View Full Version : Are You Under 18 And Want To Become A Hobba?

29-08-2004, 04:13 PM
Are You Under 18 And Want To Become A Hobba?
Well then fear no more!!! We have been informed by habbostaff and LTD Staff that habbohotel.com ( US Habbo ) will be recruiting hobbas from the age of 13!!! YES that means you can become on! However hobbas in .com won't have powers like other hobbas. They will only have the power to warn other habbos and have that shiny badge If you make it into a gold hobba and become a super gold hobba you could recieve more powers such as to file reports, kick from rooms and even mute other habbos!
Well get busy..

29-08-2004, 04:14 PM
ya i herd that too! i think its gona b aweosme! im gona apply like right away!

29-08-2004, 04:27 PM
Whats so special about USA habbo?
there getting everything, none of the other hotels got any of this stuff on sign up :@

29-08-2004, 04:29 PM
yer dats kool im gonna sign up!!

29-08-2004, 05:25 PM
I think I actually will try out...

29-08-2004, 07:07 PM
I never heard of that news. But it is true that some people at the age of 13 are more mature then others and deserve to be a Hobba.

29-08-2004, 08:50 PM
This will be weird to see what happens...

29-08-2004, 08:58 PM
if you think about it its good for us but it will be very bad bcoz there will be loads of hobbas and ppl who quit .co.uk just for this but also kewl aswell
HINT:you know it says dont do anything bad well just dont log into your acount for ages then you havent done anything lol

29-08-2004, 09:09 PM
if you think about it its good for us but it will be very bad bcoz there will be loads of hobbas and ppl who quit .co.uk just for this but also kewl aswell
HINT:you know it says dont do anything bad well just dont log into your acount for ages then you havent done anything lol

yes but u also have to have like 200 log ins Im gonna try tho soon as I can it sounds awesome

29-08-2004, 09:39 PM
Im trying out but it will cause trouble in that hotel

29-08-2004, 10:53 PM
So have you ever wanted to be a Hobba, but found out that you were too young? I know I have, but this is all about to change! - Habbo.com (USA) will be accepting people to become Hobba's from the age of 13!!!

These Hobba's will not be like the Hobba's on other hotels though, as best described they will simply be "advisors" with the power to warn people - no bans, or kicks!

Could this be the best way to move forward with online security? With the age lower, more would be able to apply and spend time helping people, but will it really help if all they can do is warn?

Here is the lowdown of how it will work!
You DONT apply to be a hobba - If you have a clean record for X amount of days you will automaticaly be made a SILVER hobba, after another X amount of time you will be made a GOLD with ADDED POWERS!

Silvers will be able to warn and will have a badge - like on other hotels, Gold will be able to kick (eventualy) and read CFH's :D

Tell US YOUR views by leaving a comment below!

This was an article on Impetuous.net in Aug 2004 by Dbzone
This is not an attempt to steal his article. Thank you

30-08-2004, 01:26 AM
Well they dont make u silver without asking righT?

30-08-2004, 11:51 AM
You receive the badge automatically, it is unknown if they ask you or not. So don't get your hopes up about becoming a hobba, they obviously only make it happen for very few people.

30-08-2004, 04:39 PM
Good, I don't want to be one... Too much work, too much fame, too much hate...

30-08-2004, 08:34 PM
maybe its only on .com as a tester. If it works it might come to .co.uk and others.

If it comes to .co.uk they wouldn't be able to do it, as everyone would be a silver at the same time, and a gold etc.
unless they did it from the date of signing up?

30-08-2004, 10:30 PM
That is soo cool and im 13 and american and i was able to pre-register my name so maybe they will pick me to be a hobba. or i MIGHT have to apply. i wonder how they pick!

31-08-2004, 02:33 AM
I hope I don't become one...

31-08-2004, 12:05 PM
maybe its only on .com as a tester. If it works it might come to .co.uk and others.

If it comes to .co.uk they wouldn't be able to do it, as everyone would be a silver at the same time, and a gold etc.
unless they did it from the date of signing up?
That won't happen due to laws and such, they only do this because of the american laws.

31-08-2004, 04:29 PM
until i becom an hobba im gonna be reallllly sensible
ill try

02-09-2004, 06:55 AM
Whats so special about USA habbo?
there getting everything, none of the other hotels got any of this stuff on sign up :@

Yes I agree.
And what about this hobba age of 13 its a load of bull ----- if you ask me.
Is habbo trying to say something like we can trust americans to be hobbas that are under the age of 18 but not people from the uk ect..

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