View Full Version : [Request] DevelopTomorrow - E-Learning

25-05-2008, 08:08 PM
Hello there,

I am Darren Toogood, the local representative of a new project, Develop Tomorrow. Unfortantly we can not post all details within a thread here on Habbox due to robots, however please feel free to download the following Word 2007 Document to find out all information about the project, how you can get involved and further contact information.

http://www.2shared.com/file/3340121/2de7c9f7/proposal.html (http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/66468/proposal-docx.html)

This is a thread to quickly attract the interest of those within such a market, and not those who wish to cause hatred and a harmful presence.

Darren Toogood
[email protected]

Moved by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator) from Designing and Development: This section suites better.

Thread Closed by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): This has became a 'Flame Darrentoogood thread', if you wish to recreate this thread then you are welcome to.

25-05-2008, 08:08 PM
just... no? Oh sorry thats hatred

25-05-2008, 08:14 PM
Do it as .doc
Dont have 2007 installed on here.

25-05-2008, 08:16 PM
As requested, here is the document in 2003 .doc format.


25-05-2008, 08:19 PM
Proposal for DevelopTomorrow.com

Develop Tomorrow is aiming to produce a generation-changing e-learning system, in which young adults aged 12-21 can learn ever changing skills for tomorrows world, the future. The young can get bored easily, and therefore Develop Tomorrow is aiming to produce a variety of different systems to teach the ‘e-learners’ of the system. Such ways are to include;
- Course System – In-house Qualification
- Interactive games with leader board
- Interactive CDs dispatched throughout the UK
- CV Preparation
- General advice and links
- Job Search
- Community Discussion
- Interactive website, with easy access and web 2.0 standards

To meet these high specifications, Develop Tomorrow is in need of a strong, experienced team to work in-house on the project. We are looking for;
- Website Developer (PHP, HTML, MySql, Flash)
- Actionscript Flash Game Developer
- Database Administrator/Builder
- Legal Representative
- Marketing Executive
- Web Content Designer (Web 2.0 Themes)
- Community Developer
- Social Networking Application Developer

If you are interested in joining the Develop Tomorrow team, please send a full application including experience to [my mail thingy here]. Please allow 24 hours for a reply. See other contact formats.

Develop Tomorrow are working closely with Jamie Wyatt of Tagbridge Ltd, and a sponsorship deal is being put into place for the release of Develop Tomorrow. More information about Tagbridge and their services, please check out www.tagbridge.net (http://www.tagbridge.net).
A lot of positive feedback has come from the initial reports of this project, however we expect further information after this Proposal release. If you would like to contact myself, Darren Toogood about this project, please use the below contact information:

Darren Toogood
Develop Tomorrow

25-05-2008, 08:25 PM
or... just post it here ;)

I was avoiding spam and my number being everywhere, but hey!

25-05-2008, 08:27 PM

25-05-2008, 08:30 PM
Not exactly what I wished from yourself, as I was hoping for support and constructive criticism, not 'failure'.

25-05-2008, 08:34 PM
Not exactly what I wished from yourself, as I was hoping for support and constructive criticism, not 'failure'.

The fact that it's been done is because of your past experience, if you wish to regain some respect start something off before actually posting a thread, make sure you have something created and running already something to prove your dedicated etc not just pissing about and being an ****.

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Please try and be polite to all members ;)

25-05-2008, 08:41 PM
I understand your point fully, however the project can not be completed without the help of others, and therefore a thread needed to be made in order to seek the correct skilled employees, therefore nothing is created at this point.

I am dedicated to this project more than others, and have already setup a business telephone and contacted companies about sponsorship.

25-05-2008, 08:57 PM
Oh, do get rid of yourself.

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Please try and be polite to all members; thanks.

25-05-2008, 08:59 PM
You seem to always rely on others to do the majority of your work. And tbh, I think this is just another one of your little 'ideas'.

25-05-2008, 09:02 PM
Hey guys, I understand Darrens past, but this project actually has
some form of credibility, with the idea.

Good luck.

25-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Good Luck (You will need it)

25-05-2008, 09:34 PM
Thank for you the support given. Just for the record, I will not be 'letting all the others do the work'.

I will be responsible for public relations and the administration of the project, and photography.

25-05-2008, 09:40 PM
Anyone noticed a similarity between this business's logo and the one for DarrenToogood.com?
Plus, they both can be abbreviated to DT.
Coincedence? I think not.

25-05-2008, 09:43 PM
Anyone noticed a similarity between this business's logo and the one for DarrenToogood.com?
Plus, they both can be abbreviated to DT.
Coincedence? I think not.

I'm sorry don't you have a blog, that no-one cares about to run?

25-05-2008, 09:45 PM
I'm sorry don't you have a blog, that no-one cares about to run?
Didn't you hate Darren not that long ago :S

25-05-2008, 09:45 PM
The DarrenToogood and the DevelopTomorrow are not based upon each other...just happens to be DT?

25-05-2008, 09:52 PM
The DarrenToogood and the DevelopTomorrow are not based upon each other...just happens to be DT?
DarrenToogood.com logo:
DevelopTomorrow.com logo:

25-05-2008, 09:54 PM
I am not a logo designer, however I like the grey and orange theme and it goes well. Once we secure a design onboard, we will develop a new logo.

25-05-2008, 09:56 PM
DarrenToogood.com logo:
DevelopTomorrow.com logo:

Oh well?

You obviously have no social life, you have to point out every little thing
about Darren.

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Please try and be polite to all members; thanks.

25-05-2008, 09:58 PM
So am I linked to it aswell considering I am DT?

25-05-2008, 09:59 PM
The DT is not related, just happens to be a decent intial to have ;)

25-05-2008, 09:59 PM
Oh well?

You obviously have no social life, you have to point out every little thing
about Darren.
How do I not have a social life when I was merely pointing out a similarity? :S
You're seriously mistaken there.

25-05-2008, 10:00 PM
So, how much pay are you offering for these jobs?

25-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Pay can be discussed over the phone, and I am sure we can come to an agreement, personally between each staff.

For a job such as Web developement, quotes will need to be given to me.

25-05-2008, 10:17 PM
Prank calls are not welcome, so please, whoever dialed with the mobile ending in '11070' please only call if you have a serious interest.

I have left a voice message in their voicemail for them to listen to.

26-05-2008, 01:46 AM
Prank calls are not welcome, so please, whoever dialed with the mobile ending in '11070' please only call if you have a serious interest.

I have left a voice message in their voicemail for them to listen to.
In a little squeeky voice saying 'DONT CAL ME PLZ!"

26-05-2008, 09:21 AM
My voice is not squeeky, haha!

I will be continuing to push forward this project today and get drawn up some more plans and information about the proposal.

26-05-2008, 09:46 AM
In a little squeeky voice saying 'DONT CAL ME PLZ!"
lol, whats the phone number for his DevelopTommorow thing?

26-05-2008, 09:49 AM
It's well wicked. :eusa_clap

26-05-2008, 10:06 AM
The number to get through to me, the project developer is: 0560 1717 864

Judge Judy
26-05-2008, 10:06 AM
lol, whats the phone number for his DevelopTommorow thing?

0560 1717 864

Erm, good luck I guess. xD

26-05-2008, 10:12 AM
His voice is not squeeky. >_>
And what's the point in prank calling eh?
Getting yourself hard over him?

26-05-2008, 10:12 AM
Thank you for your support.

I have had some serious interest in terms of graphic design, and I have just got off the phone to the person involved. I am now going to put a business plan together, ranging over the next 2 years, then expanding to the next 5 years.

Still looking for the following positions to be filled;

- Website Developer (PHP, HTML, MySql, Flash)
- Actionscript Flash Game Developer
- Database Administrator/Builder
- Legal Representative
- Marketing Executive
- Community Developer
- Social Networking Application Developer

Positions underlined are top of the list, however all roles play an important part within this project.

26-05-2008, 10:16 AM
you should post what the people have to do and what experence they need and qualifications

26-05-2008, 10:49 AM
Great idea. Once I finished this rather lengthy (24 page) business plan, I will get onto that.

26-05-2008, 03:47 PM
This is a bump.

Some silly moderator has moved this to 'Website Staff' even though its a general advertisement ;l

26-05-2008, 04:32 PM
But I think the general idea of the thread is to ask for staff etc..

26-05-2008, 04:42 PM
Asking for staff was only part of the intention of the thread.

Anyway, I am currently working through the business plan, which will be released tomorrow. At the moment it stands at 28 pages.

Graphic designer has already begun development, and sample images will be posted here.

26-05-2008, 04:44 PM
Can we see some previews of the business plan?

26-05-2008, 04:47 PM
Indeed you can. I have managed to complete the first 6 pages of the business plan, in draft.


26-05-2008, 08:11 PM

We have now secured the Web Space needed for this developed. Graphical development has already begun, emails setup and the splash page is being uploaded now.


Thoughts/opinions on the business plan so far?

26-05-2008, 08:27 PM
I'm the graphics developer for this project.
I've made the layout waiting on it to be coded. :)

26-05-2008, 08:46 PM


27-05-2008, 04:19 PM

Josh is no longer working for DevelopTomorrow. The decision was taken by both Partners of DevelopTomorrow, due to the lack of knowledge of the required design style, plus threats to now 'sue us'.

I can confirm that the logo created was created by myself, and was posted here on Habbox BEFORE Josh entered the team. Josh did a duplicate of the logo, and tried to change it a little for the behalf of the project. He is now threatening us, and telling us, the Partners to remove the logo from the site, as 'he made it'. I can confirm that at this begining of this thread, someone made a post showing the similarity of another logo of mine. This does back me up that the logo was created by myself.

The new partner on the team is Matthew Froggett, and now owns 49.9% of the business.

27-05-2008, 05:53 PM

Josh is no longer working for DevelopTomorrow. The decision was taken by both Partners of DevelopTomorrow, due to the lack of knowledge of the required design style, plus threats to now 'sue us'.

I can confirm that the logo created was created by myself, and was posted here on Habbox BEFORE Josh entered the team. Josh did a duplicate of the logo, and tried to change it a little for the behalf of the project. He is now threatening us, and telling us, the Partners to remove the logo from the site, as 'he made it'. I can confirm that at this begining of this thread, someone made a post showing the similarity of another logo of mine. This does back me up that the logo was created by myself.

The new partner on the team is Matthew Froggett, and now owns 49.9% of the business.

LOL! I can't design? You have a graphics portfolio and require me to do the graphics. You refused to sign the contract as you can't pay.

27-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Just leave it, its darren. This project most likely won't go there, I mean he does nothing himself. No design, no coding, no decent aspirations. If it does work i'll take this back, but the thing is he always ends up preying someone else is going todo the work, hense the new 50% partner.

27-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Umm little confused about a graphics portfolio... :S? www.darrentoogood.com (http://www.darrentoogood.com) - Photography.

I refused to sign a contract, due to the contracts being signed between me and someone else at the time, which would mean you were no longer needed.

Matt, they are very strong words there. I have needed to bring in a partner due to me not being able to do the coding, and majority of graphics. I have never been a coder, however did dip into graphics. I am dealing with the administrational side of things, as well as some marketing.

27-05-2008, 06:20 PM
Then why on earth perform bad business activity and keep him doing it? This is the thing with you Darren, you think you know it all and act like someone who has a good business sense.... you don't nor will you ever with the current attitude you are taking with this forum.

Another things it !"? www.darrentoogood.com - Photography." You were a graphics design, and a coder until you realised you didn't have the skills to perform such tasks, so now pressing a button on your camera is the new thing.

All i'm saying is approach the project more blissfully with decent business practice, and no lies.

27-05-2008, 06:24 PM
Umm little confused about a graphics portfolio... :S? www.darrentoogood.com (http://www.darrentoogood.com) - Photography.

I refused to sign a contract, due to the contracts being signed between me and someone else at the time, which would mean you were no longer needed.

Matt, they are very strong words there. I have needed to bring in a partner due to me not being able to do the coding, and majority of graphics. I have never been a coder, however did dip into graphics. I am dealing with the administrational side of things, as well as some marketing.

Well, you told me that you WOULD NOT sign the contract as you couldn't
take it, that if you didn't pay, I'd pull out. You done some "text" as you cleanly put it.

Matt is right, you expect everyone to do everything with you.

27-05-2008, 06:35 PM
Matt, I tried my hand in graphic design after having a short term experience with a design company, however I did not like design as much, and I am not that good at it, however can do simple tasks. I have never attempted coding, and yes now I do photography - I am offended by your remark of 'press the button' - there is art in photography, and I am pretty good at it, and I have applied to iStockPhoto. I am also a member of a photography club.

I am not expecting everyone else to do everything for me. I can not code, therefore I need a coder - staff is the word.

27-05-2008, 06:37 PM
Matt, I tried my hand in graphic design after having a short term experience with a design company, however I did not like design as much, and I am not that good at it, however can do simple tasks. I have never attempted coding, and yes now I do photography - I am offended by your remark of 'press the button' - there is art in photography, and I am pretty good at it, and I have applied to iStockPhoto. I am also a member of a photography club.

I am not expecting everyone else to do everything for me. I can not code, therefore I need a coder - staff is the word.

So you've changed your view, you claimed to be a professional graphics designer. :rolleyes:

27-05-2008, 06:39 PM
At any point have I said im a professional graphics designer? My memory is playing up if I did.

Lets not turn this into a 'he did, she did, they did'. I will be making a new thread shortly, and will request it stays in one of the main forums for maximum coverage.

27-05-2008, 06:40 PM
do you not have a 0800 number?

27-05-2008, 06:42 PM
No, Develop Tomorrow has a direct 0560 number.

27-05-2008, 06:51 PM
I am Darren's Business Partner here. Some of you seriously have no life, holding a grudge against someone on a HABBO RELATED FORUM. I doubt any of you truly know Darren, and you just know him because of what he behaves like on this forum.

I am really interested in this project, that's why I am becoming Darren's partner and taking profit instead of cash pay. Ask Darren, I never, never code for free unless I am seriously interested in the project.

So some of you should learn the facts, stop holding a grudge against someone you don't even know and improve your attitude in general.

And Josh, you are just pathetic. You were threatening to sue someone for a bit of TEXT! Sorry mate, but you can't copyright the posistioning of a piece of white text. Before you go mouthing off again with your huge mouth, learn the laws, the implications and limitations of them and when you can actually file a complaint.


Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Please be polite to all members! Thanks.

27-05-2008, 07:03 PM
I commend you on a nice and mature post Megalal, you identify well with your public. Well done.

27-05-2008, 07:10 PM
if you're moaning about how we're a 'hAbbo' related forum then dont come advertising a project here. Anyway most of us dont play habbo and have, well, an unpleasant past with darren.

Sounds similar to a project myself and someone were going to do but exams took the better of me lol. To be quite honest, develop tomorrow is a very bad name for what its meant to do. You'd want to 'develop today' - not tomorrow. Also, Im guessing that you have come up with that name since your initials are DT ;)

You shouldn't really ask businesses for sponsorship before your website and business plan is completed. So I say good luck but I wouldn't expect many people who know you to join this

27-05-2008, 07:16 PM
if you're moaning about how we're a 'hAbbo' related forum then dont come advertising a project here. Anyway most of us dont play habbo and have, well, an unpleasant past with darren.

Sounds similar to a project myself and someone were going to do but exams took the better of me lol. To be quite honest, develop tomorrow is a very bad name for what its meant to do. You'd want to 'develop today' - not tomorrow. Also, Im guessing that you have come up with that name since your initials are DT ;)

You shouldn't really ask businesses for sponsorship before your website and business plan is completed. So I say good luck but I wouldn't expect many people who know you to join this
I never wanted Darren to advertise the project here, I don't get on with Habbo forums at all. The majority of people are moody teenagers that are so far up their own *****, they can't be bothered to get on with people.

An unpleasant past eh? If you get to know him, you know that, when stressed, he can be a seriously horrible person, bit if you desist the agitation, he is actually a great person to work with. As I said, none of you actually know him.

Really shows how much you know. Are you aware if we have a sponsor or not? If you bothered to do a tiny bit of research, such as reading the business plan, you would know we were sponsored by a UK hosting company.

So please, learn something about the project before you start making judgments.

Thanks Beathost, I generally am a mature person.

27-05-2008, 07:27 PM
I am Darren's Business Partner here. Some of you seriously have no life, holding a grudge against someone on a HABBO RELATED FORUM. I doubt any of you truly know Darren, and you just know him because of what he behaves like on this forum.

I am really interested in this project, that's why I am becoming Darren's partner and taking profit instead of cash pay. Ask Darren, I never, never code for free unless I am seriously interested in the project.

So some of you should learn the facts, stop holding a grudge against someone you don't even know and improve your attitude in general.

And Josh, you are just pathetic. You were threatening to sue someone for a bit of TEXT! Sorry mate, but you can't copyright the posistioning of a piece of white text. Before you go mouthing off again with your huge mouth, learn the laws, the implications and limitations of them and when you can actually file a complaint.


Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Please be polite to all members! Thanks.

Hey, we sorted that problem, I have no grudge with Darren.
But, I treated it with him maturely, yet he starts to insult me
and saying I cannot design, when he claims he is a professional?

27-05-2008, 07:32 PM
For one, I'm 17 studying business and economics so dont start preaching to me about how to set up a company. If you had any business sense you would have at least a concept of what the site will look like. And if that's what you think a business plan looks like then you are sadly mistaken. It should outline everything you want to do, achieve, rough estimates of profits/income, how to get these an much more.

I'm guessing you've seen dragons den? No-one would ever get past the first hurdle if you turned up with an idea with no design, nothing to show for it or practicly nothing done apart from brainstorming ideas on a peice of paper. A hosting company isn't really that much, a lot of people get them and they must not be a very well ran company if hey have agreed to give you money with nothing.

As for darrens past, I knew him for about 3 months (when I as knee I meant have seen his posts and failed attempts at businesses. You should never get angered at what people say or at least not show it. Even you said he has a temper.

So please dontjoin and start moaning about how we are all moody teenagers because a lot of us are over the age of 16 and are actually intelligent people.

27-05-2008, 07:51 PM
Whilst I hold no grudge against you personally Darren, I find from your past echos a very similar situation; staff leaving due to disputes on your part. Whilst I commend you are trying to better the business education of young adults, I think you personally, need to take your own course as you and your partners public relation skills are totally unacceptable and very insulting.

You say DevelopTommorow is aimed at "young adults aged between 12 - 21", however your business partner clearly has no intention of connecting with his audience by his rude and inconsiderate post.

Furthermore, in your business plan you put forward that your competitor is Learn Direct, however understandably as you stated, that specific education environment caters to the re-education of the adult market and therefore isn't considered a high-risk competitor.

What I find worrying is that you have failed to do research in to established courses that are aimed at the very same market, such as the OCR Nationals in ICT by @tain (here (http://www.atain.co.uk/)) which I myself have taken part in, and has given me the GCSE equivalents of two A*'s and 2 A's and offers a far superior online learning environment with a whole department dedicated to it's development and a one of the countries leading schools which I am privileged to attend, is funded partly through it's profits.

To put it bluntly, I really don't think you have a chance. I find that you lack business acumen and you are yet again, entering an already saturated market.

Good luck.

27-05-2008, 08:01 PM
I also study OCR Nationals, however that is a school thing, and not studied online in the form in which we are going to present.

27-05-2008, 08:06 PM
is that honestly all you can say to us both? Your apparent partner has been rude and condesending? I would never use it ;)

27-05-2008, 08:25 PM
He has been rude to those who have been rude to us.

27-05-2008, 08:33 PM
I have only voiced my opinion about the project and your past on here. You probably left for the reason that no one actually liked you in the d+d forums... And that's still the case by the looks of it. He has no idea what went off in them so he can have no opinion on our opinion of you. He seems a very naive person to think were all childish just because its called habboxforum

27-05-2008, 08:36 PM
I beg to differ, the OCR Nationals course is based entirely online and presented in the medium that you are proposing in your business plan, being in an existing education enviroment in totally irrelevant.

Not only that, but as you stressed in your business plan, your target market is "young adults aged between 12 - 21", and only in extreme cases do not have access to an approved course in ICT (e.g. OCR Nationals or GNVQ), that not only offer a structured curriculum to develop the necessary skills for a future in ICT, but offer the GCSEs/A-Levels to back it.

I believe you need to take a step back, have a look where this project is heading, taking all things in to consideration, make a balanced risk assessment.

To your above post, I have now lost all faith in this project, you public relation skills are appauling and your total lack of business ethics have put this project on a path to nowhere.

27-05-2008, 08:40 PM
I find it funny how the new 'business partner' has the cheek to insult some members on the forum, some of which could probably code better than he can, create better graphics than both of them and run a business properly.

Rather than insulting people I actually think you should listen to what they are saying and try to learn from it. Everyone makes mistakes, it just depends on whether you choose to learn from them or continue to ignorantly dismiss them.

27-05-2008, 08:42 PM
I find it funny how the new 'business partner' has the cheek to insult some members on the forum, some of which could probably code better than he can, create better graphics than both of them and run a business properly.

Rather than insulting people I actually think you should listen to what they are saying and try to learn from it. Everyone makes mistakes, it just depends on whether you choose to learn from them or continue to ignorantly dismiss them.

I quite agree there, you claim to be a professional public relations, (as everyhting else) but you insult people (aswell as Matt)

I beg to differ, the OCR Nationals course is based entirely online and presented in the medium that you are proposing in your business plan, being in an existing education enviroment in totally irrelevant.

Not only that, but as you stressed in your business plan, your target market is "young adults aged between 12 - 21", and only in extreme cases do not have access to an approved course in ICT (e.g. OCR Nationals or GNVQ), that not only offer a structured curriculum to develop the necessary skills for a future in ICT, but offer the GCSEs/A-Levels to back it.

I believe you need to take a step back, have a look where this project is heading, taking all things in to consideration, make a balanced risk assessment.

To your above post, I have now lost all faith in this project, you public relation skills are appauling and your total lack of business ethics have put this project on a path to nowhere.

27-05-2008, 08:43 PM
OCR Nationals is not purely online, as I study it in my ICT lessons for GCSE levels.

I apologise for my partner's behaviour, however it is no like him to be like this.

27-05-2008, 08:46 PM
If its not like him to be like this then what has caused it. I personally can't see anything bad coming along in this thread compared to some of the things you will be faced when setting up and running the site.

If you guys do get your act together, start been more mature then I sincerely hope it works for you.

27-05-2008, 08:47 PM
I think it's to do with me, even though he said it was sorted on msn. :rolleyes:

Anyway, goodluck to the project.

27-05-2008, 08:49 PM
This is quite funny.

You're not going to make it anywhere, this site is an idea which has been done, and a lot better then you can achieve.

Plus, it will only be for the UK, and any country with 'ICT' and GSCE's, not America..

A site that you plan on being 'this big' will not stand a chance just being for one country only, as the idea of IT courses is much bigger then just the UK alone.

If you want to make it big, you need to support the biggest countries, with the biggest number of people in your demographic region.

Your partner has the never to come on here and be rude? No matter what was said he/she shouldn't have even opened his/her mouth...

The mature thing to do was keep their mouth closed and let you handle it, like the mature 'boy' to do, instead of calling in your 'reinforcements', in this case your 'partner'

27-05-2008, 08:51 PM
I think he has reacted in such a way, because he can see this project has potential to be a success, and is annoyed with guys such as yourselves placing this project on the bottom of the scrap pile.

Matt has never been a fan of this forum, and I understand. He did advise me not to post here, however I thought that users would have a more mature and positive outlook to this project and what it has to offer.

I am also confused in how someone in this threads seems to know about my business plan, when it has only been sent to my sponsor and my partner.

Denta, I can see this being open to all countries, as it is an online product. At no point have we aimed this at online a UK audience. I also did not 'call in my reinforcements', I just notified him on the thread.

27-05-2008, 08:55 PM
I think he has reacted in such a way, because he can see this project has potential to be a success, and is annoyed with guys such as yourselves placing this project on the bottom of the scrap pile.

Matt has never been a fan of this forum, and I understand. He did advise me not to post here, however I thought that users would have a more mature and positive outlook to this project and what it has to offer.

I am also confused in how someone in this threads seems to know about my business plan, when it has only been sent to my sponsor and my partner.

Denta, I can see this being open to all countries, as it is an online product. At no point have we aimed this at online a UK audience. I also did not 'call in my reinforcements', I just notified him on the thread.

Products implies cash, you're going to be charging people?

27-05-2008, 08:55 PM
I think he has reacted in such a way, because he can see this project has potential to be a success, and is annoyed with guys such as yourselves placing this project on the bottom of the scrap pile.

Matt has never been a fan of this forum, and I understand. He did advise me not to post here, however I thought that users would have a more mature and positive outlook to this project and what it has to offer.

I am also confused in how someone in this threads seems to know about my business plan, when it has only been sent to my sponsor and my partner.

Denta, I can see this being open to all countries, as it is an online product. At no point have we aimed this at online a UK audience. I also did not 'call in my reinforcements', I just notified him on the thread.
You saw what we have said about your 10000 other projects, so why would you think this one would be any different?

It is just as bad as an idea as HostSuite, and it will go in the same direction.

Your 'partner' will soon see the real side of you, and abandon all development.

@ The last sentance @

ICT is not in America, GSCE's are not in America, we are not tested on these things. So there is no point for an American to be studying these, other then to learn more about technology.

So why not just make an all around tutorial/interactive web studying site for IT.

27-05-2008, 08:57 PM
At our due release date of September 2008, we will NOT be charging our users, and will be making our income via advertisements.

As the products develop and we introduce new systems to our existing systems, we will be looking to charge for more developed courses, and courses which will be opened later in the year, such as Photography and Media. Not all courses will be charged, and any charges that are applied will be affordable for all.

Interactive CDs will also be charged.

Hostsuite did fail, because a lack of coders and sponsorship. I have already secured a coder, and a UK based company sponsor. My partner knows me very well, I have known him for around 4 years. Just to pick up on the 'America' point, you must study some sort of computing. Indeed it may not be called ICT, however we are developing the Information, Communication and Technology understanding and knowledge - This is no relation to GCSEs.

27-05-2008, 09:01 PM
You really should do your research (i.e. check back a few pages).

Indeed you can. I have managed to complete the first 6 pages of the business plan, in draft.


This is in response to Darren's confusion over how I had obtained his business plan, that he claims to have only released to his sponser and partner.

I am also confused in how someone in this threads seems to know about my business plan, when it has only been sent to my sponsor and my partner.

27-05-2008, 09:02 PM
Ahh yes, the preview. I have now completed 12 pages.

27-05-2008, 09:02 PM
We study Information and Technology (IT) but it is not required to graduate and we are not tested on it.

It is elective courses that are optional.

Interactive CD's

This means you need even more staff to develop the software on these cd's, as well as a full team to solve problems.

You would need desktop programmers (C#, C++, C, etc) to develop the software, or Lingo developer for Kiosks.

Which would cause even more problems, as you would have to debug it on a variety of machines and system setups.

Which makes it even more challenging because you need to develop a web API to communicate with these interactive cd's so they can login and interact with their web account.

I just don't see it working.

27-05-2008, 09:04 PM
In the United Kingdom, it is also a choice to study IT/ICT. We arn't comparing to schools, this is an extra-outside-school development program.

We have not released any details of what will be on the CDs, therefore you can not say what will be needed. The CD image burning software and hardware has already been bought. Also at no point did we say the CDs will be interactive with the website :). More details are to follow on from this, however we plan to release CDs in early 2009.

27-05-2008, 09:06 PM
you will NOT be ready by September. If you want to offer actual qualifications then you will have to go through a whole lot to get the paper work and I'm sure a company like ofsted will have to see if its upto scratch. You have to have the whole site up and by the looks of it its about a years work. Set a more realistic target than 3 months away. You'd going to have to put a lot of money in for the games and design and coding and no one is going to work for 10% of the profits unlike your friend (as you may have noticed in previous projects)

It doesn't matter if the courses are the same/same name. America does not really
recognise gcses, my friend has had to take the SATs to gain a place at university

27-05-2008, 09:09 PM
In the United Kingdom, it is also a choice to study IT/ICT. We arn't comparing to schools, this is an extra-outside-school development program.

We have not released any details of what will be on the CDs, therefore you can not say what will be needed. The CD image burning software and hardware has already been bought. Also at no point did we say the CDs will be interactive with the website :). More details are to follow on from this, however we plan to release CDs in early 2009.
Big whoop, you bought a CD burner.

I found one that can burn 30 at a time for $20 at a trade lot. That means nothing, if it looks like ****.. and is boring.. then no one wants it.

It also needs to be interactive and dynamic with the website.. you make something that includes a major bug.. and you have burned 60 of them, that is 60 wasted CDs.

27-05-2008, 09:10 PM
As stated, it is an in-house qualification, and not a registered approved qualifcation. We will be helping to develop a CV builder, and this will be like a reference qualifcation, from us. E.g more of a reference than a qualification,

We will be doing a softrun in September 2008, with atleast one system working and then run from there as a BETA, and develop the future systems. Matt is a joint owner in this project and owns 49.9%.

27-05-2008, 09:13 PM
I hope no-one gets confused and thinks that I half own it.

Listen darren, something like this takes a long time to develope and releasing a finished product is better than a product thats sorta there but we couldnt wait to release.

27-05-2008, 09:15 PM
If we feel that the system is not to standards, we can put the system release back.

27-05-2008, 09:17 PM
so how do you plan to pay people that make the system? You cannot give up your shares in the business as you wouldn't be the owner anymore. Anyway, the share % means nothing if it fails or makes no profit

27-05-2008, 09:20 PM
The system builder, Matt has rarely, accepted 49.9% of DevelopTomorrow as he believes he will make enough profit to cover his development costs.

27-05-2008, 09:23 PM
The system builder, Matt has rarely, accepted 49.9% of DevelopTomorrow as he believes he will make enough profit to cover his development costs.

How are you earning money off this?
How much funding is inputted?

CD Mass printing costs:


27-05-2008, 09:39 PM
CD Mass Printing is not expensive, if you do it in your house, 1 at a time :)

No money really needs to be put into this project, apart from advertisements.

27-05-2008, 10:08 PM
Wow, sounds like an awesome project. I'll be interesting in learning a little more about computers. Good luck darren :)

27-05-2008, 10:49 PM
I seriously can't see this project even going further than a "buisness plan" created in a word document. There are several downfalls which you will find very difficult to overcome.

First of all, there are already plenty of courses about with professional creditation all over the world by huge companies. For example the Zend Certification Certificate and Microsoft. You say in your document "In-house qualification", this is no good. What is the point in having a qualifcation which is only in-house. That is like going to school, passing an exam and being told "oh by the way you can't use these to apply for a job" - Pointless

Interactive CD's - A walk through the city centre or a quick search online and you will already find hundreds if not thousands of CD's out there.

Job Search - There are already massive job gateways online:
JobCentrePlus (UK Only) - http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html
RentACoder (Worldwide) - http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/default.asp
GetAFreeLancer (Worldwide) - http://www.getafreelancer.com/

Employees - If this were to be a success and to get decent employees in to do the "jobs" you will need a lot of funding. Based on current buisness rates per annum:

Website Developer (PHP, HTML, MySql, Flash) - £20-25k
Actionscript Flash Game Developer - £20-25k
Database Administrator/Builder - £20-25k
Legal Representative - £25-30k
Marketing Executive - £30k
Web Content Designer (Web 2.0 Themes) - £15-20k
Community Developer - £20k
Social Networking Application Developer - £15-20k

TOTAL: £165,000

Most of the big web design companies now a days do not accept applications with just experience. They require a degree in the field or a degree with relevant modules. Accreditation in other items is just a *small* advantage.

In order to gather proper accreditation within the UK alone you must get approval from the British Accreditation Council. Note - This is UK Only and not World Wide.

To have a successful program you need excellent content, do you have anyone who is experienced in writing professional content for learning or looked into it, e.g. consulting trainned personnel - Lecturers

Looking at the market trends from http://www.learnframe.com/aboutelearning/elearningfacts.pdf

This is a very competitve market to go into, the market is worth $2 trillion.

As pointed out in that document:

Many giants in the technology world are investing in and providing advanced products for
and services tailored to the learning market. These companies, which are expected to make
great inroads into e-Learning, include AOL, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, Sun Microsystems,
Oracle, and Harcourt.

Huge companies are already getting in on the act. The public are more likely to go to a huge company offering a course rather than a small learning site.

But if you wish to continue with it, I wish you good luck :)

27-05-2008, 10:51 PM
CD Mass Printing is not expensive, if you do it in your house, 1 at a time :)

No money really needs to be put into this project, apart from advertisements.

& Blank CDs with decent space £15 per 10.
You'll be producing around what 3,000? More?
3,000 x 10 = £30,000

I seriously can't see this project even going further than a "buisness plan" created in a word document. There are several downfalls which you will find very difficult to overcome.

First of all, there are already plenty of courses about with professional creditation all over the world by huge companies. For example the Zend Certification Certificate and Microsoft. You say in your document "In-house qualification", this is no good. What is the point in having a qualifcation which is only in-house. That is like going to school, passing an exam and being told "oh by the way you can't use these to apply for a job" - Pointless

Interactive CD's - A walk through the city centre or a quick search online and you will already find hundreds if not thousands of CD's out there.

Job Search - There are already massive job gateways online:
JobCentrePlus (UK Only) - http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html
RentACoder (Worldwide) - http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/default.asp
GetAFreeLancer (Worldwide) - http://www.getafreelancer.com/

Employees - If this were to be a success and to get decent employees in to do the "jobs" you will need a lot of funding. Based on current buisness rates per annum:

Website Developer (PHP, HTML, MySql, Flash) - £20-25k
Actionscript Flash Game Developer - £20-25k
Database Administrator/Builder - £20-25k
Legal Representative - £25-30k
Marketing Executive - £30k
Web Content Designer (Web 2.0 Themes) - £15-20k
Community Developer - £20k
Social Networking Application Developer - £15-20k

TOTAL: £165,000

Most of the big web design companies now a days do not accept applications with just experience. They require a degree in the field or a degree with relevant modules. Accreditation in other items is just a *small* advantage.

In order to gather proper accreditation within the UK alone you must get approval from the British Accreditation Council. Note - This is UK Only and not World Wide.

To have a successful program you need excellent content, do you have anyone who is experienced in writing professional content for learning or looked into it, e.g. consulting trainned personnel - Lecturers

Looking at the market trends from http://www.learnframe.com/aboutelearning/elearningfacts.pdf

This is a very competitve market to go into, the market is worth $2 trillion.

As pointed out in that document:

Huge companies are already getting in on the act. The public are more likely to go to a huge company offering a course rather than a small learning site.

But if you wish to continue with it, I wish you good luck :)

Fo shizzle thats owned.

27-05-2008, 10:53 PM
You only get a total of £165,000 if you go to companies. My website developer has cost me nothing, and I will be able to pick up a flash developer very cheaply. Community director will work for free, social networking developer - will find someone with some free time, marketing - again someone for free.

I see your points, however there is inner and outer markets. People like microsoft are always going to get more people than the smaller businesses, however without the smaller businesses, there would be no choice.

EDIT: No idea what you are speaking about :S http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/50-RIDISC-LIGHTSCRIBE-16X-DVD-R-DISCS-DISKS-MEDIA_W0QQitemZ220237528505QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2288 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

27-05-2008, 10:53 PM
CD Mass Printing is not expensive, if you do it in your house, 1 at a time :)

No money really needs to be put into this project, apart from advertisements.

So, a 10 pack of decent CDs, £15, you'll want to make about 3,000 at first.
3,000 x 15 = £45,000

I seriously can't see this project even going further than a "buisness plan" created in a word document. There are several downfalls which you will find very difficult to overcome.

First of all, there are already plenty of courses about with professional creditation all over the world by huge companies. For example the Zend Certification Certificate and Microsoft. You say in your document "In-house qualification", this is no good. What is the point in having a qualifcation which is only in-house. That is like going to school, passing an exam and being told "oh by the way you can't use these to apply for a job" - Pointless

Interactive CD's - A walk through the city centre or a quick search online and you will already find hundreds if not thousands of CD's out there.

Job Search - There are already massive job gateways online:
JobCentrePlus (UK Only) - http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html
RentACoder (Worldwide) - http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/default.asp
GetAFreeLancer (Worldwide) - http://www.getafreelancer.com/

Employees - If this were to be a success and to get decent employees in to do the "jobs" you will need a lot of funding. Based on current buisness rates per annum:

Website Developer (PHP, HTML, MySql, Flash) - £20-25k
Actionscript Flash Game Developer - £20-25k
Database Administrator/Builder - £20-25k
Legal Representative - £25-30k
Marketing Executive - £30k
Web Content Designer (Web 2.0 Themes) - £15-20k
Community Developer - £20k
Social Networking Application Developer - £15-20k

TOTAL: £165,000

Most of the big web design companies now a days do not accept applications with just experience. They require a degree in the field or a degree with relevant modules. Accreditation in other items is just a *small* advantage.

In order to gather proper accreditation within the UK alone you must get approval from the British Accreditation Council. Note - This is UK Only and not World Wide.

To have a successful program you need excellent content, do you have anyone who is experienced in writing professional content for learning or looked into it, e.g. consulting trainned personnel - Lecturers

Looking at the market trends from http://www.learnframe.com/aboutelearning/elearningfacts.pdf

This is a very competitve market to go into, the market is worth $2 trillion.

As pointed out in that document:

Huge companies are already getting in on the act. The public are more likely to go to a huge company offering a course rather than a small learning site.

But if you wish to continue with it, I wish you good luck :)

Fo shizzle thats owned.

27-05-2008, 10:59 PM
You only get a total of £165,000 if you go to companies. My website developer has cost me nothing, and I will be able to pick up a flash developer very cheaply. Community director will work for free, social networking developer - will find someone with some free time, marketing - again someone for free.

I see your points, however there is inner and outer markets. People like microsoft are always going to get more people than the smaller businesses, however without the smaller businesses, there would be no choice.

EDIT: No idea what you are speaking about :S http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/50-RIDISC-LIGHTSCRIBE-16X-DVD-R-DISCS-DISKS-MEDIA_W0QQitemZ220237528505QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2288 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Don't argue with him, he knows at least 100x what you imagine that you know.

27-05-2008, 11:06 PM
The DT is not related, just happens to be a decent intial to have ;)

David Tennant <3

The number to get through to me, the project developer is: 0560 1717 864

You're just asking for trouble if you want me to be totally honest...


Josh is no longer working for DevelopTomorrow. The decision was taken by both Partners of DevelopTomorrow, due to the lack of knowledge of the required design style, plus threats to now 'sue us'.

I can confirm that the logo created was created by myself, and was posted here on Habbox BEFORE Josh entered the team. Josh did a duplicate of the logo, and tried to change it a little for the behalf of the project. He is now threatening us, and telling us, the Partners to remove the logo from the site, as 'he made it'. I can confirm that at this begining of this thread, someone made a post showing the similarity of another logo of mine. This does back me up that the logo was created by myself.

The new partner on the team is Matthew Froggett, and now owns 49.9% of the business.

Okay, my honest views. Like nearly everyone else on the forum I don't think it will work considering the numerous other threads on this and such; but when you have your mass CDs or whatever in September 2008 going around the country or worldwide or whatever your market is then PLEASE come back here and rub it in our faces...

Why do I think it won't work? Well, Splur Studios? I haven't seen that in awhile... 'MMOCCMonthly' or whatever that was... Some magazine thing? SuerteHeights? I think that was to do with you... I haven't seen that since...

If you want me to be totally honest, I'm surprised you're still here on this forum. I mean, back in the day you had numerous hate threads back when you were Woodrlly and Write-It and whatother account names you had... And in my opinion you have a bad reputation on these forums.

You need to find somewhere new... You may have matured and might be serious about these business proposals and so forth but this forum knows you too well and you'd be lucky to get anyone to help.

Good luck anyway.

27-05-2008, 11:07 PM
You only get a total of £165,000 if you go to companies. My website developer has cost me nothing, and I will be able to pick up a flash developer very cheaply. Community director will work for free, social networking developer - will find someone with some free time, marketing - again someone for free.

I see your points, however there is inner and outer markets. People like microsoft are always going to get more people than the smaller businesses, however without the smaller businesses, there would be no choice.

EDIT: No idea what you are speaking about :S http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/50-RIDISC-LIGHTSCRIBE-16X-DVD-R-DISCS-DISKS-MEDIA_W0QQitemZ220237528505QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2288 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Stock will run out, and you trust it over eBay? :rolleyes:

28-05-2008, 12:02 AM
I won't be ordering CD's knowing you got them off ebay, anything could be on them!

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Moderator): Posts merged, forum error.

28-05-2008, 07:44 AM
Kardan, SplurStudios, MMOCCMonthly and Suerte Heights were all failures, well I did manage to sell Suerte. This because they were going no where - this has the potential to do so.

I know people tell me that I should not come back to these forums due to past events, however surely people have the maturity to move on?

The CDs will be blank...and then we place our data on there and our lightscribe image.

28-05-2008, 09:47 AM
Kardan, SplurStudios, MMOCCMonthly and Suerte Heights were all failures, well I did manage to sell Suerte. This because they were going no where - this has the potential to do so.

I know people tell me that I should not come back to these forums due to past events, however surely people have the maturity to move on?

The CDs will be blank...and then we place our data on there and our lightscribe image.

What I can remember you always said they were a great success, SplurStudios etc that is. How do you even aim to market this product(s) of yours?

28-05-2008, 10:03 AM
Kardan, SplurStudios, MMOCCMonthly and Suerte Heights were all failures, well I did manage to sell Suerte. This because they were going no where - this has the potential to do so.

I know people tell me that I should not come back to these forums due to past events, however surely people have the maturity to move on?

The CDs will be blank...and then we place our data on there and our lightscribe image.

We have moved on, but you keep coming back, with these projects, assuring us they'll succeed which end up dying.

It's you who should move on.

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