View Full Version : Its getting annoying...

02-04-2008, 06:40 PM
Its getting annoying because me and my gf cant go out without the risk of being caught by her mum

Story is this.

My brother is 1 yr older than me. he was messing around saying hes going to **** her and stuff like that, So i text her telling her as a joke.

THEN, I text her saying dya want 2 go out alone sometime, as me and my gf have always been with some1 else everytime we have been out.

anyway, her mum got her phone, read the 1st message and took it seriously. and she read the 2nd message and got the wrong end of the story, NOW her mum has twisted my words by saying i want special time :S

so now her mum doesnt want her to be with me, but my gf dosnt care about her not wanting me with her.

anyway it getting annoying, could somebody please tell me what 2 do? but i dont want to talk 2 her mum face 2 face or anything.

02-04-2008, 07:23 PM
Well I can see the mis understanding. First thing id suggest you do is ask your gf to tell her mum it was just a joke and NOTHING more

after this id say get talking and get to know her mum as if her mum likes you, she'll feel safe with her daughter spending time + being with you

Goodluck :)

02-04-2008, 07:44 PM
Yep. Big help. +Rep.

Btw, The reason was for your own topic.

Thankyou :)

03-04-2008, 08:08 PM
Idk if this helps but do as was said above. ur gf must really like u.

03-04-2008, 08:31 PM
Well, the only solution I would have is to go talk to her mom and tell her that's not what happened and hopefully you can get to good terms with her mom.

03-04-2008, 08:53 PM
Well, the only solution I would have is to go talk to her mom and tell her that's not what happened and hopefully you can get to good terms with her mom.

I agree with the part in red. It makes a better impression if you talk to her mum yourself instead of asking your girlfriend to do it. Tell her what really happened and she will understand.
I know it will be embarrasing but just pluck up the courage and go to her house and do it.

06-04-2008, 01:28 PM
Pfft. She wont listen to me, She just has a go at me haha.

Oh well, Like my GF said, I sbhouldnt care whether her mum likes me, And she cant stop us going out.

Cheers anyway guys


07-04-2008, 11:31 AM
I'd say talk to her mum.

But how you'd feel about that depends if you've met before, how many times, and the impression you got from her.

I think my girlfriend's mum is really cool and we talk about everything and anything x] - so I guess each case can be different.

If you do speak to her mum, explain about the texts, and tell her that's not why you're with her daughter. Tell her why you're with her. You want to re-assure her mum that she's going to be happy, and safe, with you.

The easier option would be to have your girlfriend to explain to her mum. But then, it is more likely that her mum will think she is just trying to lie and cover it up. But if you tell her, she is more likely to believe it. Don't you think?

Good luck!

Jay x

07-04-2008, 09:25 PM
First, ask Your Girlfriend to tell her mum it was a Joke.
Then go around your Gf's house or something and like talk to her mum, Minds your P's & Q's, Make a good impression and her mum will love you. :)

10-04-2008, 06:46 PM
Well i wouldnt really tell a partner my brother wants to.. err.. you know.

Phone the mother? Or go round and talk to her.

If your underage, use that :P Tell her you dont plan on doing anything like that until your legal. If your over 16, then tell her you dont want sex before marriage or something. :'] hehe

Explain to the mother about the texts too, and the "alone" time, tell her that you just wanted to go shopping or somewhere with her daughter for one-to-one time because you 2havnt had a chance to talk privately for a while?

18-04-2008, 08:18 PM
You could invite her family over your house and impress with cooking ;)

then when u get chatting a bit tell her bout the misunderstanding

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