View Full Version : Acne

18-04-2008, 09:45 PM
Does anybody have any recommendations for products that work on acne?

18-04-2008, 09:46 PM
i dont have acne but my sister did, she went to the doctor and he gave her some free creme that name it go away.

18-04-2008, 10:05 PM
i dont have acne but my sister did, she went to the doctor and he gave her some free creme that name it go away.

Can you remember the name of it?

18-04-2008, 10:05 PM
just go to the doctors and he/she will prescribe you something.

18-04-2008, 10:08 PM
You need to see your family doctor or any doctor and ask them to send you to a specialist on acne/skin care and then you should be prescribed to a medication. Good luck :]

18-04-2008, 10:16 PM
I went to the doctors he prescribed me cream and tablets didn't work at all for me. For years i've had spots, not overwhelming but more than i would like and very unsubtle. After many products I found Seaora, they are products made from the Dead Sea and I must say they are amazing, I would recommend it completely! They seem a bit expensive but they last like a month.


I bought that a few months ago and use it everyday in the morning in the bath or shower and i still have some soap left and salts, will be purchasing more soon. You use the soap on your face made from mud from the dead sea, then wash your face with the salt and after if you want you can rub the liquid stuff on your face with cotton wool to stop it getting greasy and tighten the pores. Its 100% natural and within a week I noticed a HUGE difference which NEVER normally happens with other products, i would recommend it before any of the concoctions that doctor prescribes.

If you do buy some type "GLOW" in the coupon code for 10% off your order. Your only supposed to know as a returning customer but shush they will never know hehe.

When i ordered i did have a customs charge because the products are shipped from america i think its about £11 but it is very well worth it i promise!

18-04-2008, 10:17 PM
It depends on what you call acne, there's the disease acne or just general spots.

Spots = Soap, drink lots of water. Savlon reduces the redness.

Acne = Doctors/dermatologist

18-04-2008, 10:17 PM
Yeah, mine is not that bad, I just want to get rid of most of it. My older brother got it really bad, and he still has scars and it looked pretty painful, also his face was heavily scarred after it.

Its weird, alot of them dont have black heads or white heads, they are just like spots. And some are red.

18-04-2008, 10:48 PM
ProActive is a good product in America. All the stars use it and it's probably the #1 acne product.

19-04-2008, 12:35 PM
I just went to the doctors & got pan"something", it worked quite well. But my brother was worse, he went & got tablets off a dermotoligist.

le harry
19-04-2008, 12:45 PM
Proactiv is crap.

20-04-2008, 01:05 AM
I don't have acne, but I've seen the adverts. :D

20-04-2008, 01:09 AM
If you go to the doctors they'll probably put you on some sort of medication for it.

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