View Full Version : American Grand Prix

20-06-2005, 02:44 AM
Yes the American Grand Prix was today on Sunday the 19th.
Michael S. won!{ sorry cant spell last name}
He beat a huge number of oppents............ 5!
Yes thats right 5.Due to Michinen Tires telling 7 of there teams that it was unsafe to run at the USA Grand Prix track because of the banking.So 14 cars withdrew from the race after the warm up laps.The banking of the track is only 9 degrees!Then they delayed the start saying that they should change the tarck so they would not have to go on the banking.Well in the rule books it states that:No track may be reconfigured in anyway.If a race can not proceed it must be Delayed until the track is cleared.

PS:3/4 of the crowd was gone before the 15th lap
So what You think?

20-06-2005, 06:48 PM
My brother never stopped going on about that. He loves to watch f1 and kept telling me tha only 6 started i'm like sthu noob. :]

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