View Full Version : Will Patches go up in value?

25-05-2008, 02:59 PM
Now that we've been guaranteed the patches will never be released again, do you think they'll increase in value?

I've noticed the petal increase by like 0.5 everyday so far.
So I'm wondered whether to buy patches now and wait for the value increase.

What should I do?

26-05-2008, 08:57 AM
The petal only rises because it has a high demand like the throne, it also rises faster at this time of year as it's spring/summer time and it's used for competitions or just for a normal room. The sand patch is not normally in demand and you'll be lucky to see it rise to 1.5 in the summer months. The unholy patch normally sells at around 1.0 - 1.5 all through the year but will rise to around 2.0 at habboween (halloween) the snow pacth will stay at around 1.0 like the sand patch but at christmas it has a larger rise and it normally gets it to around 2.0. I don't think just because it's the last time they are relased that they will increase in value because most of the other rares arn't going to be re-released and there values stay stable most of the time. The main reason why rares increase in value is all demand. On normal rares it doesn't really matter about how many there are as you can always find them. Super rares are affected by how many there are as some people only buy super rares for how rare they are.

I would advise you to buy petals and sand in spring and summer, unholies in halloween and snows before christmas. But thats really common sense but you never know they may no even rise.

26-05-2008, 08:58 AM
Didn't mean to double post my computer lagged and it posted twice when i re-freshed

27-05-2008, 10:50 AM
I agree with -Danube- and I think the petals are the patches with the highest demand and so I think they may start increasing again to values of upto 3/3.5cs in the next week or so.

27-05-2008, 10:58 AM
Yeah, it should rise, loads of people brought it in the cat.

27-05-2008, 11:32 AM
Danube is corrrect but as new competitions come out from Habbo then there more likely to rise during room comps and stuff. Id buy petals as soon as possible and as cheap because you can easily get 3 HC from people who really need them! Snow rugs i think are used alot in casino's during the autumn because putting two together makes it look liketheres not falling and where getting into christmas but thats just my hints :P.. Petals in my opinion will increase and im happy to pay 3.5HC for them!

(Wow i rambled on that time,.)

28-05-2008, 01:20 AM
all patches that have been/ will get released will go up

just a matter of how long it will take
petal will go faster because everyone loves them
and theres gonig to be fewer and fewer on the hotel as time goes on

other patches will rise
but not as fast
id say if unholys reach 2.0 this year
theyl probably stay there

28-05-2008, 07:18 AM
Imo Tad is the closest to what will happen!

Obviously if habbo do never release them again, they will rise a lot as people will leave the hotel then if they do not give there furni away, there will be less of them. Eventually they will be extremely rare!

28-05-2008, 07:51 AM
Imo Tad is the closest to what will happen!

Obviously if habbo do never release them again, they will rise a lot as people will leave the hotel then if they do not give there furni away, there will be less of them. Eventually they will be extremely rare!


They will go up & up, Petals will probably back to 3-3.5 hc shortly

28-05-2008, 08:03 AM

They will go up & up, Petals will probably back to 3-3.5 hc shortly


28-05-2008, 12:48 PM
Well they've dropped because they were released but will go up again soon since they wont be released again, but although they said that they wouldnt be released again, I think they will. e.g apparently according to some people Lost_Witness said that the Monster Plant would come out eventually and when it was given out in the Japan quest they said it would never be in the catalogue

28-05-2008, 04:08 PM
Imo Tad is the closest to what will happen!

Obviously if habbo do never release them again, they will rise a lot as people will leave the hotel then if they do not give there furni away, there will be less of them. Eventually they will be extremely rare!

lets be honest
so many petals where boguht this time around
petals will never be that rare imo

28-05-2008, 05:19 PM
Petals are yet again 3.0cs.

Stock up now before they increase.

29-05-2008, 02:27 PM
Pesonally I think petals will go up. However, there is alot of them around the hotel, more ad mroe peope will want them in the spring summer time. There will also be a ant for them due to people thinking the values will go u as they're not being soldagain!

29-05-2008, 02:52 PM
They are now 3 HC, before they were released they was 3.5 so its starting to rise I guess, but it might not be true.

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