View Full Version : GH3 Hard/Expert

31-05-2008, 04:32 PM
I was playing One on hard and its all easy but then it gets to the guitar solo. It's impossible to hit all of them. Thats not my problem though i can get passed that bit its just because i don't have any star power left because i saved it for that part some bits are a bit tricky and if i miss a few notes i fail. Most of the other songs on hard and expert are a joke. I think the new developer ruined Guitar Hero. The first two were really fun. They had hard parts but they were actually possible. I just can't play solo on that game on the last set on hard.

This is one of the reasons i'm getting Rock Band before i even think about Guitar Hero World Tour because Harmonix did a great job on the first two Guitar Hero games.

I understand that they don't want to make it too easy but why make it too hard?

31-05-2008, 04:34 PM
You think think that's hard, wait until you get to expert :rolleyes:

I found One on expert quite difficult, I failed only at the solo even with star power. I don't know if it's the same notes as hard, but it was reoccuring triples.

So it was red, yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue etc in a real short period of time.

The trick is hold red, and just strum maldy whilst alternating between yellow and blue, it got me through expert :)

31-05-2008, 04:39 PM
but thats the point of the game? if it was easy it would be boring..:rolleyes:
anyways it is possible to hit all of the notes. and its the last set. its suppose to be hard.. and btw, your saying Jordan on guitar hero 2 was easy?

31-05-2008, 05:00 PM
When i used to play gh2 i never played the bonus songs for some reason so i didn't really play Jordan. If it's easy it is boring but if its too hard its boring aswell because you have to keep playing the same song over and over and then eventually give up.

I don't think i'll ever get that far on expert i've kind of given up and i'm just gunna play the songs i can play, have fun and continue to 5 star all the songs i download on medium :P Also i'm not that good with some songs i can't move my fingers fast enough on the really fast hammer ons.

Whats the difficulty of Rock Band compared to Guitar Hero 3? I haven't got a chance to play it because it isn't out on PS3 yet. I'm trying to hitn to my friend who imported it from the US to invite me round his to play it :P

31-05-2008, 05:14 PM
When i used to play gh2 i never played the bonus songs for some reason so i didn't really play Jordan. If it's easy it is boring but if its too hard its boring aswell because you have to keep playing the same song over and over and then eventually give up.

I don't think i'll ever get that far on expert i've kind of given up and i'm just gunna play the songs i can play, have fun and continue to 5 star all the songs i download on medium :P Also i'm not that good with some songs i can't move my fingers fast enough on the really fast hammer ons.

Whats the difficulty of Rock Band compared to Guitar Hero 3? I haven't got a chance to play it because it isn't out on PS3 yet. I'm trying to hitn to my friend who imported it from the US to invite me round his to play it :P

Rock Band is MUCH easier than GH3. I got 100% on expert the first time I played Should I stay or should I go and Gimme Shelter... GH3 it takes a few times before I'm able to 100% them :)

31-05-2008, 06:52 PM
for One (hard), make sure you're not strumming like a madman and strum at around the same speed as the darkness riff (bit before it), they're both around 10/11 notes per second.
Rock band is a ****load easier than GH3 for the most part, but still has it's very difficult songs (Green grass/high tides, Run to the hills, Blackened, Thrasher, etc)

01-06-2008, 12:45 PM
I find solos pretty easy on hard/expert, I get stuck on the long chains of notes, I can't move my fingers fast enough when it switches between loads xD

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