View Full Version : Coding Community
23-05-2008, 07:37 PM
Is the new forum not exactly the same as these forum?
Free Requests (
Ask someone to code you your layout, make you a layout etc, for free.
Paid requests can be made here (
Web Design & Coding Related Help (
Get your Website Design help within here.
Website Coding & Programming (
For discussion of HTML, PHP, ASP, JSP and other scripting languages both frontend and backend, as well as programming.
Ask the Coding Community (
Ask the coding community here any coding related questions (design or script).
They all do the same job really?
23-05-2008, 07:40 PM
Is the new forum not exactly the same as these forum?
Free Requests (
Ask someone to code you your layout, make you a layout etc, for free.
Paid requests can be made here (
Web Design & Coding Related Help (
Get your Website Design help within here.
Website Coding & Programming (
For discussion of HTML, PHP, ASP, JSP and other scripting languages both frontend and backend, as well as programming.
Ask the Coding Community (
Ask the coding community here any coding related questions (design or script).
They all do the same job really?
True, however the last one is for replies from users who are active in the section, can be trusted more and perhaps have more talent than others.
23-05-2008, 07:41 PM
True, however the last one is for replies from users who are active in the section, can be trusted more and perhaps have more talent than others.
But its another forum we dont exactly need, when the others specially the forum shown below; is exaclty the same pretty much? Should of renamed that forum..
Web Design & Coding Related Help
Get your Website Design help within here.
Wait what!? You make a forum no one asks for and is already covered, yet you dont make an anime forum?
Darn you mad.
23-05-2008, 07:43 PM
I don't really see why the section is needed when sections already exist, it doesn't really matter if less experienced people reply they will still give advice...
I don't understand why sections like the coding help is added when forum management say there are alreayd too many so there won't be an anime/manga/GTA/and other suggest forums forum.
True, however the last one is for replies from users who are active in the section, can be trusted more and perhaps have more talent than others.
23-05-2008, 07:44 PM
Wait what!? You make a forum no one asks for and is already covered, yet you dont make an anime forum?
Darn you mad.
I don't really see why the section is needed when sections already exist, it doesn't really matter if less experienced people reply they will still give advice...
I don't understand why sections like the coding help is added when forum management say there are alreayd too many so there won't be an anime/manga/GTA/and other suggest forums forum.
Exaclty my point.
Specially when they moan that VIP Subforums take too much ran up, yet they'll make pointless forums we dont require?
23-05-2008, 07:48 PM
Exaclty my point.
Specially when they moan that VIP Subforums take too much ran up, yet they'll make pointless forums we dont require?
I don't see why that "we" is there...
Just becouse you're not in need of such a forum, doesn't mean nobody needs it
Other people might really find it useful
That's just my opinion
23-05-2008, 07:50 PM
Sorry, badly wording on my part but there is already several forums which do the same job but more in depth supplying users with inforamtion they need only.
This new forum is not required renaming "Web Design & Coding Related Help" would be much better.
23-05-2008, 07:56 PM
Me and MAD have been discussing the addition of the Coding Community all night. The main idea of it is to offer users a place to ask a question in a Forum where they know they will get a quick, correct and friendly reply.
It seemed to me that a lot of threads where users need help turn into flame wars (I'm sure management are working on fixing this problem) so I thought this would be a great help for the community. As you may remember, every time the forum "trolling" has come into a thread, members always say that the Web Development forums are one of the worst places where users get flamed for asking questions, etc.
This new Forum will be a great addition for members who need a quick or detailed reply and it will also serve as an archive for Web Development related FAQs.
I'm certain this Forum will be a great addition to the Web Dev. forums and will benefit it and the Forum's members in the long-run.
Also, the Forum 'Web Design & Coding Related Help' will still remain I think as a place where all members can contribute an answer and discuss the question asked where as the new Forum will specifically be for the answering of questions by the Coding Community Members.
23-05-2008, 07:57 PM
Sorry, badly wording on my part but there is already several forums which do the same job but more in depth supplying users with inforamtion they need only.
This new forum is not required renaming "Web Design & Coding Related Help" would be much better.
In this new forum, only a few people will be able to reply to threads created, that's where the difference is. The forum you mention is where anyone can help others even if they are not sure aren't active in the coding forums. If people prefer this new one, we can delete the one you mentioned. We don't want to force people to use this new forum but rather give them a choice, there's no harm in that I don't think :).
Edit: Good, detailed explaination above ^.
23-05-2008, 07:57 PM
I don't really see why the section is needed when sections already exist, it doesn't really matter if less experienced people reply they will still give advice...
I don't understand why sections like the coding help is added when forum management say there are alreayd too many so there won't be an anime/manga/GTA/and other suggest forums forum.
I agree.
23-05-2008, 07:58 PM
Me and MAD have been discussing the addition of the Coding Community all night. The main idea of it is to offer users a place to ask a question in a Forum where they know they will get a quick, correct and friendly reply.
It seemed to me that a lot of threads where users need help turn into flame wars (I'm sure management are working on fixing this problem) so I thought this would be a great help for the community. As you may remember, every time the forum "trolling" has come into a thread, members always say that the Web Development forums are one of the worst places where users get flamed for asking questions, etc.
This new Forum will be a great addition for members who need a quick or detailed reply and it will also serve as an archive for Web Development related FAQs.
I'm certain this Forum will be a great addition to the Web Dev. forums and will benefit it and the Forum's members in the long-run.
But then the other forums which you request help will die and be pointless forums then?
Along with just as its named a "certain name" doesnt make it any more popular as in you'll get a direct reply. There's still 50% you wont. "Web Dev FAQS" Dont we have a Tutorial forum for them? ... Yet another pointless forum then?
ilu <3
In this new forum, only a few people will be able to reply to threads created, that's where the difference is. The forum you mention is where anyone can help others even if they are not sure aren't active in the coding forums. If people prefer this new one, we can delete the one you mentioned. We don't want to force people to use this new forum but rather give them a choice, there's no harm in that I don't think :).
Why not just do that to the current forum?
23-05-2008, 08:00 PM
But then the other forums which you request help will die and be pointless forums then?As I added to my post, the Forum should still remain active as a place for people to discuss issues and help each other.
Along with just as its named a "certain name" doesnt make it any more popular as in you'll get a direct reply. There's still 50% you wont.Only the specially chosen dedicated Forum Coders are able to reply to questions which means an answer WILL be given.
Also, tutorials don't always answer FAQs, that's pretty obvious in itself. You don't need a tutorial for every single commonly asked question.
o and ily2<3
23-05-2008, 08:00 PM
Invent you should apply!
23-05-2008, 08:01 PM
Why not just do that to the current forum?
Like I said, we don't want to force users to this new forum but rather give them another option. Seeking coding and design related help isn't as easy as it could be. This should make it easier :).
But its another forum we dont exactly need, when the others specially the forum shown below; is exaclty the same pretty much? Should of renamed that forum..
Web Design & Coding Related Help
Get your Website Design help within here.
Another forum 1 won't do any harm tbh.
23-05-2008, 08:03 PM
Like I said, we don't want to force users to this new forum.Exactly, even though many users may dissagree this Forum isn't a dictatorship and the Web Dev. members should have the choice for their question to involve a discussion where several different (probably all correct) answers may be given or they can post it in another Forum where they will get a single answer quickly.
23-05-2008, 08:03 PM
As I added to my post, the Forum should still remain active as a place for people to discuss issues and help each other.
Only the specially chosen dedicated Forum Coders are able to reply to questions which means an answer WILL be given.
Also, tutorials don't always answer FAQs, that's pretty obvious in itself. You don't need a tutorial for every single commonly asked question.
o and ily2<3
Then maybe you "webers" should make one big FAQ? or rename Tutorial forum to Tutorials and FAQ's ? Would be much better! :)
Like I said, we don't want to force users to this new forum.
If anyone has a question, they can use the three forums i supplied or private message coders or even create a thread, i mean if i wanted help i would want help from as many people as i could. ;)
This new forum limits the help as well lets face if, you have to be a member of the group to reply to threads (am i correct?) surly that will limit replies.
People STILL dont know about the Pixel Artist Group...
23-05-2008, 08:05 PM
I do not like the idea, we may not approve of the members in the team therefore not request for there help. Making a website is not an average thing a typical teenager does, some see it as a chore for work. I do not agree with this, however if your forum is showing Dragon Fable advertisements (Animé orientated), I don't see the harm in adding and Animé forum into the graphics section. Although these are not Habbox staff but just 'dedicated coders', I do not see why they should get their own support thread.
23-05-2008, 08:05 PM
Then maybe you "webers" should make one big FAQ? or rename Tutorial forum to Tutorials and FAQ's ? Would be much better! It's easier said than done, lol ;)
This new forum limits the help as well lets face if, you have to be a member of the group to reply to threads (am i correct?) surly that will limit replies.It shouldn't, infact it won't limit replies as I've already said we will ONLY be allowing dedicated members to be a part of the group and offer replies. I myself will be checking the Forum every day and I'm sure the other members of the group will aswell.
I do not like the idea, we may not approve of the members in the team therefore not request for there help. Making a website is not an average thing a typical teenager does, some see it as a chore for work. I do not agree with this, however if your forum is showing Dragon Fable advertisements (Animé orientated), I don't see the harm in adding and Animé forum into the graphics section. Although these are not Habbox staff but just 'dedicated coders', I do not see why they should get their own support thread.Again, we will not be letting any 'joe bloggs' join the group but only those who members respect and know will be able to offer them reliable help. Also, one of the main reasons for this new forum is to try to combat the amount of "forum trolling" which a lot of members have been complaining about recently.
23-05-2008, 08:06 PM
If anyone has a question, they can use the three forums i supplied or private message coders or even create a thread, i mean if i wanted help i would want help from as many people as i could.
Exactly. A new member or a member that isn't a frequent user of the coding forums would not necessarily know who to PM. PMs are not public either meaning the reply the coder gave you will not help other people where as the replies in this forum may help other users.
This new forum limits the help as well lets face if, you have to be a member of the group to reply to threads (am i correct?) surly that will limit replies.
Which is exactly why the other forums are still there (like I explained in one of my earlier posts).
People STILL dont know about the Pixel Artist Group...
That's a different topic :P.
23-05-2008, 08:07 PM
I do not like the idea, we may not approve of the members in the team therefore not request for there help. Making a website is not an average thing a typical teenager does, some see it as a chore for work. I do not agree with this, however if your forum is showing Dragon Fable advertisements (Animé orientated), I don't see the harm in adding and Animé forum into the graphics section. Although these are not Habbox staff but just 'dedicated coders', I do not see why they should get their own support thread.
It's easier said than done, lol ;)
It shouldn't, infact it won't limit replies as I've already said we will ONLY be allowing dedicated members to be a part of the group and offer replies. I myself will be checking the Forum every day and I'm sure the other members of the group will aswell.
Sorry? Who says who is a decent coder? Surly people want to help others even if they are not extremely advanced themselves? So your pretty much saying you must be a advanced coder, what if your a new member and join? You'll get attacked like mad.
So you have to be popular to get in? Great.
Exactly. A new member or a member that isn't a frequent user of the coding forums would not necessarily know who to PM. PMs are not public either meaning the reply the coder gave you will not help other people where as the replies in this forum may help other users.
Which is exactly why the other forums are still there (like I explained in one of my earlier posts).
That's a different topic :P.
But its related, if you dont know about the pixel group people wont know about this group either.. And as Invent said not anyone can join, you'll get attacked if you do.
Lets face it all questions will be directed to that forum now, why? As people will want to look bigger and better to reply to threads.
It seems like a pointless idea to me.
23-05-2008, 08:10 PM
Sorry? Who says who is a decent coder? Surly people want to help others even if they are not extremely advanced themselves? So your pretty much saying you must be a advanced coder, what if your a new member and join? You'll get attacked like mad.If you're not advanced you can get help from the new forum and can offer help in the old forums.
Which is exactly the reason why the old forum(s) are staying!
So you have to be popular to get in? Great.Definately not - this is not a popularity contest. You just have to know what you're doing, be trusted and also be respected within the community (by this I don't mean you have to be popular, I mean the community has to trust you and know you can help them).
23-05-2008, 08:11 PM
No offence, but now you're just seeking for -any- alternative for the new forum, as if you'ld do anything to get rid of it..
What harm can it do to make 2 threads ? one in the normal forum where anyone can reply, (& pretty much reply whatever they want to say, incl. flaming)
and creating another in the new forum where you're sure the chosen people in the group will check the threads every day and will certainly reply with their knowledge.
Theres no harm in having 2 threads.. it only increases your chance of getting a (good) reply.
(It's not as if people HAVE to post in the new forum.. like I said, they may aswell create a topic in the main forum & the new one)
Then maybe you "webers" should make one big FAQ? or rename Tutorial forum to Tutorials and FAQ's ? Would be much better! :)
23-05-2008, 08:14 PM
If you're not advanced you can get help from the new forum and can offer help in the old forums.
Which is exactly the reason why the old forum(s) are staying!
Definately not - this is not a popularity contest. You just have to know what you're doing, be trusted and also be respected within the community (by this I don't mean you have to be popular, I mean the community has to trust you and know you can help them).
But say a advanced coder joined the group who say was only a member for 5 days but knew alot of coding. You'll most probally judge him already thinking "oh great noob!" Lets face it we all do pretty much. I just think the new and old forum should be merged but keep the group, so people know.
;4754435']No offence, but now you're just seeking for -any- alternative for the new forum, as if you'ld do anything to get rid of it..
What harm can it do to make 2 threads ? one in the normal forum where anyone can reply, (& pretty much reply whatever they want to say, incl. flaming)
and creating another in the new forum where you're sure the chosen people in the group will check the threads every day and will certainly reply with their knowledge.
Theres no harm in having 2 threads.. it only increases your chance of getting a (good) reply.
(It's not as if people HAVE to post in the new forum.. like I said, they may aswell create a topic in the main forum & the new one)
No, i like the idea of helping people which im guessing what MAD is trying to do, correct? Making two threads about the same thing, that will mean one being closed for same thread, it always happens. So thats a pointless suggestion.
Me and MAD have been discussing the addition of the Coding Community all night. The main idea of it is to offer users a place to ask a question in a Forum where they know they will get a quick, correct and friendly reply.
It seemed to me that a lot of threads where users need help turn into flame wars (I'm sure management are working on fixing this problem) so I thought this would be a great help for the community. As you may remember, every time the forum "trolling" has come into a thread, members always say that the Web Development forums are one of the worst places where users get flamed for asking questions, etc.
This new Forum will be a great addition for members who need a quick or detailed reply and it will also serve as an archive for Web Development related FAQs.
I'm certain this Forum will be a great addition to the Web Dev. forums and will benefit it and the Forum's members in the long-run.
Also, the Forum 'Web Design & Coding Related Help' will still remain I think as a place where all members can contribute an answer and discuss the question asked where as the new Forum will specifically be for the answering of questions by the Coding Community Members.
that seems a bit vain imo?
& also, I think this is a silly addition: we have all the forums there as it is, this forum seems to be one for the members to say "YES, IM BETTER THAN YOU AT PHP, I CAN POST IN THIS FORUM AND HELP OTHERS" which I already get a lot of in the Web forums anyway.
& What's the point in having a group leader that's left?
23-05-2008, 08:16 PM
But say a advanced coder joined the group who say was only a member for 5 days but knew alot of coding. You'll most probally judge him already thinking "oh great noob!" Lets face it we all do pretty much. I just think the new and old forum should be merged but keep the group, so people know.Everyone who requests admission into the Coding Community group will be placed into a poll (we've just decided this) and then the community will be able to decide which users out of the poll (the top 5-6 or so) should get shortlisted to become a member of the group.
that seems a bit vain imo?
& also, I think this is a silly addition: we have all the forums there as it is, this forum seems to be one for the members to say "YES, IM BETTER THAN YOU AT PHP, I CAN POST IN THIS FORUM AND HELP OTHERS" which I already get a lot of in the Web forums anyway.
& What's the point in having a group leader that's left?
First I'm going to explain your final point :P I originally "left" the Forum due to the flaming and I couldn't be bothered with it. But after speaking to MAD tonight I feel this idea of ours will help combat the flaming/trolling and will make the forum a friendlier place. Also it's not about saying "YES, IM BETTER THAN YOU AT PHP, I CAN POST IN THIS FORUM AND HELP OTHERS" as I thought you would understand, thepoint of the Forum is to combat this.
All I can ask from you all at the moment is to see how the Forum works and if it fails THEN complain about it. But seeing as we haven't even been asked a question yet, you really can't complain how unneeded it is.
23-05-2008, 08:17 PM
But say a advanced coder joined the group who say was only a member for 5 days but knew alot of coding. You'll most probally judge him already thinking "oh great noob!" Lets face it we all do pretty much. I just think the new and old forum should be merged but keep the group, so people know.
No, i like the idea of helping people which im guessing what MAD is trying to do, correct? Making two threads about the same thing, that will mean one being closed for same thread, it always happens. So thats a pointless suggestion.
How is it ?
You're not creating two EQUAL topics in THE SAME forum (which leads into 1 being closed)
It's basicly making one in the main forum to get help from anyone (but obviously with the risks of flames etc etc (not that it allways happends))
And one in the new forum, where you're sure to get a good reply.
Then it's upto you to chose which reply is most usefull to you.
23-05-2008, 08:19 PM
that seems a bit vain imo?
& also, I think this is a silly addition: we have all the forums there as it is, this forum seems to be one for the members to say "YES, IM BETTER THAN YOU AT PHP, I CAN POST IN THIS FORUM AND HELP OTHERS" which I already get a lot of in the Web forums anyway.
& What's the point in having a group leader that's left?
Everyone who requests admission into the Coding Community group will be placed into a poll (we've just decided this) and then the community will be able to decide which users out of the poll (the top 5-6 or so) should get shortlisted to become a member of the group.
Thats WORSE...
;4754462']How is it ?
You're not creating two EQUAL topics in THE SAME forum (which leads into 1 being closed)
It's basicly making one in the main forum to get help from anyone (but obviously with the risks of flames etc etc (not that it allways happends))
And one in the new forum, where you're sure to get a good reply.
Then it's upto you to chose which reply is most usefull to you.
Anything which is regardiny the same gets closed we've all seen it.
Say i made two threads asking for help with the same php code error.
One would get closed and a edit with a link to another it ALWAYS happen..
23-05-2008, 08:21 PM
Thats WORSE...
Anything which is regardiny the same gets closed we've all seen it.
Say i made two threads asking for help with the same php code error.
One would get closed and a edit with a link to another it ALWAYS happen..
I haven't seen it happen (yet), but I guesse if you say so...
23-05-2008, 08:22 PM
Thats WORSE...If the Forum feels that way, then obviously we won't do it. We're trying to make the system as fair as possible whilst making it work properly.
People have been complaining that there is too much flaming and trolling in the Web Dev. forums so we're trying out an idea to combat the issue, please let us try it out and see how it works. As I said before, if it doesnt and the idea fails then the Forum will be removed I'm sure.
It's not going to combat it, it's going to make it no different; and this idea about the poll will be a popularity contest, you said it wouldn't be. & Also, if we think it's not going to work and make things worse; we have the right to complain. :)
23-05-2008, 08:24 PM
;4754477']I haven't seen it happen (yet), but I guesse if you say so...
Really? Wow.
If the Forum feels that way, then obviously we won't do it. We're trying to make the system as fair as possible whilst making it work properly.
I just think anyone should join. As alot of people who may not know advance coding might want to try and help.
I know i would im not a great coder but i try and help still. Yet i'll get dismissed quickly..
It's pointless :l. Surely the forum in general would be better if something the users wanted was added and not something random out of the blue that technically is already available / exists...
I think a lot of people are missing the point. A lot, and I mean a lot, of people have been complaining about the insults and flaming and arguing in the design and development area. This forum is for users to make a thread knowing they're not going to get bullied or flamed. The members of the group would be kicked out should they bully and will only be accepted if they have been active in the section for a while. This would mean new members may not join immediately but if they show dedication they will be.
Users will be safe in the knowledge that they will only get useful replies.
23-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Ye all that ever seems to happen around this forum is people flaming like mad.
If people want to get a straight answer without the word "fail." posted repeatedly then why not let them?
Anyone can apply for group membership so it really makes no difference to people willing to help except for the fact that random people looking to cause arguments wont jump in every 5 seconds.
23-05-2008, 08:26 PM
It's not going to combat it, it's going to make it no different; and this idea about the poll will be a popularity contest, you said it wouldn't be. & Also, if we think it's not going to work and make things worse; we have the right to complain. I thought I'd never say this; but if you want to complain - use the complaints forum. The idea is still in it's early changes and changes will probably be made to make the new forum better.
Also, just look at the above replies - they are from the people that do use the Web Dev. forums, I understand how they feel which is the reason why I came to MAD with my idea for this Forum. It IS needed, I'm sure if you visited the web dev. forums you'd easily understand.
Anyway, I've done enough arguing, I'm now going back to the Web Dev. forums to begin to offer help :)
If you have any Web Dev. related questions - feel free to ask us them here (
23-05-2008, 08:27 PM
It's pointless :l. Surely the forum in general would be better if something the users wanted was added and not something random out of the blue that technically is already available / exists...
I think a lot of people are missing the point. A lot, and I mean a lot, of people have been complaining about the insults and flaming and arguing in the design and development area. This forum is for users to make a thread knowing they're not going to get bullied or flamed. The members of the group would be kicked out should they bully and will only be accepted if they have been active in the section for a while. This would mean new members may not join immediately but if they show dedication they will be.
Users will be safe in the knowledge that they will only get useful replies.Then simply ban the users who flame or remove their access.
Ye all that ever seems to happen around this forum is people flaming like mad.
If people want to get a straight answer without the word "fail." posted repeatedly then why not let them?
Anyone can apply for group membership so it really makes no difference to people willing to help except for the fact that random people looking to cause arguments wont jump in every 5 seconds.
According to Invent no they cant, only the "best, well known coders who people like" can join. :rolleyes:
23-05-2008, 08:27 PM
It seems as though if the management are interesting in something they'll introduce it, but if a lot of members support something they will ignore it.
I think a lot of people are missing the point. A lot, and I mean a lot, of people have been complaining about the insults and flaming and arguing in the design and development area. This forum is for users to make a thread knowing they're not going to get bullied or flamed. The members of the group would be kicked out should they bully and will only be accepted if they have been active in the section for a while. This would mean new members may not join immediately but if they show dedication they will be.
Users will be safe in the knowledge that they will only get useful replies.
Any proof of this?
I can't see it making a difference; don't take this aggressively, but I know for a fact as I moderate the Web forums that if I predict right, most of the members going to be in this group are the ones that flame/argue themselves.
23-05-2008, 08:29 PM
It does appear to be that way, and in no way to bash Invent, why should he be the group leader?
Why should anyone? "To limit who can join?" Well surly the Web Manager of Habbox should be the manager then? Mr.OSH...
I thought I'd never say this; but if you want to complain - use the complaints forum. The idea is still in it's early changes and changes will probably be made to make the new forum better.
Also, just look at the above replies - they are from the people that do use the Web Dev. forums, I understand how they feel which is the reason why I came to MAD with my idea for this Forum. It IS needed, I'm sure if you visited the web dev. forums you'd easily understand.
Anyway, I've done enough arguing, I'm now going back to the Web Dev. forums to begin to offer help :)
If you have any Web Dev. related questions - feel free to ask us them here (
It's not really a complaint; more of a disagreement.
If you haven't noticed, I moderate the Web forums...
& So does this mean, if say Immenseman and I decide, right we're going to have a forum for just blonde people, we'll make it: not ask the members if they need/want it and then only allow blonde people in it to post.
Then simply ban the users who flame or remove their access.
According to Invent no they cant, only the "best, well known coders who people like" can join. :rolleyes:
Banning wouldn't stop the bullying. New members come everyday.
Any proof of this?
I can't see it making a difference; don't take this aggressively, but I know for a fact as I moderate the Web forums that if I predict right, most of the members going to be in this group are the ones that flame/argue themselves.
the people in the group are dedicated members that want to help. As soon as a member starts bullying or anything aggressive to another member would get booted out of the group, meaning they dont get banned but cannot continue to post their.
I dont see why people are moaning? Its 1 extra forum which will definitely eradicte some bullying. Just live with it, it doesn't harm anyone and every member has the right to join as long as they dont flame or bully and show they want to help. I'm sick of how the designing forum is, every thread or at least most of them turn into a hate thread or you will see 'fail' in it somewhere.
23-05-2008, 08:33 PM
It does appear to be that way, and in no way to bash Invent, why should he be the group leader?I'm probably the group leader as the forum was my idea, I think that's why anyway. If someone does a better job than me, then obviously I'll lose my role.
According to Invent no they cant, only the "best, well known coders who people like" can join. Twisting my words, much?
I can't see it making a difference; don't take this aggressively, but I know for a fact as I moderate the Web forums that if I predict right, most of the members going to be in this group are the ones that flame/argue themselves.That is incorrect as any of the members who flame or argue will have their access to the Forum revoked.
It's not really a complaint; more of a disagreement.
"we have the right to complain" - That's why I said what I said
& So does this mean, if say Immenseman and I decide, right we're going to have a forum for just blonde people, we'll make it: not ask the members if they need/want it and then only allow blonde people in it to post. No.. as you said, you're a MOD in the Web Dev. forums you should see the flaming and know how bad it is.
23-05-2008, 08:35 PM
Banning wouldn't stop the bullying. New members come everyday.
the people in the group are dedicated members that want to help. As soon as a member starts bullying or anything aggressive to another member would get booted out of the group, meaning they dont get banned but cannot continue to post their.
Banning them from that forum it would.
I'm probably the group leader as the forum was my idea, I think that's why anyway.
Twisting my words, much?
That is incorrect as any of the members who flame or argue will have their access to the Forum revoked.
Still, Look at the council, people who made the idea didnt get in for that reason.
23-05-2008, 08:35 PM
& So does this mean, if say Immenseman and I decide, right we're going to have a forum for just blonde people, we'll make it: not ask the members if they need/want it and then only allow blonde people in it to post.
I agree with that. If the management have an idea it gets introduced straight away without asking us. But if the majority of members support an idea or suggestion nothing gets done.
I can't say what I'm thinking at this precise moment because I don't want to start a personal attack on someone, it's not fair on them.
But it's a bit of a rushed idea imo; and OSH should be group leader, I agree.
23-05-2008, 08:36 PM
I agree with that. If the management have an idea it gets introduced straight away without asking us. But if the majority of members support an idea or suggestion nothing gets done.Well I can't comment on that as I'm not management or even staff :P
Right, I can't say any more on this topic, I've explained the point of the forum and we're just going to have to see if it does its job or not :)
23-05-2008, 09:07 PM
I think this forum is a good idea.
And i reckon it will work well :).
23-05-2008, 09:43 PM
All im going to say is, i belive we gave our input if anyone wants to add anything pm me to roepen thread or make a new one.
Thread locked :)
26-05-2008, 06:55 PM
Another user feels the same?
(Unlocked as well its really not working is it?)
26-05-2008, 09:26 PM
It does seem like a pointless forum, I'm not entirely sure what the purpose is, or where the idea even came from :S
for it to work, they need to reduce the amount of forums you can post in for help. Plus, many people really dont know what it is. Unless it has already, the description needs to be 'Ask the experts about coding for quick replies and in the confidence of no rejection' or something
26-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Exaclty what i was trying to say in my orginal post, the other forums does the jobs this "one" is meant to do.
So why have it when the others do it anyhow!
for it to work, they need to reduce the amount of forums you can post in for help. Plus, many people really dont know what it is. Unless it has already, the description needs to be 'Ask the experts about coding for quick replies and in the confidence of no rejection' or something
the reason is that people will only get good replies and no flaming. And quick replies. Its a good idea they just need to reduce the number you can post in for help and make it clear what its for
oops quoted wrong one LOL
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