View Full Version : Installing cutenews!

01-05-2008, 10:55 AM
This is a quick tutorial for installing cutenews by using SmartFTP :)!

Cutenews (http://cutephp.com/)
SmartFTP (http://www.smartftp.com/)

Firstly open up your SmartFTP
http://images.habboupload.com/1209709089.png (http://www.habboupload.com)
In the blue box put in your website name without the http:// and the www. (I persume anyway) In the red box put in your login name and in the green box put in your password and then click the green go arrow box :)!

Once connected on the left hand side you will see a file structure of all of your files on your webite. Click public_html which will open up a all the contents you are showing to the public (hence public_html)

Right click within the box shown and click on upload!
http://images.habboupload.com/1209703649.png (http://www.habboupload.com)
Click on upload folder then a box like this will appear with a folder structure of your documents.
Locate your cutenews folder click it and click OK!
It will then start uploading all of the files within the cutenews folder. Once its finished you will see your cutenews folder within the box shown earlier with all the files within your public_html folder. If you cannot see this press F5 which will refresh it.

Once you can see it, double click it to go inside. Locate the data directory, right click it and click properties. This will open a box similar to this.
Within the red square type in the numbers 777 and click ok! This will CHMOD your data directory! Open up the directory, click on the top folder, hold down the shift key, press the arrow down until all files are selected. Right click, click properties and type in 777 where shown above!

Now, once you have done all of the above, in your address bar on Internet Explorer or Firefox or w/e you use type in...

Obviously replace the yoursite and the .com if needed! Also if you have uploaded your cutenews within a different folder then obviously you will need to change the url you type in such as...


Once you have done that, follow the on-screen steps!

If you have any questions or problems, let me know! There is also a readme file with your cutenews download which also tells you how to install :)!

(Also written by FutureSex on ClubHabbo Forum, tis me)

01-05-2008, 02:43 PM
You missed of about deleting search.php. But its a good guide :)

What theme are you using in the screenshots.

02-05-2008, 03:52 AM
Why download an FTP Client.

Just use Windows Explorer, and drag the extracted Cutenews files over. Right-click > Properties = CHMOD.


02-05-2008, 04:11 AM
You either don't get that, or I can't find it in Vista. Also this is hardly a cutenews tut.

This is the only line related to it: Once you have done that, follow the on-screen steps!
The CHMODing is usually automatic when you install it. And it's nearly always fine anyway.

No offence, but even for an FTP tutorial, this is well... pathetic.. smartFTP gives you instructions on how to connect and upload files on the welcome screen anyway, it's just a topic thats too self-explanatory to make a tutorial on. Nice of you to take your time to do it though.

02-05-2008, 11:45 AM
I dont think Vista has it I use vista cant find it no where I Used to use it on XP though :p

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