View Full Version : Alhambra Palace Trap-Winners

21-04-2008, 11:50 AM
Winning Ideas are announced

Alhambra Palace Trap - Your Ideas "You are Lost_witness! If anyone can do this it's you! Grab a hold of yourself and get going! The Jinn, may be magical, but you are logical, so this shall be an easy task. You will need to make sure that you avoid the Jinn at all times. Keep to the shadows, stay hidden. Jinn's tend to think highly of themselves, so when the Jinn finally catches you, ask him to a simple duel. He wins, you stay in the palace for all eternity. You win, you go without a scratch. Challenge him to a game of X's and O's! Being a Jinn he will underestimate you, and with a final click of the board, you will have defeated the dreadful Jinn, and escaped the wondrous palace. Things will take some time, but you have never failed us yet, all will be restored back to it's former state."
By :..-Shawn-..:
The response: Nice idea. The only problem is, O's and X's is a game that has a habit of ending in a draw. So, I'll end up stuck in the palace for eternity playing O's and X's with the Jinn. This is a worse scenario. At least I have Mario Kart at the moment!

"Eat lots of beans, then keep on farting on the same place on the wall untill there's a giant hole big enough for you to climb through :D Brilliant!"
By ,PunkyFish
The response: I'm not sure I would consider a crate of beans to be a palace treasure, therefore it is unlikely the Jinn created them when granting my wish. Without the beans, this plan is epic fail!

"I think that you should secretly go outside at night and then creep up to one of the walls and jump over quickly!"
By :Priincess:.
The response: The Jinn never sleeps and is forever keeping a watchful eye. It is not possible to sneak away from him. Also, my personal best in high jump doesn't come very close to 10m!

"Tunnel your way out with a spoon."
The response: It's not a sand castle! There are marble floors to get through... with a spoon?!

"Right, set up a C4 charge to the wall, then detonate it and go through the hole in the wall! Simple as, but it works."
By Thrst
The response: I think someone has been playing too much Rainbow Six Vegas. I don't have any C4 except on the television in the corner of the room.

"Bang yourself against a door until it annoys the Jinn and tell him you wont stop till he turns everything back to normal."
By Fresha
The response: This seemed like a genius idea at first. After a few hours though I fell unconscious.

"Call duck help line and get superduck to save you..."
By liltottykidEN3
The response: You say it like I'm supposed to know the phone number! I tried directory enquiries but they just laughed at me and hung up.

"Use the snakes to eat up the furni in the palace!"
By OhhMyDays
The response: Then I would end up stuck in an unfurnished and snake infested palace for eternity! That's a worse scenario than my current one. At least I have a digital tv at the moment!

"Act like the palace is not your home and maybe the spell will break!"
By :Urban
The response: This idea resulted in a great deal of fun at first as I ran riot showing absolutely no respect to anything within the palace. Unfortunately, the plan didn't work! Now I have a very dirty and smelly palace to live in for eternity. The washing up pile in the kitchen has things growing on it (that move). The hallway walls are all covered in wax crayon drawings of Furni ideas. The bathroom! Well we tried filming it for you to give you some idea as to the horrific state it has gotten into but the British film regulatory body deemed the material far too horrendous for viewing. The laundry room now comes with a health warning and requires anyone who enters wear a bio suit. Problem is, the bio suits are in there waiting to be cleaned...

"I would kill the dragon and find a key on the floor then escape but there is a witch so throw a bucket of water on her but wait there are zombies so we attack them with a tea spoon and we unlock the door and we are free."
By jadiza
The response: That would be a solid plan if I had gone to a funfair and through some freaky disruption in the space continuum somehow ended up making a guest appearance in a lost episode of the animated series of Dungeons and Dragons. Trapped in a world of dragons, witches, ghouls and zombies for all eternity until those kids (who cope with their ordeal tremendously it must be said) finally find their way back home. Sadly that is not the scenario I find myself in so I have forwarded your comment to the makers of Dungeons and Dragons (the animated series). Their comments are below:
"This is a fantastic idea!", producer of the show.
"Why on Earth didn't we think of this ending before? We could have saved ourselves three series'!", story writer for the show.
"It has suspense, action, wit and just a hint of charm! The ratings will go through the roof!", chief executive of the television network that broadcasts the show.
Check the Habbo homepage later to find out what I have decided to do and how YOU can help.

21-04-2008, 11:58 AM
Oh I forgot to enter.


21-04-2008, 11:59 AM

21-04-2008, 12:23 PM
Some of the entries are terrible.
How did this one win!?:

"I think that you should secretly go outside at night and then creep up to one of the walls and jump over quickly!"
By :Priincess:.

21-04-2008, 12:58 PM
random winners as per usual

happy 1 month hc lol :P

21-04-2008, 02:35 PM
oh noes but my hc ran out cri!!11

terrible prize. didn't bother entering.

21-04-2008, 03:02 PM
Oh I forgot to enter.

same lol

Some of the entries are terrible.
How did this one win!?:
that is the best idea by far!

21-04-2008, 03:06 PM
The prize really is far from great.

Some good and some bad entries there. Thanks for the update :).

21-04-2008, 03:46 PM
I said find the door.
I cant believe i didnt win! >:(

21-04-2008, 04:24 PM
I said find the door.
I cant believe i didnt win! >:(

join the crew...

21-04-2008, 07:34 PM
grats to the winners.

21-04-2008, 08:02 PM
Lol ye well done to winners. I didn't deserve to win cos all i sed is run out of the door lol.

22-04-2008, 05:57 AM
I took 10 mins over mine and "dig your way out with a spoon" beat me.

22-04-2008, 02:55 PM
Congrats to them.

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