View Full Version : St. George Winners.

28-04-2008, 04:26 PM
The results of the St George's Day interview competition are announced! Who had their interview published on the Habbo homepage?
St George
St George was a Greek Roman soldier of the Roman Army and lived in Turkey! Did you know that St George is actually also, among others, the Patron Saint of China, Ethiopia, Greece, Portugal and Russia? It is also widely believed that he never set foot in England during his lifetime (ca. 275-281 - April 23, 303). St George is often depicted sleighing a dragon and riding a white horse and there is usually the inclusion of the St George's Cross on his armour or shield.

St George's Creative Writing Competition Winner
Congratulations to lMuggins whose entry can be read below! We thought your entry was excellent, so well done! The nine runners up, in no particular order, are: -::Fuzz::- x-TwEeTy-PiEx Simple-Hearts Glorth NEDDYKINS :--cat-- webbs-girl Metalphylin and Pulled
lMuggins: Thanks for joining us today St. George!
St. George: My pleasure, I do like to help the ‘feed the peasants’ charity. I’m not too keen on those reporters though...too stressful.
lMuggins: Yes...Charity... [Interviewer gives a shifty look and hides reporter name tag]. Anyway let’s get straight to the Q’s and A’s!
St. George: Q’s and who?!
[Interviewer ignores]
lMuggins: So...George [St. George interrupts]
St. George: You will not refer to me as just George, peasant! It is SAINT George and none other.
lMuggins: So SAINT George... [St. George interrupts again]
St. George: Quite right!
lMuggins: If you could travel forward in time what do you think would be in the future?
St. George: Time Travel...Preposterous!
lMuggins: Let me rephrase that...What would you expect to be invented in the next two thousand years?
St. George: Some sort of device that would allow oneself to communicate over large distances, horseback does take a good proportion of one’s time.
lMuggins: You never know sir...you never know...
St. George: Stop muttering to yourself and get on with the questions!
[Interviewer’s phone rings] [Interviewer hastily turns off]
lMuggins: Seeing as you’re the patron saint of England, You must love the country?
St. George: Yes! This is my first time being here and I adore it. All the peasants are quite up to scratch but the food could be improved. I must say that there must be a major market in sheep round here, there’s tonnes of those animals! I wonder... [St. George gazes up in thought].
lMuggins: [interviewer snaps fingers to gain the saints concentration] How was the dragon slaying?
St. George: I didn’t slay a dragon [St. George says this under his breath and hurriedly moves on]. The weather was superb! Not too hot, not too cold and sunny all week so perfect tanning conditions.
lMuggins: You’re also the patron saint of China, Ethiopia, Greece, Portugal and Russia, just to name a few, but which one is your favourite country?
[The saint slips interviewer some foreign money]
lMuggins: Hey! What are you doing?! I don’t take bribes and besides, even if I did bribe I would be the one bribing you, to say England.
St. George: England of course is my favourite! [St. George winks]
lMuggins: Your travels have taken you across the world including: Turkey, Italy, Africa to name a few, so you must have encountered some strange creatures, what was the most strange?
St. George: I did come across a rather fine looking tiger when I was in Libya which was quite an experience but now I realise after talking to a native it was hunting my trail, so it could have been a nasty end. Although being beheaded is VERY nasty, I admit but not as bad as being ripped limb from limb with 5 inch...
[Interviewer interrupts]
lMuggins: That’s quite enough detail, thank you!
lMuggins: Next Question, Sir! When you became a soldier for the Roman Army
you told your Emperor, Diocletian, that he was too harsh towards Christians and you were tortured for seven years. Didn’t you think about the consequences when you criticised the most powerful man in Italy at that time?
St. George: Yes I did know this but this did not stop me, I believe, to beat the bully you have to stand up to them! I certainly was prosecuted horrifically but he eventually stopped, so it was worthwhile. This can relate to everyday life and I believe that I have set an example for thousands to follow.
lMuggins: Your horse is a vital part of your life, so why have you had such a good relationship with your horse for so long?
St. George: Caring for a horse is just like caring for a child; it needs love, attention and a good diet or a BIG diet should I say... [St. George drifts off in thought]. Never mind dogs being a man’s best friend, horses are stronger and quicker. If you put a dog and my horse in a ring and fought, my beauty would come out on top...say, where is the nearest kennel? Our relationship is built on strength. If one of us falls we carry the other!
lMuggins: Wow, you must be very strong.
St. George: Well I do work out...
lMuggins: You are known as the founder of the Flag of Saint George, do you like your flag?
St. George: I didn’t choose it but I still like it very much and I am honoured to have my flag as the English one. My deceased father used to love these colours; white for a fresh start like birth and red the colour of danger. My father was one for danger! [A tear shimmers over the patron’s eyes he hurriedly wipes away]
lMuggins: Rumour has it that you do not like to take off your helmet, is this true?
St. George: Certainly not! One has to keep looking respectable, you see, I condition my hair twice a day. My conditioner is made of the finest honey and purest milk and soon I will have plans to globalise this product.
lMuggins: Why have you got your helmet on now then?
St. George: I am in some financial trouble right now so I don’t have the funds to wash myself. You will do well not mentioning this to anyone.
lMuggins: Sir, can I remind you that we are in an interview and I am writing down everything you say for people to read.
[Saint George shows interviewer his rather sharp looking sword]
lMuggins: Ladies and gentlemen, after careful deliberation please erase everything you have just read from your memory!

28-04-2008, 04:30 PM
You already posted a forum like this, Post it in there. Use less Virtual Paper. Save More Virtual Trees :)

28-04-2008, 04:35 PM
=( was expecting that to come up because the article disappeared so got ready to post but forgot, anddidnt notice it came

28-04-2008, 05:17 PM
good find i guess

28-04-2008, 06:28 PM
Well done to all winners :)

28-04-2008, 06:51 PM
Is that only ONE winner?

28-04-2008, 06:56 PM
Is that only ONE winner?

no, the main winner

runners up are in the article

28-04-2008, 07:12 PM
o no i didnt win.

28-04-2008, 07:16 PM
o no i didnt win.
O no! i didnt even enter. XD

28-04-2008, 07:19 PM

28-04-2008, 11:19 PM
congrats to the winners.

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