View Full Version : Microsofts Entire E3 leaked

16-06-2008, 10:16 AM
Apprently, don't take my word for it though!
Remember that angry chief of police from Lethal Weapon? The one that's going absolutely mental over Mel Gibson and Danny Glover's various screw ups? Well that's what Microsoft's PR boss must look like this morning, as online survey site Intellisponse leaks its entire E3 line-up onto the internet. Someone's going to get sacked.

On the game front there's first word on Forza Motorsport 3 (as if it wasn't coming), which according to Intellisponse will include over 100 tracks and 400 cars on a two-disc set. Let's hope they sort out the walkover AI this time.

Even better is the first video of Silicon Knights' The Crucible, which looks a bit like Eternal Darkness meets Diablo with lots of hack 'n slashing. Watch the video on You Tube before it gets pulled (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miHjgNc36ME&e) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miHjgNc36ME&e%29).

On the causal front there's the once mentioned but never seen Lips, which turns out (as expected) to be a Singstar-style game on Xbox 360.

According to the Intellisponse blurb, "Lips is a music and singing game that includes 30 songs, 2 wireless interactive microphones, the ability to use and sing your own music or download songs from an online service. Designed to have fun with friends, Lips scores you on your singing (pitch, rhythm and tune) and your overall performance." Nan'll love it.

And of course we've also got our first look at Microsoft's long-rumoured 'Mii' avatar system, which will replace Gamerpics when it launches at the end of the year.

That's your lot then. Microsoft's press conference is going to be a lot less exciting now. We contacted the UK arm of the publisher who wouldn't comment on any of it.

Taken from CVG : http://www.computerandvideogames.com....php?id=190996 (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=190996)

"Mii Avatars"
Microsoft may be planning to bring Mii-equivalent avatars to Xbox Live, judging by information leaked all over the internet.

According to Kotaku, the now-plugged leak detailed documentation that said the avatars will replace Xbox Live gamer pictures and "provide a more lifelike, animated, and fully customizable persona."

The avatars will be implemented into "various arcade and retail games" as playable characters. And you thought Frogger couldn't get any more interesting.

There will also be hundred of clothing options for those who feel the need to customise their virtual persona further.

From the looks of a leaked picture (see below), some of the outfits could well be licensed by products and companies. So expect to pay 200 MS points for a virtual Halo T-shirt some time soon.

Shockingly enough, Microsoft has yet to comment on the subject.


16-06-2008, 10:35 AM
Not the whole Microsoft bit as it doesn't mention GoW2 or Fable 2 xD

That avatar thing looks pretty cool but I wouldn't pay to give mine clothes :S

16-06-2008, 10:37 AM
I'd have a naked guy if it meant protecting my balance!

16-06-2008, 10:59 AM
Well I just saved the Crucible video and Microsoft well and truly got pwned! :P

16-06-2008, 10:32 PM
It looks quite good but I wouldnt pay money for it.

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