View Full Version : That thing where only half the page reloads

21-05-2008, 07:06 PM
You know on some sites where if you click a link, it only loads like half the page, and doesnt reload the banner and links menu and that? How do you do it?

An example: http://www.habbolake.com/v2/

Taa :P

21-05-2008, 07:08 PM
iFrames easiest way

21-05-2008, 07:13 PM
iFrames easiest way
Is that the way they've done it?

21-05-2008, 07:16 PM
No, but iFrames does the same things

21-05-2008, 07:19 PM
No, but iFrames does the same things
Doesnt that leave a big border and scroll thing and just likes eww?

21-05-2008, 07:24 PM
Doesnt that leave a big border and scroll thing and just likes eww?

No, it doesn't if you code it to not.

Also, they use Javascript.

21-05-2008, 07:59 PM
its called ajax

www.w3schools.com >> learn ajax

iframes are ew but if you dont want a border, add frameborder="0" to it

Agnostic Bear
22-05-2008, 07:24 AM
its called ajax

www.w3schools.com (http://www.w3schools.com) >> learn ajax

iframes are ew but if you dont want a border, add frameborder="0" to it

There's no such thing as ajax, it's called Javascript and the XMLHttp Object.

22-05-2008, 10:17 AM
There's no such thing as ajax, it's called Javascript and the XMLHttp Object.
There is such a thing as AJAX you ignoramus.

22-05-2008, 12:10 PM
Ajax is just the name of the method... Also using javascript to load parts of the webpage at different times is stupid - What if javascript is disabled = your site don't load at all. JS is used to compliment a website not process different parts of it. Look how Habbo uses it.

You guys are referring to "AJAX" as a new language.

22-05-2008, 12:18 PM
Ajax is just the name of the method... Also using javascript to load parts of the webpage at different times is stupid - What if javascript is disabled = your site don't load at all. JS is used to compliment a website not process different parts of it. Look how Habbo uses it.Almost all browsers that are being used now support the XMLHttp Object. If you don't have javascirpt enabled then thats somewhat stupid as most sites can take advantage of javascript and improve their site a lot. Also if someone brings up the browser compatibility problem, all I have to say is, if people don't want to upgrade from say IE 4.0 then thats their issue.

22-05-2008, 03:16 PM
Haven't checked yet what method they use but the most common method people use is by using PHP includes with an GET id to determine what page to load ;).

22-05-2008, 07:04 PM
I still disagree, a website should be made for everyone for example wwhen im on my windows server, JS is disabled.

Agnostic Bear
22-05-2008, 08:14 PM
I still disagree, a website should be made for everyone for example wwhen im on my windows server, JS is disabled.

Correct, and it's not really that hard to do either... infact it's not hard. period.

23-05-2008, 05:50 PM
Having something made for everybody is ridiculous. It's like saying, 'oh, lets not create games consoles or blu-ray players that output in HD, because not everybodys TV can support it'

Things and time would never advance if everything was made to cater for everybody. If people dont want to upgrade then thats their problem... :)

23-05-2008, 05:56 PM
Alright, so your saying If I create a program just for Linux and you really want it you will upgrade to Linux? Of course I can see upgrading is a must for some people but if you want to reach a large audience you've got to allow all audiences to view it dependent of what system/explorer they are using.

23-05-2008, 06:12 PM
Alright, so your saying If I create a program just for Linux and you really want it you will upgrade to Linux? Of course I can see upgrading is a must for some people but if you want to reach a large audience you've got to allow all audiences to view it dependent of what system/explorer they are using.

You have a point but still, if everything catered for everyone, nothing would advance. We wouldnt have DVD's because people wouldnt have DVD players etc.

Same in web design, you cant say not to use Javascript because some peoples browsers dont support it/have it switched off because then most web pages would end up naff because there are a few people that cant view it.

I cant see why anbody would be using IE anyway, yet alone IE4 :P

23-05-2008, 06:16 PM
I never said not use it... I said use JavaScript to compliment a website, not to build one out of it - Also windows server 08 - JScript is disabled, don't believe me get WS 08 and try it. Webpages wouldn't end up "naff" because you don't need to use JS to design a website...?

23-05-2008, 07:10 PM
Ajax is just the name of the method... Also using javascript to load parts of the webpage at different times is stupid - What if javascript is disabled = your site don't load at all. JS is used to compliment a website not process different parts of it. Look how Habbo uses it.

You guys are referring to "AJAX" as a new language.

If Javascript is disabled, it's the visitor losing out, not me.

Haven't checked yet what method they use but the most common method people use is by using PHP includes with an GET id to determine what page to load ;).

You could do what you'd give us into trouble for not doing and actually looking instead of pointlessly posting...

I still disagree, a website should be made for everyone for example wwhen im on my windows server, JS is disabled.

A website is made for the target audience, not 'everyone'.

Alright, so your saying If I create a program just for Linux and you really want it you will upgrade to Linux? Of course I can see upgrading is a must for some people but if you want to reach a large audience you've got to allow all audiences to view it dependent of what system/explorer they are using.

There are applications and programs made only for Linux.. are they missing out? No. They are aimed at the target audience, and ignored by people who don't have Linux. They are successful applications and work for what the developers want them to work for, and whom they want them to work for.

23-05-2008, 08:10 PM
I was referring to AJAX as to the way its done, using that coding language.

Hes asking how its done, and most sites use AJAX to do it.

23-05-2008, 08:29 PM
I never said not use it... I said use JavaScript to compliment a website, not to build one out of it - Also windows server 08 - JScript is disabled, don't believe me get WS 08 and try it. Webpages wouldn't end up "naff" because you don't need to use JS to design a website...?

Yeah, I know, but somebody with Javascript disabled/not supported would not be able to... umm, take advantage of the benefits of Javascript I guess you could say? :P You dont need JS on a site but it obviously improves it somewhat, and users that dont have javascript would not have the full experience, if you get me, lol.

23-05-2008, 08:44 PM
If Javascript is disabled, it's the visitor losing out, not me.

Yes, thats true but the website shouldn't be created using JS.

A website is made for the target audience, not 'everyone'.So your saying, if I created something for a target audience that all teens could use and made it out of flash - They'd all have Flash installed? Now you have the issue that they have to install Adobe Flash - You've lost people using your site, what if you make a flash site, and a non-flash version?

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