View Full Version : [Request] CableHabbo - We need everyone!!

03-05-2008, 12:05 PM

I am planning to begin work on CableHabbo, which is a Habbo TV Network purely dedicated to Habbo TV shows. I am in need of a lot of people. Here is a list of all I need.

Website Designer & Technician - They will create and maintain the website, they must be trusted and experienced as they will have CPanel access. They will be paid monthly. If you have VB experience then you can also be Forum Technician.

Show Creators - If you have an idea for a Habbo TV series then please pitch the idea to me. You will be paid per episode. I am looking to pick up about 16 shows each season so I need a lot of people pitching ideas.

Producers - Producers basically produce the show, they will be required to either provide sets or find someone willing to provide them. They will manage the writing staff, actors and crew for the show the produce. They will finalize scripts before production. They will be paid per episode. A show creator gets first priority to produce it (and receive a producers pay as well), if they say no then a producer will be hired.

Actors - They act in shows. Paid per episode.

Writers - They will write the episodes a long with the producer. Paid per episode.

Directors - Direct the shows. They will be required to have CamStudio or a similar recording equipment. They will also be required to do the editing of the show either with Windows Movie Maker or other editing equipment. Paid per episode.

Network Executives - Network Executives Help run the network. They will have regular meetings to suggest changes that should be made. They will be needed when it comes to "Sweeps" when we are deciding which shows get another series and which shows will be axed. They read ideas pitched and tell High Management to take a look at the idea. They look over shows and make sure everything is running smoothly. Paid monthly.

If you are interested in any of the jobs then please post below or PM me. It would be helpful to provide E-Mail address or MSN addresses so I have easy contact. Yum999 is the President of CableHabbo so also feel free to contact him. You will be paid either with cash or habbo credits. All staff will be on a contract which will state they have to finish current projects before they resign (Basically you can't quit half way through a series). A series can have anything from 6 to 15 episodes.

If you wish for more information please add [email protected] to your MSN or E-Mail me at [email protected]


03-05-2008, 12:12 PM
I'd be a technician, how much is this monthly. I can only be a technician due to I can't design habbo layout. I also own a vBulletin license which you could use.

03-05-2008, 06:46 PM
how exactly is this profitable enough to pay?...

03-05-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey guys!

CableHabbo, as explained, will be coming soon! :)

Profits will be much more explained with the development increase.

03-05-2008, 10:49 PM
Lets have a guess advertisements in the streams and on the site?

04-05-2008, 08:21 AM
how exactly is this profitable enough to pay?...

It's not a matter of profits, it's a matter of no one will do all this hard work for nothing. And it's not like I'm paying them loads, most jobs get a few credits per episode.

Lets have a guess advertisements in the streams and on the site?

Mostly likely.

04-05-2008, 10:23 AM
Can i be Technician

04-05-2008, 10:38 AM
Can i be Technician

Apply for us.

04-05-2008, 10:55 AM
I dont see this site going anywere, It seems theres going to be lots o people with cpanel.
i know for sure theres a new TV site with all the security features and perfect quality habbo films ect... :eusa_whis

04-05-2008, 11:30 AM
soon i bet they will put there password are something like 1234 this site wont go anywere...

but i can provide you with hosting?

04-05-2008, 04:19 PM
How the hell do you figure there will be loads of people with CPanel?

I will have CPanel, The President of CableHabbo will have access and the Techie has access. We are having systems designed to fit all the rest of our needs like uploading the videos etc.

Also kickerbat, you say the site will fail and then say but you'll sell you hosting, you advertising strategy needs a bit of work ;)

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