View Full Version : [GTA] Bye Dimitri

23-05-2008, 09:42 PM
How many more missions are there once you've killed Dimitri.

I had an idea for starting the mission too for anyone who's not done it yet. Drive to the end of the pier thing, climb up the big crane thing, right to the top. Shoot as many people as you can from up there, then aim down a level (if you can) and shoot anyone thats climbed up... I didn't see them there when i climbed down and got killed straight away.

23-05-2008, 09:46 PM
Spoiler tags please!! Title kinda gives it away aswell. :(
(I'm not personally bothered, but you'll get moaned at!)

23-05-2008, 09:46 PM
Spoiler tags would be useful..

23-05-2008, 09:47 PM
Like 1 or 2

23-05-2008, 10:07 PM
Thanks for spoiling it, I havent even passed the 3rd mission yet.
But yea, I just googled it now that I already know and there is 2.

23-05-2008, 10:09 PM
Well done on spoiling it. :rolleyes:

23-05-2008, 10:12 PM
***... Major spoiler...

23-05-2008, 10:16 PM
Com'on the game has been out a month, anyone who acutaly cares about the story would of completed it by now, you can't moan because people talk about it.

Anyway yeah theres around 2.

23-05-2008, 10:23 PM

Edited by Neil (Forum Moderator): Please do not post inappropriatly

23-05-2008, 10:55 PM
Nice thread title spoiler =/

23-05-2008, 10:59 PM
Com'on the game has been out a month, anyone who acutaly cares about the story would of completed it by now, you can't moan because people talk about it.

you say that but you dont know when the people got the game.

23-05-2008, 11:03 PM
you say that but you dont know when the people got the game.

Exactly, I mean, yeah, I've had it for a month, not completed it, but I don't sit on my *** all day staring at a screen.
I've been taking my time and playing other games, as I can quickly get bored on GTA IV.
I know what happens at the end, it doesn't really bother me whether I know or not, but others might.

wasn't aimed at you Mario, :P

Niko Bellic
23-05-2008, 11:04 PM
Well done on spoiling the story line for people who haven't got up to the bit. :rolleyes:

le harry
23-05-2008, 11:12 PM

Do people actually take the storyline seriously? He was bound to die anyway.

Niko Bellic
23-05-2008, 11:18 PM

Do people actually take the storyline seriously? He was bound to die anyway.

When I was at like 20% I knew I'd end up killing him anyway. :P

23-05-2008, 11:48 PM
Why are you guys moaning? From the title, dimitri could go on holiday, you didnt have to read to find out you kill him.

Niko Bellic
24-05-2008, 01:59 AM
Why are you guys moaning? From the title, dimitri could go on holiday, you didnt have to read to find out you kill him.

If he goes on holiday half way through the story line do we wanna know that before we play the game or get up to that bit? No.

24-05-2008, 09:46 AM
It could mean absolutely anything, something he says. You didnt have to read the thread and ruin itfor yourself.

24-05-2008, 09:48 AM
@niko, way to parrot post anyway.. dip****

24-05-2008, 10:30 AM
That was one of the longest missions on the game.
Theres a sniper rifle on the big crane by where you start the mission too ;)

Wasn't actually that hard... did it without armour and only got 1 health pack by accident. Maybe it'd of been harder if i didn't use cranes.

24-05-2008, 10:35 AM
If people are moaning that it needs "SPOILER" they need a shot in the foot, it's kinda obvious Dimitri is going to get something coming from you and the title itself hints there's going to be spoilers in here, so if you read it then you're a plonker "/

Plus when you kill Dimitri I think there's only one mission where you go to the wedding.

If he goes on holiday half way through the story line do we wanna know that before we play the game or get up to that bit? No.
Errrm, actually you wouldn't know who he is so you'll be indifferent :rolleyes:

24-05-2008, 11:17 AM
If people are moaning that it needs "SPOILER" they need a shot in the foot, it's kinda obvious Dimitri is going to get something coming from you and the title itself hints there's going to be spoilers in here, so if you read it then you're a plonker "/

Plus when you kill Dimitri I think there's only one mission where you go to the wedding.

Theres more than one after it. Theres the wedding, then the one where you kill Pegorino but i failed that cos i sank the bike :D

24-05-2008, 03:42 PM
Theres more than one after it. Theres the wedding, then the one where you kill Pegorino but i failed that cos i sank the bike :D
It all feels like one mission to me :P

Niko Bellic
24-05-2008, 04:01 PM
@niko, way to parrot post anyway.. dip****

Smoke my pole kid.

If people are moaning that it needs "SPOILER" they need a shot in the foot, it's kinda obvious Dimitri is going to get something coming from you and the title itself hints there's going to be spoilers in here, so if you read it then you're a plonker "/

Plus when you kill Dimitri I think there's only one mission where you go to the wedding.

Errrm, actually you wouldn't know who he is so you'll be indifferent :rolleyes:

He gets introduced a few missions after obviously I'm gonna know who he is, and he could of just been saying "Oh I didn't want Dimitri to go on holiday for a week because now I've got no missions for a few days" How on Earth do we know?

24-05-2008, 06:04 PM
He gets introduced a few missions after obviously I'm gonna know who he is, and he could of just been saying "Oh I didn't want Dimitri to go on holiday for a week because now I've got no missions for a few days" How on Earth do we know?
You said "do we wanna know that before we play the game or get up to that bit? No." so what I said was the obvious, you wouldn't care because you do not know who he is and what he does. When you meet him in the beginning I found it a bit obvious that you'll hunt him down and kill him in the end, the way he acted was a dead giveaway to Niko. Finding out you end up killing him shouldn't damage the gaming experience, it's how you hate him and why you kill him that's the story, not just killing him.

Niko Bellic
24-05-2008, 08:33 PM
You said "do we wanna know that before we play the game or get up to that bit? No." so what I said was the obvious, you wouldn't care because you do not know who he is and what he does. When you meet him in the beginning I found it a bit obvious that you'll hunt him down and kill him in the end, the way he acted was a dead giveaway to Niko. Finding out you end up killing him shouldn't damage the gaming experience, it's how you hate him and why you kill him that's the story, not just killing him.

Don't you get it? Let's sum this up.

People want to enjoy the story line and don't want to know what's happened before it's already happened. This makes us enjoy the game more incase you are not aware of that!!

Hopefully that should do it. :)

24-05-2008, 09:05 PM
Don't you get it? Let's sum this up.

People want to enjoy the story line and don't want to know what's happened before it's already happened. This makes us enjoy the game more incase you are not aware of that!!

Hopefully that should do it. :)
Then you're very narrow minded, you cans till enjoy a game even if someone says "This guy dies at the end" even though you have no idea who 'this guy' is and most people don't care, they want to see how the story progresses, not who does what otherwise they're just ruining the experience for themselves "/

24-05-2008, 09:12 PM
It's like a film right? Say the film is a trilogy and the three films all build it for one big fight in the final film. Some guy tells you what happens in the final film while your watching the first, you just wouldn't watch them would you?

24-05-2008, 09:16 PM
It's like a film right? Say the film is a trilogy and the three films all build it for one big fight in the final film. Some guy tells you what happens in the final film while your watching the first, you just wouldn't watch them would you?
Why? It's not ruined, you've not watched them to know anything that happens and how it happens... If you refuse to watch a film because you know how some unknown person or event happens then you're crazy "/

Niko Bellic
24-05-2008, 09:18 PM
Then you're very narrow minded, you cans till enjoy a game even if someone says "This guy dies at the end" even though you have no idea who 'this guy' is and most people don't care, they want to see how the story progresses, not who does what otherwise they're just ruining the experience for themselves "/

Bloody hell, is this not getting through to you? Enough with these ** rants, this isn't the council forums, do you have downsyndrome? Because you're clearly not getting what I'm saying. Maybe in your eyes it's not spoilt because you couldn't give two ***** but other people don't want it spoilt, Christ.

Edited By nvrspk4 (Assistant General Manager): Please do not be rude.

24-05-2008, 09:25 PM
Seriously, you don't need to have a huge arguement over this, every game is spoilt on this forum, why the huge arguement over this? Everyone of us has talked about major parts of the story in games, why is GTA4s story any different, spoiler tags are useful but you can't force someone to use them, the title blatently gives a hint to spoilers so if people read it then it's their own problem, no one forced them to read it, get over it

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