View Full Version : Anyone ever glided?

09-04-2008, 11:33 AM
Me and my friend were talking about ways to make money.

He said maybe grind up to a high level, farm gold, and sell it on a website we could make.

I thought about Glider, which I already have, but has anyone else ever used it?

09-04-2008, 11:48 AM
Thats not the best thing to say around here..
You'll get alot of flames now because most people are against botting xD

09-04-2008, 12:12 PM
Thats not the best thing to say around here..
You'll get alot of flames now because most people are against botting xD

Just said what I was gonna say :P You will get flamed alot!

09-04-2008, 12:40 PM
Money in real life?

Don't be lazy and glide for gold and then sell it to websites. That disrupts the game, encourages gold buying which then funds chinese and korean gold farmers and botters who also keylog.

Sorry to be rude, but get off your backside and do something enterprising in real life than gliding for wow gold which you sell to get your income.

09-04-2008, 03:07 PM
Money in real life?

Don't be lazy and glide for gold and then sell it to websites. That disrupts the game, encourages gold buying which then funds chinese and korean gold farmers and botters who also keylog.

Sorry to be rude, but get off your backside and do something enterprising in real life than gliding for wow gold which you sell to get your income.

I don't support botting and stuff, but he could have the glider up while he works in real life? Two jobs... probably doesn't though.

09-04-2008, 03:19 PM
Not the best place to talk about it as your just going to get flamed now, like what Charly said before.
I guess you could while at work for extra money like what Jon said but it would take the fun out of the game and you could get banned.

09-04-2008, 03:21 PM
He's not playing for fun if he's selling the chars.

09-04-2008, 03:24 PM
He's not playing for fun if he's selling the chars.

Oh, then i guess its a good way to make some money on the side. ;P

09-04-2008, 04:08 PM
You'll probably get banned anyway.
Just get a job, you'll get money faster.

09-04-2008, 06:21 PM
He's not playing for fun if he's selling the chars.

Hush :P
I kinda... don't have a comeback for that one

09-04-2008, 06:56 PM
Stuff like that causes server economy to explode. It causes people who follow the rules to actually loose out.

09-04-2008, 08:00 PM
Stuff like that causes server economy to explode. It causes people who follow the rules to actually loose out.
I was going to let it run while I was at class at uni, which are usually 2 1/2 hours long a piece, and I have 2 classes per day.

I don't see how it could affect the "server economy", when it is just like someone is sitting at the computer grinding..

It doesn't really affect anyone else, as it uses all the keys and things that a normal player would.. it just isn't you doing it.

09-04-2008, 08:24 PM
It affects it, in that people have unfair advantages. If you grind-- but in depth arn't grinding yourself it gives you an unfair advantage which boosts your self economy upon cheating. I understand what you mean, but maybe this would make things clear;
Follow the rules .

Rules are set for a reason. Laws, Rules - say that you should not kill. You will be punished for doing so.
So in reply you could say;
"I killed someone, but I didn't." - And although physically it makes no sense, mentally in relation to the previous it does.

If you had a split-personality illness, your 'other side' (if you like) goes on a masacre rampage, you would be jailed for it. Although was it 'you' the side that you think you are? It may not of been, it may of been the causing of your 'other side'. The side that has the lack of mentallity to think it is okay to kill. You would still be locked up as you are unsafe to the public - or you would be sectioned.

So if you were not caught, would it still be okay for your 'other side' to carry on killing?

09-04-2008, 08:35 PM
People cheat in everything, as long as it doesn't hurt another player, I don't see what is wrong with it?

Auto-leveling up a character just to either sell it, and or farm gold with it, is not hurting any other player?

If some other user wanted to do that, they could..

09-04-2008, 08:46 PM
But the majority of people dont because they arn't prats. And you are hurting people. You're making it unfair for them. Like i've said about twenty times. By hurting someone doesn't mean you're physically attacking them.

And People don't cheat in everything. Loosers cheat in everything.

09-04-2008, 08:53 PM
I don't see how a program, that just automates the task of you sitting here, and killing mobs for hours to level, is hurting anyone?

09-04-2008, 10:14 PM
There was an interesting article on the wow-europe website not so long ago about the impact that the gold farmers etc. have on the server. Basically you think 'What harm can just one player have?!?' Well theres thousands of people out there gliding because they have that attitude. 'I'm just doing what a normal player would do except for I push no keys' Your farming for gold which you will sell to a site who will in turn sell the gold to players. Not only does this increase the amount of 'WELOCOME FRINEDLY PERSONZ OF THIZ - BET GOLD PRIZES AROUND www.wow4ugold.com' or w/e comes out of the translator for the poor korean guy spamming it. Also the gold companies that sell it, often just keylog or get vital information from the players account. At first its fine, you've got your 600 gold you'll never come back again you say thats the only time you'll do it. 3Months later you get yourself 6000g for an epic mount woot! then they hack your account and sell the 6000g, they didn't even have to pay anything for it. Not to mention the prices of things start to go balistic cause you got 11 year old kids who bought 9000g for their birthday and now want free epix no matter what the price is.

Basically gold farming = :( for a whole server :) for you and some sweaty guy behind a gold website?
And tbh for the amount of money you'll gets its not worth it really considering your going to get banned almost certainly.

09-04-2008, 11:38 PM
To be honest you can all have your little self righteous rant about laws and blah blah blah but it's not going to stop people gliding or botting for gold or selling chars.

So just use it to your advantage and sell inflated terocone, works wonders for me... apart from when a certain complete NAB (no names mentioned CHARLES/WAFFLES/CHARLESHI) comes along and undercuts by 50 silver.

10-04-2008, 04:58 AM
It can hurt another player, as you could be botting and that means someone else who wants to grind where your botting cant. But yeh. ;P

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