View Full Version : PHP source HabboClass function.

27-04-2008, 01:45 PM
Hey Guys, ive found a php code at the internet. That shows habbo's badge - Also not the Group badge but the orginal.
echo getHabboBadge($habboHome);

That is the code im using to grab users badge, is it possible to do if the user dosent have a badge on the habbo. Then the picture will dosent show up.

Thanks for your help !

27-04-2008, 01:58 PM
Does that even work? :S

27-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Thats not a code thats a function you are calling. If you want help you've got to provide the code behind that.

27-04-2008, 02:40 PM
Thats not a code thats a function you are calling. If you want help you've got to provide the code behind that.

Yeah, that's what I thought.. xD

27-04-2008, 04:58 PM

function setHome($Hotel, $HabboName) //Set a variable has data from the Habbo Home


if (!$Hotel or !$HabboName)


return false;




$homeData = file_get_contents("http://habbohotel." . $Hotel . "/home/" . $HabboName);

return $homeData;



function isBanned($Home) //Check if a habbo is banned


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi("This page is not available anymore", $Home))


return true;




return false;




function isPrivate($Home) //Check if a Habbo Home is private


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi("</span> marked this page as private.", $Home))


return true;




return false;




function habboExists($Home) //See if a Habbo exists


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi('<div id="page-headline-text">Habbo Homes</div>', $Home))


return false;




return true;




function isOnline($Home) //See if a Habbo is online


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi("habbo_online_anim.gif", $Home))


return true;




return false;




function getHabboMotto($Home) //Grab the Habbos motto


if (!$Home)


return false;




$mottoStart = explode('<div class="profile-motto">', $Home);

$mottoEnd = explode('</div>', $mottoStart[1]);

$mottoTrim = trim($mottoEnd[0]);

$motto = str_replace(' <div class="clear">', '', $mottoTrim);

return $motto;



function getHabboName($Home) //Get the Habbos name in full casing


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi("This page is not available anymore", $Home))


$nameStart = explode(

'This page is not available anymore, <span style="font-weight: bold;">', $Home);

$nameEnd = explode('</span> was banned<br />', $nameStart[1]);

$name = trim($nameEnd[0]);

return $name;


elseif (eregi("</span> marked this page as private.", $Home))


$nameStart = explode(

'src="http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album1358/frank_stop_001.gif" / alt="">',


$nameEnd = explode("</span> marked this page as private.", $nameStart[1]);

$name = trim($nameEnd[0]);

return $name;




$nameStart = explode("<title>Habbo ~ Habbo home: ", $Home);

$nameEnd = explode("</title>", $nameStart[1]);

$name = trim($nameEnd[0]);

return $name;




function getHabboBadge($Home) //Grab the habbos badge


if (!$Home)


return false;




if (eregi("c_images/album1584/", $Home))


$extensionStart = explode("http://images.habbohotel.", $Home);

$extensionEnd = explode("/", $extensionStart[1]);

$extension = trim($extensionEnd[0]);

$badgeStart = explode("http://images.habbohotel." . $extension .

"/c_images/album1584/", $Home);

$badgeEnd = explode(".gif", $badgeStart[1]);

$badgeTrim = trim($badgeEnd[0]);

$badge = "http://images.habbohotel." . $extension . "/c_images/album1584/" . $badgeTrim .


return $badge;




return false;




function getHabboFigure($Home) //Get the Habbos Figure


if (!$Home)


return false;




$figureStart = explode('<div class="profile-figure">', $Home);

$figureEnd = explode('</div>', $figureStart[1]);

$figureTrim = trim($figureEnd[0]);

$figure = preg_replace('/<img alt=\"(.*?)\" src=\"(.*?)\" \/>/', '$2', $figureTrim);

$hotelStart = explode('<div id="habbologo"><a href="', $Home);

$hotelEnd = explode('/"></a></div>', $hotelStart[1]);

$hotel = trim($hotelEnd[0]);

$figure = $hotel . $figure;

return $figure;



function getHabboBirthdate($Home) //Grab the date a Habbo was born


if (!$Home)


return false;




$birthdateStart = explode('<div class="birthday date">', $Home);

$birthdateEnd = explode('</div>', $birthdateStart[1]);

$birthdate = trim($birthdateEnd[0]);

return $birthdate;



function getHabbosOnline($Home) //Get the amount of habbos online


if (!$Home)


return false;




$onlineStart = explode('<td id="topbar-count">', $Home);

$onlineEnd = explode(' Habbos online</td>', $onlineStart[1]);

$onlineTrim = trim($onlineEnd[0]);

$online = eregi_replace(",", "", $onlineTrim);

return $online;




That is the code behind it ;) Hope you can help.

27-04-2008, 10:10 PM
Who EVER did that, is horrible.

I took some of the whitespaces out of the few functions but I dont see why he over used functions

function setHome($Hotel, $HabboName) {
if (!$Hotel or !$HabboName) {
return false;
} else {
$homeData = file_get_contents("http://habbohotel." . $Hotel . "/home/" . $HabboName);
return $homeData;

function isBanned($Home) {
if (!$Home) {
return false;
} else {
if (eregi("This page is not available anymore", $Home)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

function isPrivate($Home) {
if (!$Home) {
return false;
} else {
if (eregi("</span> marked this page as private.", $Home)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

function habboExists($Home) {
if (!$Home) {
return false;
} else {
if (eregi('<div id="page-headline-text">Habbo Homes</div>', $Home)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

function isOnline($Home) {
if (!$Home) {
return false;
} else {
if (eregi("habbo_online_anim.gif", $Home)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

If you return the PHP with it nice and clean like above someone might help.

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