View Full Version : Bit down l:>

17-05-2008, 02:44 PM
I was wondering if anybody had like any tips because lately ive been feeling really, really down. S:
Basically- i get angry at everything and everyone for no reason, when i wake up i wish i hadnt, i always think my life isnt worth living and i might aswell kill myself, im getting into so much trouble at school for like threatening teachers and my grandads in hospital with a tumor so i doubt he'll live past this weekend which makes me really unhappy<3 :cry: Plus i get like proper bullied at school and nobody gives a crap.
My mum said its just because im a teenager but i get upset every hour or so and if somebody says anything to me i threaten them :l
Anyone know whats wrong...? x

Ohh and if your gunna leave any immature comments dont bother because i cant be ****** with alot of **** today.

17-05-2008, 02:47 PM
Hormones, and that you are stressed about your grandpa. You'll be fine soon enough.

17-05-2008, 02:48 PM
Hormones, and that you are stressed about your grandpa. You'll be fine soon enough.
No but like, my auntie died about a year ago and i still get upset thinking about her :/

17-05-2008, 02:50 PM
No but like, my auntie died about a year ago and i still get upset thinking about her :/You are still upset about a deceased relative, you'll be fine after a while. Ofc it will hurt if you were close, and ofc you will always feel sad if you think about them. Although, i have no experience of anyone i know dying.

17-05-2008, 02:51 PM
You are still upset about a deceased relative, you'll be fine after a while. Ofc it will hurt if you were close, and ofc you will always feel sad if you think about them. Although, i have no experience of anyone i know dying.
Hopefully i will =S
Your extremely lucky then </3

17-05-2008, 02:53 PM
It sounds as if thinks couldn't get much worse at the moment. If you think of it that way, things can only get better. Everyone has rough patches in their lives at some point, you just have to take it and wait for things to improve - trust me, they will.

I hope you feel much better soon. :)

17-05-2008, 02:55 PM
It sounds as if thinks couldn't get much worse at the moment. If you think of it that way, things can only get better. Everyone has rough patches in their lives at some point, you just have to take it and wait for things to improve - trust me, they will.

I hope you feel much better soon. :)
Yeah your probably right, well i hope things cant get any worse S:
Mm, thank you Jesus [: x

17-05-2008, 02:55 PM
A lot of teenagers go through a stage in their life where they feel down and as if their life isn't worth living. As said above, it could well be hormones.

You obviously think life is crap, you feel down about your grandfather etc. Your best bet is to think positive. Life can be good, you may not think it, but it can! It is up to you to make your life as good as it can be. Think happy, do things that make you happy, look at your problems and sort them out with a level head. There are things you can do nothing about - like your grandfather's tumour. You will be understandably sad about that, but at the same time think what he would want. I am confident that when I say he wants you to be happy and he wants you to live a long life I am right. He wouldn't want you to think about hurting yourself, especially on his account.
Just buck up your ideas, do your best to fix your problems and crack on. You'll pull through.

If however, you are in a seriously bad state then go to the Doctor. Either way, I hope things get better! <3

17-05-2008, 02:59 PM
Ill try think positive things, im usually alright when im focused on something that i like. Thank you loads x

17-05-2008, 03:03 PM
Ill try think positive things, im usually alright when im focused on something that i like. Thank you loads x

That's how you start, you build on it from there.

17-05-2008, 03:52 PM
Garion has given you some really good advice, he's right. I just want to add a few things to what he recommends.

It does take time to get over someone close dying but time does heal us. I like you lost my aunt a few years ago now, my three little cousins lost their mummy. She was amazing, funny kind and just great to be around, and that's how I try to remember her on a very positive note, happy times, happy memories.

You obviously love your grandad, why not do something for him today, make a nice card or similar. I'm sure that will go a little way today to making you feel a bit better :)

17-05-2008, 09:18 PM
Your mum is right - your a teenager and your hormones make you annoyed at everything sometimes. I get like that and I hate it - I like to think in my mind that I'm about 30 (I refer to my girlfriend at the time as "the wife" and I moan about modern music) but my moodiness really gives it away.

I suppose the stress of your auntie and your granddad are aiding it, and you should really tell your mum/headteacher about the bullying. Just try to think ahead and positively - everything will be alright sooner or later.

18-05-2008, 01:03 AM
I wasn't in a situation like yours but last year-ish, I felt depressed, not to the point of thinking suicidal or threatening people, I just had a short temper and couldn't be bothered with doing things. I moved on, and it was just a quick phase. I hope it'll be the same for you.

18-05-2008, 10:44 AM
I get really angry at the slightest things. Ive been really agressive recently, feel like punching someone. My poor brother usually gets it. Anyway anger should go but I don't have any advice for you about your Gramps srry.

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