View Full Version : The fall of Gamespot

16-06-2008, 08:15 AM
Gamespot to me used to be a really respected games review company. They used to give honest unbaised opinions on everything and if anything they rated too harshly for example Super mario 64 got 94% when most reviewers gave it 96% or 97% but it was all good because everyone knew gamespot rated too low.

In the past few months however they have been dishing out really high ratings. For example they gave MGS 4 100% yet MGS 2 which I know most people prefer got 96%, infact the critics average for MGS 4 is just 93%, Gamespot is giving everything way too high in my opinion, Im stopping using it now because most things are getting like 90% even if they arent that great. Another example is GTA 4 which I know most people didnt like as much as Vice city etc, that got 100% also compared to the user average of just 93%. We got 2 100% games in a month yet In 10 years I believe we only had one which was ocarina of time.

Is it just me or is gamespot not as great as it used to be.

16-06-2008, 09:13 AM
The thing is I a review isn't based on how much you prefer a game, it's based on things like graphics, sound, probably playability, controls and probably more, GTA4 has amazing graphics and sound, the controls are simple and the playability is through the roof because it's GTA, I can't really comment on MGS but I would assume it's the same, just because people prefer an older game it doesn't mean it'll get a lower review score

16-06-2008, 05:42 PM
Gamespot give higher scores to games from developers/publishers that dish out the moolah

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