View Full Version : Funky Friday

09-05-2008, 01:56 PM
Summer, summer, summertime... time to sit back and unwind in this week's Funky Friday!
Yes! Summertime is finally here; a time of change! Finally the temperature is rising! Trousers become shorts, flood planes become fields, wellies become sandals and ice cream vans line the streets! Well, maybe don't toss aside the wellies just yet... this is the UK after all!
Change has been happening all around us lately. Not just outside but on Habbo too.
This week we've seen Habbo updated, again. We now have lots of new features - who ever said there was nothing left to change was wrong! We have a sparkling new console with a neat instant-messaging system, a new friend managing system that allows you to create 'friend categories' and edit your friends easily!
The size of Habbo has also changed! A widescreen view now means some of our
public rooms look even better! Check out the Lido and the Sun Terrace for example! They really show off the new screen size and get you in the summer mood! The new screen size allows for lots of new features to come in the following versions of Habbo! There's also (yes, there's more!) the My Messages feature! A neat little messaging system that lets you send and receive messages with your friends much easier, even when they are offline. You can also edit the messages like you can in guestbooks to make them look extra-funky!
Ok ok... so we've established how amazing everything is now. That leaves the matter of this week's competition! The winner of this week's Funky Friday will walk away with a small summer bundle to help them host a great summer party!

This week's prize pack includes 1 Red Ice Cream Machine and 4 Petal Patches!
To answer this week's question you may need to do a bit of asking around, but don't fret! The answer is simple to find out!
Which of these summery public spaces has been around the longest?
1) The Habbo Lido
2) The Sun Terrace
3) Rooftop Rumble
Thanks to Moose (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/21132184/id) for this week's Funky Friday.

09-05-2008, 03:03 PM
that is a real hard one.
i have no clue, i would only guess sun terrace, haha!

09-05-2008, 03:12 PM
The lido...

09-05-2008, 03:23 PM
Lmao, if I was staff I wouldn't accept that question.

09-05-2008, 03:42 PM
I think mine was better tbhhh.
Based on the update and kept it relevant throughout.
That's summer... Updates, updates.

& a red ice cream machine is called a cherry icm?

09-05-2008, 04:26 PM
I think mine was better tbhhh.
Based on the update and kept it relevant throughout.
That's summer... Updates, updates.

& a red ice cream machine is called a cherry icm?

This is relevant, it's about the update, and it has a litte thrown in to build an atmosphere at the start and to draw the readers attention by talking about something they may want to hear about.

The red ice cream machine is called the cherry ice cream machine, but he obviously put red ice cream machine because he didn't know what the red ice cream machine was called, and neither do most people, therefore they are more familiar with 'red' rather than 'cherry'

09-05-2008, 05:11 PM
This is relevant, it's about the update, and it has a litte thrown in to build an atmosphere at the start and to draw the readers attention by talking about something they may want to hear about.

The red ice cream machine is called the cherry ice cream machine, but he obviously put red ice cream machine because he didn't know what the red ice cream machine was called, and neither do most people, therefore they are more familiar with 'red' rather than 'cherry'

It's about the update?
The opening paragraph should set the topic throughout surely? And if it's about the update, what do petals and an ICM have to do with it?

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