View Full Version : Rare Values Report [2]

03-04-2008, 07:55 PM
This is my second report, so hopefully, I don't botch it ;)

And no, the values I put are not made up, I've seen these with my own eyes, including several I have traded for myself.

Item's going down

:nrholopod: - I've seen roughly 23 of these being bought, in bulk, for 30 hc. According to my calculations, that's roughly about 1.3. Add that to me seeing two go for 1 HC each, I reckon that figure comes down a bit.
My prediction : Going down to 1.25.

:nrnewyearsrocket: - I've seen a couple in rare trade rooms go for 0.5's and I fail to see demand for it anywhere while the supply is high.
My prediction : Going down to 0.5.

http://uploadpicz.com/088/QIEMS8V.gif - Seen these being sold regularly for 0.5 without a haggle in sight :) It's mainly new HC's who seem to buy these though, I don't see the attraction of it myself..
My prediction : Going down to 0.5.

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/HCStudyDeskST.gif - Seen these going for 0.5's. Bought 3 myself and sold on realising it was a bad investment. People can't be bothered to dish out 0.8's these days.
My prediction : Going down to 0.5.

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/HCMajesticChairST.gif - This furni I'm a little mixed about. I see it selling for 1.5 hc's, however I regularly find the odd 2 pure sale. My guess is that new casino owners with some hc's want maj's to furnish their casinos, as it seems a suitable colour alternative to a throne. However, I'd still wager a bet that it's falling out of favour.
My prediction : Going down to 1.75, maybe 1.5.

Item's trading at their value

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/HCDicemasterST.gif - Same old really. Mainly bought in bulk noawdays or used in casino bets to hopefully win a hc alone. 0.5.
My prediction : Staying at 0.5

- Imps are a tradition 1 hc furni, and it looks like they'll stay that way for a long way, until there are new types of rare teleporters released. Tip: There's one in Lost_Witness' room, Lounge 2.0 ;)
My prediction : Staying at 0.5

http://www.iaza.com/work/071126C/blue_laser56927.gif - As in my last report, there has been no change. 1 hc for blue laser gates seems to be the norm.
My prediction : Staying at 1.0.

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/ElfGreenDragonLampST.png, http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/BlueDragonST.gif and http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/JadeDragonLampST.gif - Not much to say about these dragons really. However, I've witnessed a new theme that casino owners are starting to experiment with, multicolour. This is why I've seen many 1 hc for 1 deals for all 3 dragons. Less for Jade dragons though, seeing as there are less colours thta match jade.
My prediction : All staying at 1.0.

http://www.habboxforum.com/images/smilies/PetalPatchST%2057.gif - I've seen regular 2 for 7 HC deals, but also some anomalous 4 hc for 1 deals. I'm anticipating a rise in the future, but not too soon. Give it a month or two when the release scare has died down.
My prediction : Staying at 3.5, with a possible rise OR fall.

Item's selling for higher

:nrthrone: - First off, debatably one of the most popular furni on Habbo. I'm seeing regular 51 pure deals and the odd 52. A 50 pure pops in somewhere but not without a 1.0 added to it.
My prediction : Going up to 51.

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/AlienArtifact1337ST.png - The Uranus smoke seems to be going for 1.0 when I check into rare shops. Shop owners seem quite happy to let it go for 1.0 unpure.
My prediction : Going up to 1.0

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/BlackSerpentST.gif - This seems to be on the rise slightly, as more people are offering to buy it at the same price as red dragons, 1.5 I have seen bulk trades of these, inclusing my own, sell them for 1.5 each. It's mostly 1.0 unpure and a 0.5 but rarely the pure and the 0.5.
My prediction : Going up to 1.5

Well, this concludes my second report. Please tell me what you thought of it <3

Also, this is what I've seen with my own eyes, I haven't produced this on hearsay or otherwise ;)

04-04-2008, 09:04 AM
Very Accurate & Detailed
I agree with all those trades & comments
Well Done! :)

04-04-2008, 11:25 AM
Btw, can't edit but the imps should say staying at 1.0 :P

Not 0.5.

04-04-2008, 01:32 PM
This is a very good report, the oly one i don't agree with is the Majs i've never seen one sell for less then 2 hcs

Most of the other values i totally agree with


04-04-2008, 05:33 PM
Great Report! +Rep

You have a lot of different rares in a single trade and this is great. I also agree with most of your comments and what you think the rare value should be updated too. However, maybe next time to improve your report you could let us know how many times you have seen the rare traded for a certain value?

Overall a great report, and I would like to see more from you. Thanks. :D

I need to spread rep first? What was your last account?... It isn't one of the accounts on my owe rep is it? :S

04-04-2008, 05:37 PM
This is my only account :p

You've given me rep before for my first rare report anyway so thanks :)

04-04-2008, 07:00 PM
Amazing report. Keep reporting!

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