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View Full Version : Back to the future

The Professor
07-06-2008, 08:19 PM
Catzsy appears to have broken her silence by announcing her new krewbies (congratulations guys! :)) so I suppose it's my turn now!

Myself and ---MAD--- have spent many, many hours in talks and have all but finalised arrangements for the new habboxforum. I say new habboxforum, as that's what it'll seem like when everything's in place, you won't recognise it! But I garuntee you'll like the changes, most of them stemmed from the joyful debates I've had the (dis)pleasure to read in the habbox feedback forum. Speaking of which, I hear the non-habbo light skin is in development ;)

What are these changes you ask? We'll I'm extremely limited in what I can reveal, partly because MAD is keeping everything under lock and key, but mainly because we don't the surprises to be ruined. However, we can put out a few teasers:
The words "caution" and "warning" will be given their definitions back, rather than being lesser versions of their bigger brothers.
A new start will mean exactly that.
Two new infractions to cover problematic problems
A more relaxed approach to some "lesser" offences
Re-written moderator and super moderator guides which will be simpler and clearer.
The long awaited clarification on the bumping rule
Bridging the moderator/member divideHopefully that's vague enough to keep everyone from guessing what the changes are, but specific enough to keep you on the edge of your seat until... whenever they're introduced ;) I now have to get back to writing the moderator guide (on my fifth hour atm, anyone else want a go for a bit?).

There is a dog doing the limbo,

Eccentricity is not, I repeat not, a sign of incompetance!

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