have a feature that they cannot switch off.

Just my opinion guys!

02-04-2008, 08:39 AM
The habbo X system is not corrupt.
We do a LOT of work for the community.
So to accuse us of being corrupt is just silly.

And to the earlier poster who said X's should only get override in the welcome lounge: Not all x's do their duty in the Welcome Lounge.
Host X's do theirs in the Welcome Lounge.
Others do theirs elsewhere.
Eg. Safety/Tech can be in the Safety Spa.
Gamer X's can be in the BB/SS/WS/Diving areas, and also in the Guest Gaming rooms.

Furthermore, just because you go into the WL and see one Habbo X, doesnt mean u can start criticising that no 1 is in there. Unless you spend every minute of ur Habbo life roaming after X's, you will not be able to know when each is on duty. Yes 10 X's may be online, but X's are not obliged to be on duty all the time. As long as they have done their duty when they logged in, then they have fulfilled their obligations. If they want to do more, then that is up to them.

I think we have probably covered all these points before in other threads when other ppl have had hissy fits over X's going into events.
At the end of the day, Habbo X's are just regular Habbo's who have the same right to go into events and do things that other Habbo's want to do.
What right do u have do you have to say otherwise?
X's always reload to allow the most amount of ppl to come in.
If we could turn the override off we would, but we cant.
We are trying to be as fair as possible, but half of you want one thing, and the other half want the opposite.
The X's can't win at the moment, so until you lot come to a decisive agreement, X's will keep reloading, which is what theyve been doing since the system started 28 months ago.

you're just repeating your self, but i dont understand your first sentence? being corrupt has nothing to do with how much work you do :S

02-04-2008, 08:59 AM
sam staff wont change anything because this is about 100 people that are actually bothered over about 9900 who don't care and spend money on habbo which is what sulake want. The only way they will change this is if 90% of the Xs ask for it to be revoked and I don't know one X that would.
until they develop the code for over ride to be in certain floors then this argument/debate is pointless

02-04-2008, 09:05 AM
Eww Reading! :( But yeh, ok Jake fair duesss! TBH, X's do need Over-ride for many reasons. If we were hosting an event, and D/ced, then people would think we were scamming. Also, I might go in there for the 2nd game if it hasn't started already. If its already full I will leave.

How many X's are actually there for events.

Can you explain why on earth a SAFETY x would need to hold an event.

02-04-2008, 09:09 AM
sam staff wont change anything because this is about 100 people that are actually bothered over about 9900 who don't care and spend money on habbo which is what sulake want. The only way they will change this is if 90% of the Xs ask for it to be revoked and I don't know one X that would.
until they develop the code for over ride to be in certain floors then this argument/debate is pointless

i dont think threads like this are pointless because its something to do on a otherwise boring and repetitive forum!

you are mistaken in saying only around 100 people care! most habbos that iv met do care!

i know this wont change anything, im not out campaigning for a change im merely debating :)

02-04-2008, 09:45 AM
The habbo X system is not corrupt.
We do a LOT of work for the community.
So to accuse us of being corrupt is just silly.

I agree, it is not corrupt, most of the time X's are seen as the good guys, but alot of work as in helping for 15 minutes and hosting games - to me, is not hard work, already many habbos help out 'newbies' in aim to get the official helper status, as you keep repeating they are not forced to help constantly, only 15 minutes - how is that hard?

And to the earlier poster who said X's should only get override in the welcome lounge: Not all x's do their duty in the Welcome Lounge.
Host X's do theirs in the Welcome Lounge.
Others do theirs elsewhere.
Eg. Safety/Tech can be in the Safety Spa.
Gamer X's can be in the BB/SS/WS/Diving areas, and also in the Guest Gaming rooms.

The gaming rooms are the mainly full public rooms, but I'm sure they're can be a way just to have the override for certain rooms, they're may not be now, but they're could be. Though this is nothing to do with public rooms, its the fact some X's fill up the guestrooms of events and 'loiter'

Furthermore, just because you go into the WL and see one Habbo X, doesnt mean u can start criticising that no 1 is in there. Unless you spend every minute of ur Habbo life roaming after X's, you will not be able to know when each is on duty. Yes 10 X's may be online, but X's are not obliged to be on duty all the time. As long as they have done their duty when they logged in, then they have fulfilled their obligations. If they want to do more, then that is up to them.
I agree with that we can't critise because most, if not all habbox's do they're 15 minutes, but once again hows it hard work?

I think we have probably covered all these points before in other threads when other ppl have had hissy fits over X's going into events.
These 'hissy fits' are because the out rageous amounts of X's filling up over the room limits. Most of these 'hissy fits' in this forum are angry/annoyed people replying to big long excuse's you have made - replying is hardly a hissy fit?

At the end of the day, Habbo X's are just regular Habbo's who have the same right to go into events and do things that other Habbo's want to do.
What right do u have do you have to say otherwise?
I do believe we have the right to have a fair play in official habbo games, you's may be normal habbos, with certain expectations but come on - 10 extra people in 1 event room!

X's always reload to allow the most amount of ppl to come in.
If we could turn the override off we would, but we cant.
We are trying to be as fair as possible, but half of you want one thing, and the other half want the opposite.
How long does reloading take? Only about 2 minutes if even, and X's don't do this all at once so still the room would be over its limit when 1 X reloads, what goods that? And the fact half the X's just pop in to check out the staff or see how the events going and the majority of time not even participate is something else, why take up room (this happened in the Habborella events)

The X's can't win at the moment, so until you lot come to a decisive agreement, X's will keep reloading, which is what theyve been doing since the system started 28 months ago.
X's can win if they don't completly over do the room limit by about 5 or more. Once again, reloading only 1 X at a time will still not leave enough room for normal habbos to come in. Theres time for a change, and 'you lot' makes you sound like a right stuck up X

02-04-2008, 10:33 AM
2 Hours a day? ROFL Never going to happen :) But If I am going to be honest, most X's inluding myself will help out whenever needed, on duty or off duty. If we see someone that needs help, we will help them :)
actaully ur mostly in l_w room xoxo.

nd if u can help without a badge lose it. Its funny how all the X's have tons of badges. Because they use there powers to go win one

Habbos dont need X's. There just people chatting with mates with a badge attracting attention and getting in rooms for a badge. Next time Habbo should make it if you wanna be a X you cant participate in any events. There is your punishment for filling the rooms up.

02-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Can't participate in events? X's are still Habbos. We do a voluntary service to to Hotel and help other users. And you can't say all X's have tons of badges because we don't. I have about 5 and then the DIR ones which really don't count and all my badges were room competitions/HC/Christmas. Also, most X's come on the hotel for several hours. We can do other things rather than helping :)

02-04-2008, 11:11 AM
Just to say we do reload. There was about 8 X's in the theme park closing ceremony, but the room was only 61/60, so all 8 of us reloaded so 7 more people can get in. Just because its 67/60 doesn't mean we are going to try and stop you. We just reloaded and once that number goes down we reload again to let more people in.

We are always asked when there are events to go in when the room is full so it doesn't stop other habbos entering the room. if there were 10 X's gone into a event before the room was fall, only 15 people would be able to participate, but if we went after the room limit, all 25 would be able to participate.

02-04-2008, 11:16 AM
Ooer, been out all day so haven't seen this thread nor the event that actually took place, was it the gladiators one?

Right, forgive me if I repeat anything but reading seven pages of long explanations is too boring for me ;)

Ok, Xs do need override in both guest and public rooms for the simple fact that we need to get into full rooms, numerous reasons why and I won't bore you like 5 year olds in listing them.

Yes, 11 Xs is quite a lot, but with about 67 Xs on the current UK X Team, you expect us to all sit out of every single event meaning we can no longer be part of a Habbo community?

Meh... And keep this thread nice and civilised? :)

I think habbo x's can ovride rooms acept competition ones, they should jus have to wait to get in and many habbos want a badge.

02-04-2008, 11:28 AM
I think habbo should code when to enable you to access public rooms when full.
You take advantage of it.

02-04-2008, 11:37 AM
This aint really news but the 'Gladiator Entrance' was full within a second.
31/20 People in the room, I think its ridiculous how Habbo X's get to enter every competition.

(This isn't aimed at every Habbo X but alot of them are greedy)

Thread moved from Uk news and rumours by --ss-- (Forum Super Moderator): This isn't exactly counted as news ;).

I agree with you on that, HabboX's should just be like normal habbo's but just with a badge and can help people. Nothing special to me is what I think...

02-04-2008, 01:15 PM
First of all I would like to say that I am friends with many Habbo X's but this is going a bit too far. I was informed by a Habbo X that it depends of which badge you wear as to whether you can overide or not, so whoever said it isn't controlable earlier in the thread, it seems you are wrong, or I am mistaken.

Secondly if Sulake was not trying to make mega amounts of money all the time and focussed more on their Habbo players being happy, then this wouldn't be happening. Most new releases now involve Habbo's have to pay for whatever is released, bring back the old days where the releases could be used by everyone, i.e. the mood light (8credits lol). It would not be hard at all to add a feature where a member of staff could choose whether X's can over-ride or not, but of course, this would not profit Sulake in any way, well it would save a slight cost on the time the guy who reads the emails spending reading rants from users.

I tell you now, do not bother protesting on the hotel, I doubt any of the staff will really take note. I say scrap the X team as it has been useless since it came into power, most of the time the X's don't actually X, there are exceptions, Dragon-nccb for one.


Meh, I didn't even bother trying to get in the event as I wasn't on, before a X decides to pick me out and say i'm only ranting to get a badge. I did however try and get into the Habborella events, certain rooms reached 56/30, too far?

02-04-2008, 01:39 PM
First of all I would like to say that I am friends with many Habbo X's but this is going a bit too far. I was informed by a Habbo X that it depends of which badge you wear as to whether you can overide or not, so whoever said it isn't controlable earlier in the thread, it seems you are wrong, or I am mistaken.

Secondly if Sulake was not trying to make mega amounts of money all the time and focussed more on their Habbo players being happy, then this wouldn't be happening. Most new releases now involve Habbo's have to pay for whatever is released, bring back the old days where the releases could be used by everyone, i.e. the mood light (8credits lol). It would not be hard at all to add a feature where a member of staff could choose whether X's can over-ride or not, but of course, this would not profit Sulake in any way, well it would save a slight cost on the time the guy who reads the emails spending reading rants from users.

I tell you now, do not bother protesting on the hotel, I doubt any of the staff will really take note. I say scrap the X team as it has been useless since it came into power, most of the time the X's don't actually X, there are exceptions, Dragon-nccb for one.


Meh, I didn't even bother trying to get in the event as I wasn't on, before a X decides to pick me out and say i'm only ranting to get a badge. I did however try and get into the Habborella events, certain rooms reached 56/30, too far?

I understand what your saying, I personally think staff should be able to change a setting with like "override off" or something, meaning we can't enter, this latest gladiator event, no one overrided yet people still moan so we can't win.

Also only Host Xs X in the Welcome Lounge, I X in snowstorm battleball, lido, but mostly gaming and racing rooms.

02-04-2008, 01:46 PM
Just to say we do reload. There was about 8 X's in the theme park closing ceremony, but the room was only 61/60, so all 8 of us reloaded so 7 more people can get in.

thats a lie, i think irJen was the only X who came early the other 12 or so that i saw came just as it was starting and hardly any of you reloaded

02-04-2008, 02:03 PM
First of all I would like to say that I am friends with many Habbo X's but this is going a bit too far. I was informed by a Habbo X that it depends of which badge you wear as to whether you can overide or not, so whoever said it isn't controlable earlier in the thread, it seems you are wrong, or I am mistaken.

You are mistaken.
The X Badge comes automatically with override.
Whether you wear the badge or not, you still get override.

02-04-2008, 02:44 PM
I think the fact that Habbo X's show such dedication in giving their time up to helping Habbo users nearly every hour of every day, to simply gain entrance into a room is not even something one should debate over.

02-04-2008, 03:23 PM
I think the fact that Habbo X's show such dedication in giving their time up to helping Habbo users nearly every hour of every day, to simply gain entrance into a room is not even something one should debate over.
Alot of them dont dedicate a hour a day, never mind 5 minutes.

02-04-2008, 03:30 PM
Alot of them dont dedicate a hour a day, never mind 5 minutes.

I Agree.

Many X's do.. but not all.
They shouldn't get extra privleges if they aren't doing anything to earn them.
&& often the X's that don't help out as much are the ones who use the privleges most >.<

02-04-2008, 03:35 PM
Well that's those few in your opinion. So lets play your game then, what about those who do dedicate hours each day, because there are many.

02-04-2008, 03:38 PM
oh look! 25/20

*pukes on X's

02-04-2008, 05:16 PM
They should set something up where when a event is happening on Habbo, nothing can over-ride the room ~ only Habbo Staff.

In a way, they should have an option where you can turn off the over-ride function for a particular room, not that I'm saying it should be done by all Habbos but maybe just for Staff now so only Staff can over-ride because it's turned off so VIP's, X's & ex-hobbas don't over-ride the room :)

It's an idea... I guess :rolleyes:

02-04-2008, 05:26 PM
I think the fact that Habbo X's show such dedication in giving their time up to helping Habbo users nearly every hour of every day, to simply gain entrance into a room is not even something one should debate over.

I agree. Had the boot been on the other foot people would see differently.

02-04-2008, 05:41 PM
Been doing it most of today thanks Dan.

Lets be honest here, the only reason you even have X is because *removed*, plus you probably spend more on Habbo than the other 9k active together. so it would be unfair to give you X

Edited by Antony (Forum Moderator) : Please do not insult other members.

02-04-2008, 05:53 PM
It's great to know that soon they're going to release an update to manage room-override. I got told by a little birdie you see. I don't see the point in them having it if there is 3 welcome lounges (with a capacity of 300 altogether). Unless of course, the welcome lounges got that busy :rolleyes:

02-04-2008, 06:27 PM
Right, well since I'm no longer an X, I am going to give my penniworth on this ;)

Alot of them dont dedicate a hour a day, never mind 5 minutes.

Some X's give several hours per day, you don't always see it, because although they may have spent their first 15 minutes in their specialised room, they may have then moved on to a Habbos room, who may have needed help. A busy Welcome Lounge isn't always the best environment to help someone, so just because you don't see them all 24/7 in public rooms, doesn't mean they've only done the minimum 15 minutes.

I Agree.

Many X's do.. but not all.
They shouldn't get extra privleges if they aren't doing anything to earn them.
&& often the X's that don't help out as much are the ones who use the privleges most >.<

You sound like an Expert on X's ;) Let me tell you something, all X's only get one privilege, that of over-ride, a few others get core HC, and if my memory serves me right it's given to those that aren't HC and need it in order for them to explain the benefits, to new players. (For the record I didn't get core HC, I paid for mine). Are you keeping a list of which X's don't help out much? You would need to be online 24 hours, to catch those Xs from Canada, New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere, and follow them to see what they do after they leave their specialised public area!

thats a lie, i think irJen was the only X who came early the other 12 or so that i saw came just as it was starting and hardly any of you reloaded

So irJen left the room when the room became full, and reloaded? Either way she can't win, because what proof has she got to give to the whole Habbo community that she was there before the room was full and reloaded? And why should she have to account for herself? It's a no win situation!

How many X's are actually there for events.

Can you explain why on earth a SAFETY x would need to hold an event.

Safety X's run events, they tend to be quizzes, which help teach good safety aspects, and are aimed at the less knowledgeable Habbos, sadly from my past experience it's the same faces that attend these events, all in the hope of winning something ;)

im not ranting, im debating!

i said some Xs abuse override, not all! the reason there are so many rants on this particular issue is because habbo ignore it, when we have valid points that need addressing

i love how iv had a few Xs msg me on consol saying nasty things because of my opinions in this thread!

Sam, if an X is abusive towards you over the console, I suggest you hit the ! and report it, and possibly follow it up with a complaint using the HHT, stating the time of your report. Let staff see, how an X behaves when not being watched ;)

Debate as much as you like, there is no instant solution. Well there is, if sulake can do it :P Make an all staff room floor, and ensure no over-ride works in them ;)

Finally when threads like this are made it's unfair, because you are labelling ever X as an over-ride abuser, and you offend every X. There are probably one or two who are less than thoughtful, and hopefully they will get weeded out. Please try and remember that. X's are players too, they are volunteers and are just as entitled to enter events and competitions as you and I are.

End of rant ;)

02-04-2008, 07:20 PM
Finally when threads like this are made it's unfair, because you are labelling ever X as an over-ride abuser, and you offend every X. There are probably one or two who are less than thoughtful, and hopefully they will get weeded out. Please try and remember that. X's are players too, they are volunteers and are just as entitled to enter events and competitions as you and I are.

a fair point, but i dont think im offending every X! i have said multiple times that it isnt all Xs but a majority of the new Xlings do and even a few older Xs

of course there entitled to go to events but when you see a habbo X in every single event, and every single print screen of an event you start to wonder if they're abusing room override

02-04-2008, 08:14 PM
I agree that x's dont need over-ride but when hobbas were removed they gave the x's as much powers as they could get away with.
I think that x's should be told to enter competitions or events on seperate accounts unless they are actually helping out and then need their over-ride and then that would sort this issue.
I think for doing a voluntary job they deserve some perks but also agree that the majority apply for the wrong reasons and this was also the same for hobbas.

Do fansite badge holders have over-ride?

02-04-2008, 08:17 PM
'Some X's give several hours per day, you don't always see it, because although they may have spent their first 15 minutes in their specialised room, they may have then moved on to a Habbos room, who may have needed help. A busy Welcome Lounge isn't always the best environment to help someone, so just because you don't see them all 24/7 in public rooms, doesn't mean they've only done the minimum 15 minutes.'

MissAlice, I can see where you are coming from and yes, you was a wonderful eXpert but like I said I think the X Team has gone corrupt and doesn't Help Habbos like the team use to be. People like to think X's are replacing Hobbas but there both 2 different things.

X's have the Over-Ride Power for a reason, and putting everything into a whole phrase. Simply considering Habbo expanded the ammount of Welcome Lounges like plenty of people mentioned I think theres no need for Room Over Ride. I personally think its unfair how they have the Over-Ride Power at the moment because its completely pointless and usually abused. Habbo X's like Dragon-nccb deserve to keep theres power but I can see the over-ride power being removed soon, Lost_Witness isn't pleased with X's who always use over-ride to enter community events and before you jump and make assumptions I never said EVERY HABBO X ABUSE THERE POWER but atleast 50% do and I can name atleast 15 at the top of my head!

Habbo X's were respected responsible Habbos, well use to be?! At the moment the X System is completely unorganised and needs sorting immediately. Some Habbo X's are rude and very hard to understand due to them thinking there 'e-cool' and 'tlkin lyk dis!!!! w0o0o0' Atleast spell correctly if your attempting to help someone.

Anyway, I don't totally agree with your point considering you was a good Habbo X, if NOT the best but into an overall conclusion I think they shouldn't receive any powers. They have a badge to be recognised and I'm positive Habbos will interact with them when needed.


02-04-2008, 08:24 PM
I usually don't have anything bad to say about X's, they are a great resource at times.

I fail to see why they need over-ride access to any room other then the Welcome Lounges or Safety Spa.

Those are the only rooms they need over-ride access to. Why should they get them to any guest room?

They are not a moderator, and cannot rush into the room to solve a problem, so why allow them to over-ride the limit so other Habbos can not get into the room?

02-04-2008, 08:49 PM
a fair point, but i dont think im offending every X! i have said multiple times that it isnt all Xs but a majority of the new Xlings do and even a few older Xs

of course there entitled to go to events but when you see a habbo X in every single event, and every single print screen of an event you start to wonder if they're abusing room override

If you are saying it's the same X at every single event, then you have a point, because in my opinion I would deem that as a very selfish X, not a quality that reflects what an X is all about ;)

MissAlice, I can see where you are coming from and yes, you was a wonderful eXpert but like I said I think the X Team has gone corrupt and doesn't Help Habbos like the team use to be. People like to think X's are replacing Hobbas but there both 2 different things.

X's have the Over-Ride Power for a reason, and putting everything into a whole phrase. Simply considering Habbo expanded the ammount of Welcome Lounges like plenty of people mentioned I think theres no need for Room Over Ride. I personally think its unfair how they have the Over-Ride Power at the moment because its completely pointless and usually abused. Habbo X's like Dragon-nccb deserve to keep theres power but I can see the over-ride power being removed soon, Lost_Witness isn't pleased with X's who always use over-ride to enter community events and before you jump and make assumptions I never said EVERY HABBO X ABUSE THERE POWER but atleast 50% do and I can name atleast 15 at the top of my head!

Habbo X's were respected responsible Habbos, well use to be?! At the moment the X System is completely unorganised and needs sorting immediately. Some Habbo X's are rude and very hard to understand due to them thinking there 'e-cool' and 'tlkin lyk dis!!!! w0o0o0' Atleast spell correctly if your attempting to help someone.

Anyway, I don't totally agree with your point considering you was a good Habbo X, if NOT the best but into an overall conclusion I think they shouldn't receive any powers. They have a badge to be recognised and I'm positive Habbos will interact with them when needed.


I respect your opinion :) but this problem for want of a better word, was sulake created, and only sulake can resolve it. I kinda like the idea of a staff floor, or a floor which is only for competitions/events run by staff where no Habbos can use room over-ride, with the exception of VIP's. That would certainly solve this problem once and for all in guest rooms :)

02-04-2008, 08:52 PM
If you are saying it's the same X at every single event, then you have a point, because in my opinion I would deem that as a very selfish X, not a quality that reflects what an X is all about ;)

I respect your opinion :) but this problem for want of a better word, was sulake created, and only sulake can resolve it. I kinda like the idea of a staff floor, or a floor which is only for competitions/events run by staff where no Habbos can use room over-ride, with the exception of VIP's. That would certainly solve this problem once and for all in guest rooms :)
OR, why can X's just have room over-ride to the Welcome Lounges and Safety Spa.

I still fail to see why they need them for guest rooms, other then X events, which in that case.. they should get there before everyone else.

Other people holding events have to do that, why shouldn't Xs?

02-04-2008, 09:01 PM
Can't participate in events? X's are still Habbos. We do a voluntary service to to Hotel and help other users. And you can't say all X's have tons of badges because we don't. I have about 5 and then the DIR ones which really don't count and all my badges were room competitions/HC/Christmas. Also, most X's come on the hotel for several hours. We can do other things rather than helping :)
What I am going to say is going to be in regards to the above quote made by CHA!NGANG and my opinion to all the X's.

You applied for the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, to get a badge no one else can get unless through applying for it and you chose to face the consequences for having this opportunity, like no other "normal Habbo" you face problems, you face complications and like a "normal Habbo", you face consequences. You will and always will face a Habbo who disrespects you, who spits on your face, who can't stand to look at you, you know what? It is because you are taking advantage of what you were given to over-ride one's chance to get into a once in a lifetime event. Now, this may not mean much to you since you can always get into an event with no complications but a once in a lifetime event means ONCE (it occurs once and possibly never again).

In regards to the event, you and the others chose to do something that is very selfish and in return, this thread is all about X’s and their over-ride feature and how you guys treat it (in exception to those who didn’t attend). It is a shame how poorly you all act towards others and all except former X’s and current X’s are against the X’s and their over-ride feature. If you want our respect, you start by giving us an opportunity to win something instead of thinking of yourself. If you become an X, don't come crying to the staff and complain about how poorly we treat you, like no other "normal Habbo" you face the same issues as anyone else. If you win more then you deserve at the end of the day, don’t except the ice-cream man to give you a free chocolate ice-cream, expect someone to say something about it. If you guys didn’t think of yourself 24/7, we would always find a way around situations like these. If you REALLY had to attend an event because your life depended on it, *removed* I am 100% sure you will not lose your freaking badge over it. Spend a good 15 minutes helping, not 15 minutes standing there and saying alright my time is up, I can go ruin some Habbo’s lives today.

Edited by Antony (Forum Moderator) : Please do not be offensive towards other members.

02-04-2008, 09:17 PM
My view on the Habbo X situation is - Habbo X were developed to "help habbo's" - There are 3 welcome lounges, only no.1 is ever very full.

I find the excuse that X's need over-ride to assist them with their events is a very petty one. Basically because the X team was created to assist users, not run events. The questions based around the X team application are how good you are at the knowledge of the hotel and how you can help people. Not how to run events.

If safety events need to take place, do them on the info-bus, and then with X's having full room access to Public Rooms, there wouldn't be a problem their.

02-04-2008, 09:27 PM
Friggin hell, do I have to repeat myself?

I used to love ranting on about how Habbo X's are such a bad idea, and in fact I'd rather have them without even a badge. It's all about power when it comes to most Habbo X's, and I know it gives them some sort of feeling that they're superior to everyone else. I've seen it again and again and again. I'm not going to say much else about it, because I can't be assed arguing about something which will never change.

It's not Sulake's problem, it's working for them at the moment. There's no security risk in it, and eventually it all dies down again. Just argue about it really, but you won't get far unless you actually tell someone who cares. Every Hotel Manager employed by Sulake would be a start, and then forwarding it to Sulake HQ along with a request of all HM's to forward it to Sulake HQ would be a nice little thought.

I'm sure there's one sadact on this forum who has a collection of Habbo emails.


EDIT: I just re-read what I said then... LOL I'm a hypocrite! Either way, my point stands. Stop moaning about it like I used to and just do something constructive. I heard that there was certain things on the development list to combat this issue, but that's all word of mouth to me.

02-04-2008, 10:46 PM
What I am going to say is going to be in regards to the above quote made by CHA!NGANG and my opinion to all the X's.

You applied for the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, to get a badge no one else can get unless through applying for it and you chose to face the consequences for having this opportunity, like no other "normal Habbo" you face problems, you face complications and like a "normal Habbo", you face consequences. You will and always will face a Habbo who disrespects you, who spits on your face, who can't stand to look at you, you know what? It is because you are taking advantage of what you were given to over-ride one's chance to get into a once in a lifetime event. Now, this may not mean much to you since you can always get into an event with no complications but a once in a lifetime event means ONCE (it occurs once and possibly never again).

In regards to the event, you and the others chose to do something that is very selfish and in return, this thread is all about X’s and their over-ride feature and how you guys treat it (in exception to those who didn’t attend). It is a shame how poorly you all act towards others and all except former X’s and current X’s are against the X’s and their over-ride feature. If you want our respect, you start by giving us an opportunity to win something instead of thinking of yourself. If you become an X, don't come crying to the staff and complain about how poorly we treat you, like no other "normal Habbo" you face the same issues as anyone else. If you win more then you deserve at the end of the day, don’t except the ice-cream man to give you a free chocolate ice-cream, expect someone to say something about it. If you guys didn’t think of yourself 24/7, we would always find a way around situations like these. If you REALLY had to attend an event because your life depended on it, *removed* I am 100% sure you will not lose your freaking badge over it. Spend a good 15 minutes helping, not 15 minutes standing there and saying alright my time is up, I can go ruin some Habbo’s lives today.

First, I wasn't at the event, so get your facts right please. Secondly, I don't see how you can say we just 'stand there'. If anyone needs help, we will help them. So get your facts right next time please.

02-04-2008, 10:50 PM
First, I wasn't at the event, so get your facts right please. Secondly, I don't see how you can say we just 'stand there'. If anyone needs help, we will help them. So get your facts right next time please.

Chill the beans, though X's were meant to be polite all the time. I thought you did attend the event? You choose the bling elf badge, which you couldn't have had unless you attended this event, after all they were orginally given out in 2005.

02-04-2008, 10:57 PM
I wasn't at the first one with the 31/20. I was the First person at the one today and I didn'tuse overide, which many people can confirm, so don't accuse me of anything there ;) Plus, it annoys me how people keep going round and round and accusing X's of things.

03-04-2008, 01:27 AM
Lmao that pic made me laugh..
"love you really"

05-04-2008, 03:28 AM
I wasn't at the first one with the 31/20. I was the First person at the one today and I didn'tuse overide, which many people can confirm, so don't accuse me of anything there ;) Plus, it annoys me how people keep going round and round and accusing X's of things.
id like o vouch for john and irjen
because jen was in the room 1st
john was 4th or 5th behind me

but kardan and archivist did over ride
they were the only ones i saw

05-04-2008, 07:39 AM

Us HabboXs are sorry this happened, and I do think the Hotel staff are going to do something about it. I'm not sure yet.

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