View Full Version : Hacked - 1st time.

28-05-2008, 08:34 AM
I logged off my account yesterday with full petal floor, a throne, white mono, thousands of rare items.

Logged on this morning and it's all gone.
Never been hacked before, so what do I do? I've contacted Player Support telling them what's happened. What are the chances of getting my furni back? All I want is everything back on my account then I can put it all on another.

I have told NOBODY my password, so how can they know?
What do I do? What are the chances? How do you get so much stuff again?

I've been playing Habbo since August 2005, so it's kinda a let down :l

28-05-2008, 08:46 AM
Sorry to hear that mate.

Will you get your stuff back >
It's highly unlikely. Basically their claims are that it's your fault, not theirs.

How did they hack you >
Possibly a fake login or a keylogger.

How do you get so much stuff again >
How did you get stuff in the first place? You could always buy creds. ;)

28-05-2008, 08:49 AM
If you have gone on a fake login, visited any dodgy fansites or have downloaded some dodgy stuff, then it's your fault.

And then chances of you getting your stuff back is nil. To be honest, player support couldn't care less and would just blame it on you.

- Tom

28-05-2008, 08:50 AM
I can assure you I haven't downloaded anything, and I haven't been on any fake logins. Trust me.

I don't know how I got my stuff. But I do know I've lost 898 credits and over 3T worth of stuff.
I don't know how to get all the stuff back to how I was.

28-05-2008, 08:56 AM
Sorry to say it but.. You will never get your furni back

28-05-2008, 09:03 AM
Do you think the best thing is to create a fully new account and act like I'm a new user? And just continue up the chain again? Get rights in a casino... take bets etc?

28-05-2008, 09:04 AM
I've been hacked before. Lots of people have been hacked before.
The way I was hacked was a keylogger back in '04. Things were different then, and I could get a hobba to my room straight away, and she kindly explained the whole situation to me. We won't get that kind of service now, of course.

errr... let's get one fact straight; you will not get your furni back. End of. No matter what story, they do not care. Annoying, I know, but there we have it.

Don't know what to suggest. Good luck in earning it all back.

28-05-2008, 12:55 PM
Some quick facts:

1.) With rare furni like you described Habbo can track and ban the current holder of all the items (They now track furni through more then 3accounts)

2.) Habbo have been known to give furni back but it is VERY rare, :Armani got refunded after I hacked him because apparently he told Habbo he was hacked with Housekeeping... Lol... so it is VERY unlikely you'll get it back.

3.) Good luck.

28-05-2008, 01:01 PM
You wont get your furniture back, Habbo are sad.
But yeah, you should make a new account, and just start again.

But scan your PC First.

28-05-2008, 01:16 PM
you wont get your furni back

28-05-2008, 01:21 PM
I've been hacked once, lost about the same worth as u, I thought i would be different to the rest and get my furni back, but there is NO WAY they will ever give ur furni back, Habbo is a money making scam, people who scam in casinos ect, habbo are the main scammers

28-05-2008, 01:39 PM
You wont get your furniture back, Habbo are sad.
But yeah, you should make a new account, and just start again.

But scan your PC First.

Yeeah start again but scan your PC for a keylogger first.
Sorry to hear that and good luck.

28-05-2008, 02:34 PM
Thank you indeed for your kind words everyone.
I have run an AVG scan and a Spyware Doctor scan, and the discovered threats have been removed.
What upsets me most is seeing someone else on my account, and seeing someone else moving MY mrponki! LOL.

I should be starting again on a total new account, just need some name ideas!

28-05-2008, 02:46 PM
Well i wont be buying the credits off you then :(

Sorry to hear it mate!

Perhaps s0omeone pretended to be you.. I got hacked by that and habbo refused to believe i own the stolen account >:{

29-05-2008, 10:02 AM
Do you think the best thing is to create a fully new account and act like I'm a new user? And just continue up the chain again? Get rights in a casino... take bets etc?

With determination like that, you deserve a medal.

no waiii
29-05-2008, 08:49 PM
i send a message saying Buying Throne and "you" replyed go to this site cause there are pictures of you there, Obv. The hacker

29-05-2008, 08:56 PM
Some quick facts:

1.) With rare furni like you described Habbo can track and ban the current holder of all the items (They now track furni through more then 3accounts)

2.) Habbo have been known to give furni back but it is VERY rare, :Armani got refunded after I hacked him because apparently he told Habbo he was hacked with Housekeeping... Lol... so it is VERY unlikely you'll get it back.

3.) Good luck.

What do you mean by that?
Like if I were to hack someone and take their throne, put it in my main and then trade it through like.. 5 accounts..
hacked person > my clone 1 > my clone 2 > my close 3 > my clone 4 > my clone 5 > my main) they couldn't track it?

Or what if you took the rares and then sold them to people.. would they get permed ?

and if you hack someone.. how do you er. not get caught? lol

29-05-2008, 09:01 PM
no point hiding your indentity, just step up your account security.

-hange your password on a weekly/monthly basis.
- Use an email such as Googlemail, which is secure and make sure nobody know's the internet
- Use security programs to make sure you do not have anything dodgy on your computer
- Check the client url before logging in

30-05-2008, 09:15 AM
Use an email such as Googlemail, which is secure and make sure nobody know's the internet

Err... what?

30-05-2008, 04:15 PM
What do you mean by that?
Like if I were to hack someone and take their throne, put it in my main and then trade it through like.. 5 accounts..
hacked person > my clone 1 > my clone 2 > my close 3 > my clone 4 > my clone 5 > my main) they couldn't track it?

Or what if you took the rares and then sold them to people.. would they get permed ?

and if you hack someone.. how do you er. not get caught? lol

yh hes right, i used to make fl's, and basically habbo was able to track all the furni i had laundered through about 6 different accounts, and they managed to ban those acc's, i was using a proxy service and refreshing my ip nearly 2 times a day, plus i was on up to about 4 different computers. Habbo have really stepped up their game when it comes to hackers nowadays, not like in 03 - 04

31-05-2008, 02:25 PM
I got hacked twice in one day on Broudstone xD!

31-05-2008, 02:31 PM
when i got hacked 10t
get a parent to phone up player support
and get ur parent to give them a sob story somit like
my sons gutted and stuff like that

and it might get refunded if they can trace it

31-05-2008, 09:03 PM
What do you mean by that?
Like if I were to hack someone and take their throne, put it in my main and then trade it through like.. 5 accounts..
hacked person > my clone 1 > my clone 2 > my close 3 > my clone 4 > my clone 5 > my main) they couldn't track it?

Or what if you took the rares and then sold them to people.. would they get permed ?

and if you hack someone.. how do you er. not get caught? lol

I'm GUESSING they do this:
they track the FurniID and we now know they keep trade logs etc... but assuming they're not stupid enough to believe anyone would sell a throne for a duck... i assume they also check machine ids aswell as the IPs...

So... Assuming this you would need two computers and a proxymask to properly hack accounts now and maybe like... 2000ducks just to be safe ;]

Chat logs arn't kept so don't worry about going "SELLING THRONE 1DUCK" in your clones room etc... just trade it oto your other comp and IP and all should be good :rolleyes: I think =P

31-05-2008, 10:00 PM
Run all security checks!

31-05-2008, 10:44 PM
I got hacked by Habbo Raw fake client. Watched my drags dissapear infront of me D:

31-05-2008, 11:46 PM
Whoever took it can be caught very easily now.

I know a scripter who passed furni he stole through 3 accounts to save being caught and he still got caught and banned.

If you report it, it's likely they will get banned and then atleast they didn't get away with it, even if you did lost it all!

01-06-2008, 12:38 AM
You should of got it insured :eusa_wall

If you have paid credits for furni just say to player support you have spent £X
on the game and expect it returned as you have paid money for it.

01-06-2008, 05:53 PM
Unluckly :( Don't show your rich on Habbo otherwise they will target you.

01-06-2008, 07:17 PM
Some quick facts:

1.) With rare furni like you described Habbo can track and ban the current holder of all the items (They now track furni through more then 3accounts)

2.) Habbo have been known to give furni back but it is VERY rare, :Armani got refunded after I hacked him because apparently he told Habbo he was hacked with Housekeeping... Lol... so it is VERY unlikely you'll get it back.

3.) Good luck.

I'm GUESSING they do this:
they track the FurniID and we now know they keep trade logs etc... but assuming they're not stupid enough to believe anyone would sell a throne for a duck... i assume they also check machine ids aswell as the IPs...

So... Assuming this you would need two computers and a proxymask to properly hack accounts now and maybe like... 2000ducks just to be safe ;]

Chat logs arn't kept so don't worry about going "SELLING THRONE 1DUCK" in your clones room etc... just trade it oto your other comp and IP and all should be good :rolleyes: I think =P

It looks like you're hearing from an expert here.

Another scam which would've caught me out about 2 week ago is very subtle and convincing.
I thought I was near bullet proof against scams, do all the right things, but not so long ago on habboxforum someone made a new post:

Fishing furni.

Apparently I had to go on a website to see the pictures... (I was the first poster)
The website was linked to a fansite I'd never heard of before, but I was then re-directed to interhabbo.com

Luckily a habbo X posted just after me and told me that it'd log me out of habbo. I would then type in my password in the original box and I would then... Lose my account :)

Nearly lost it.

Edit: The thread got deleted about 15 minutes after my firstmy post, so I can't show you it.

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