View Full Version : [Alteration] :) A gift

17-06-2005, 03:38 PM
well, Ive been a brat, a spoilt little brat, and im very sorry =( I dont want to turn back to the old Lilchloedarlin >.<
A few people say my dolls r borin, so i did a widdle girl in a cow suit :( the udders where very hard, Please read, and Im sorry
(as a Well respected Capricorn (Birthday New years eve :)) Im a very stroppy impaitent girl, haha)


17-06-2005, 03:47 PM
Aww thats sweet, forgive her :D 9.8/10

17-06-2005, 04:05 PM
Aww, -Hugs- i must admit, i thought some people (Shall say no names) were a bit too hard on you last night and harsh, which i thought was unnecessary and pretty mean =[

17-06-2005, 04:08 PM
Yes yes. Me love your dolls <33 you gave inspiration to me to try dolling, and as you saw i posted my first doll and am working on my second :) :)

17-06-2005, 04:14 PM
;D cool you're forgiven? even though you didnt effect me ;o

17-06-2005, 04:22 PM
lol, =) so random

17-06-2005, 05:38 PM
its cute and its a nice fort and yes u was acting like a brat and u annoyed me to high hell which is prob why ppl will say i was being harsh

but it comes down to the fact that i made that thing to help you i never said that ur doll was rubbish, i may have fort it but it would have been inapropriate to say it, i tried to help you make it better yet you threw it back in my face.

your forgiven, but dont expect and apology from me.

17-06-2005, 06:51 PM
Forgiven? I don't actually even see what the heck she has done wrong =S

17-06-2005, 06:58 PM
Thanks Chlo :) someone understands ... :@ i Just made the gift for all the people that where annoyed, i dont know what i done wrong either, all i said was i was upset

17-06-2005, 07:21 PM
lol dont liek the cow costume, or is it meant to suggest sometin lmao. 7.8/10

17-06-2005, 07:28 PM
Thanks Chlo :) someone understands ... :@ i Just made the gift for all the people that where annoyed, i dont know what i done wrong either, all i said was i was upset

if u dont know what ur saying sorry for you cant mean it so why even say it?

17-06-2005, 07:43 PM
very nice ;) 10/10 wat happened last nite???

17-06-2005, 07:46 PM
Aww :)
Soo cute! 10/10
Wd =]

17-06-2005, 07:59 PM
:@ dale i did not say right a comment like that :@
sorry peeps

17-06-2005, 08:05 PM
-Edited -sigh >.>

17-06-2005, 08:21 PM
Allright calm down ! lilchloedarlin's brother should get his own acount (if it is two diffrent people) instead of using his sisters acount.

Crying-angel was HELPING intead of trying to get her post count up like most of you do when you say "10/10 great" and other stuff like that.

If you cant take CONSTRUCTIVE critisizm dont post anything. If you want to improve you have to listen to critisizm on your pictures.

Give over about being "bullied" or just leave the forum !

17-06-2005, 08:24 PM
excuse me ,
My brother does have an account, he just cant log out of mine
I can Take critizizum
Im not going to start a new argument, so Ill leave it there

17-06-2005, 08:26 PM
dale - firstly i aint saying sorry because im not in the wrong. i could lie to you n say "oh im so sorry for saying what i have said, please forgive me" but i wouldnt mean it so theres no point.
there is nothing wrong with critisizing her dolls - how else do you think she is gonna learn from mistakes if noone points them out?! everyone says "perfect 10/10" but thats not true and it isnt helping her, yes its nice to hear ur works perfect but she will not progress without knowing where she is going wrong.
and i NEVER said my dolls were exactly perfect because i dont think they are but i know i know alot more about dolling than jaz - i was TRYING to help, which is somthing i dont think im gonna try n do again for ur sister since i just get it thrown back in my face.

chloe - firstly im not being mean, im being annoyed by a little brat. secondly im not picking on jaz, and especially for no reason.
you can call me a brat if u like but i know im not. im stubbon when i know im right n i know im right on this.

17-06-2005, 08:27 PM
excuse me ,
My brother does have an account, he just cant log out of mine
I can Take critizizum
Im not going to start a new argument, so Ill leave it there
Well he shouldnt be using your acount to comment. I saw last night your acount double posted. It said "its her brother so its not a double post" well yes it is a double post !

Use your own acounts not other peoples acounts. Also from what i have seen you cant take critisizm

17-06-2005, 08:32 PM
Crying-angel, i apologise for calling you a brat, that was wrong and silly of me, just it irritates me sometimes x.x

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