View Full Version : Retail Therapy

04-05-2008, 11:07 PM
How'd you get, who provides it etc.

(IV of course)

05-05-2008, 12:20 AM
rasta guy

Niko Bellic
05-05-2008, 01:00 AM
Little Jacob ;)

Keep asking to go Darts and Bowling and stuff, then eventually you'll be able to buy guns from him. Do the same with Brucie to get access to helicopter, etc. :D

05-05-2008, 07:45 AM
Yea and do it with Packie and apparently that gives you the ability to call for a bomb to be placed but I'm not sure about it

05-05-2008, 09:09 AM
Sounds cool with Packie, I need the achievements for this aha.
Courier Service

Complete all 10 package delivery jobs.

10 http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif
Acquired 4/5/200804/05/2008

http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/Ll/+J/0Orh4mNhbC9ECxoEGlxTVkYyL2FjaC8wLzEwAAAAAY2Njf+mXz I=.jpg
-- http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif

Top Of The Food Chain

Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch.

10 http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif
Acquired 4/5/200804/05/2008

http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/Pr/xz/1urh4mNhbC82CxoEGlxTVkYyL2FjaC8wLzFCAAAAAY2NjflcvC I=.jpg
-- http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif

Order Fulfilled

Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders.

http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/se/aR/1YCLiGJhbC8yFQUbXVdRGEYyL2FjaC8wL0YAAAAA5+fn+r7mqg ==.jpg
10 http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif
Acquired 3/5/200803/05/2008

http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/9J/LZ/1+rh4mNhbC8yFQUbXVdRGEYyL2FjaC8wL0YAAAABjY2N+PaS7w ==.jpg
-- http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif

Assassin's Greed

Complete all 9 assassin missions.

20 http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif
Acquired 3/5/200803/05/2008

http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/8U/Xq/1urh4mNhbC9BCxoEGlxTVkYyL2FjaC8wLzE1AAAAAY2NjfnFRe 0=.jpg
-- http://live.xbox.com/xweb/lib/images/G_Icon_External.gif

Chain Reaction

You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.

How'd you get them ones (H)

And the chopper tours one. I can't find anywhere to go on the chopper.

06-05-2008, 04:02 PM
Sounds cool with Packie, I need the achievements for this aha.
Courier Service
Complete all 10 package delivery jobs.- Jacob will text you with information about these.

Top Of The Food Chain

Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch. - Self explanitary, but i dont think it has to be in one game from what i've heard.

Order Fulfilled
Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders. - Brucie will email you with info on the cars.

Assassin's Greed

Complete all 9 assassin missions.- After a certain mission a new point on the map will be there with a crosshair for the image, just complete all 9 of them.

Chain Reaction
You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds. - Get a bus and block off a bridge wait till 10 cars are there and then throw a few grenades.

And the chopper tours one. I can't find anywhere to go on the chopper.- South east of the second island, fly on all 5 tours.

There you go :)

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