View Full Version : DJ Says Help Please

20-04-2008, 08:34 AM
I have installed Kristall Panel 2 but im stuck with the coding to display the DJ says on my homepage. +Rep if you can help mabe a rare from our sites prize vault. Thanks

20-04-2008, 10:30 PM
Assuming your using php && assuming you've got a config file, if I was you i'd use this code;

include 'config.php';

$query = "SELECT rownamehere FROM tablenamehere";
$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo "Current DJ Says:{$row['rownamehere']}";

If your not sure how to do a config file for it just use this code and put it on a file called 'config.php' be sure to edit it so it fits your details

mysql_connect ("localhost", "username", "password");
mysql_select_db ("database_name_here");

Also rather than using the block of code to display the DJ says you can use a PHP include;

<?php include("dj_says.php"); ?> to use it you'll need to place the first block of code in a file called 'dj_says.php' and your done :)

Hope it helps :)

24-04-2008, 11:59 AM
DJ Message

This is a few diffrent ways ..These also refresh themselfs

Reaplce the path/to/djmessgae with the path to your dj messgae
e.g site/radio.djsays.php

-Auto Refresh Only The iFrame-
<iframe src="path/to/djpanel/djmessage.php" frameborder="0" background-color="transparent" allowtransparency="true" height="20" width="200"></iframe>

-Auto Refresh Entire Page Without iFrames-
<?php require('path/to/djpanel/djmessage.php');?>

-No Reresh Without iFrames-
<?php require('path/to/djpanel/djmessage2.php');?>

GD Luk with your site :D

24-04-2008, 12:00 PM
There is a file in the frontend area that will give you a code that you put into a iframe. Thats it basicly.

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