View Full Version : First kiss

16-06-2008, 08:32 PM
so basically, i'm 13 and i'm in year 8, soon to go into year 9. and i've not had a boyfriend since infant school, year 1/2. all my friends are getting recent boyfriends and it gets me really down because i haven't. i feel really pressured into getting one. also i've never 'got off' with a boy or anything like that before, and me and one of my other good friends are the only one in our group that hasn't. nearly everyone i know has and it gets me really upset and makes me think that something is wrong with me, even though i know there isn't. i'm not going to lie and say i'm ugly, because i know i'm not. i'm a decent looking 13 year old girl, and i'm really nice, so why can't i get a boyfriend?

i've spoke to my mum about it before, and she keeps telling me that if i'm worried about having my first kiss then i can't be ready, and that she didn't have her first kiss until she was 16 and she didn't have a her first boyfriend until she was 17. and although i know she's telling the truth and some people don't have boyfriends until they're older, it just doesn't make me feel much better because of my peers that have. i know of a couple of guys that have liked me, but i've never done anything about it.

on friday four of my friends went out to the skate park and got drunk and got off with loads of guys from our school, and because they know i'm not exactly happy about not having a boyfriend, they're telling me to go get drunk with them and then go get off with guys and stuff. and my other friend that hasn't kissed anyone before and one of my other friends, they're going to club place and apparently everyone there asks you to get off with them, and i said i'd go, but that's not how i want to get my first kiss over and done with. i want it to be special and with someone that i actually like, but i just don't think i can keep waiting while all my friends are out getting boyfriends.

i know it sounds pretty immature, but i really need advice.
and if you just read all that, thank you so much.

16-06-2008, 08:36 PM
Rmemeber that they only getting the guys becasue they are easier to get use as ;).

16-06-2008, 08:38 PM
You're still young, being single isn't all that bad, don't worry about it, just do one thing, don't follow the trend.

16-06-2008, 08:55 PM
Rmemeber that they only getting the guys becasue they are easier to get use as ;).
it's kind of more like they use them sometimes. they'll go out with them for a day and they'll barely know each other anyway. sometimes i think they just want to get off with them.

You're still young, being single isn't all that bad, don't worry about it, just do one thing, don't follow the trend.
i know, and i'm going to try not to. it's just hard and it gets me really down, especially since i'm like overly sensitive about this kind of stuff. but thanks, i'll try anyway.

+rep to both, thanks for replying.

16-06-2008, 08:57 PM
If you need someone to talk to, you know how to PM me ;)

16-06-2008, 08:59 PM
You're quite mature for your age. Saying that, I was too. :8
I know it's hard to take if you're in the minority but the only thing you can do is to bide your time and ignore what anyone says.

16-06-2008, 09:00 PM
You're quite mature for your age. Saying that, I was too. :8
I know it's hard to take if you're in the minority but the only thing you can do is to bide your time and ignore what anyone says.
thankfully no-one says anything. it's just me myself that gets bothered about it.

16-06-2008, 09:01 PM
wait till the time comes and don't just get off with someone for the sake of it unless you really want too. if you want it to be special wait till you find the right one =]
dw about what anyone thinks

16-06-2008, 09:02 PM
thankfully no-one says anything. it's just me myself that gets bothered about it.
I see. And if other people are like mentioning who they kissed around you etc I can understand why that would make you feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure if that happened to you or not. But if not then in that case it's only you who is making yourself worry about it when you shouldn't really care. :)

16-06-2008, 09:13 PM
I would just wait until you meet someone it'll be special with.
I wouldn't waste it on a stranger, you want it to be a moment you remember for the rest of your life.
Mines was very memorable, and I'm glad it was with someone I really liked.

16-06-2008, 09:14 PM
How do you mean by "got off", because lots of people around the UK I've found use it meaning different things.

You shouldn't be worrying about it at just 13...
You and nor will any of your friends stay with a boy for that long.

16-06-2008, 11:09 PM
Don't worry about it, i didn't get in with anyone till year 9.
Its nothing to worry just because other people are doing it, it don't mean you have too. Wait to you find someone you really like and you still got years of your life left, i bet when they grow up they will think back and be like "I wish i saved my first kiss for the person i really love".
Its nothing that big anyway, at your age i was like "omg omg omg why cant i get in with anyone" and then when i did i was like "Whats the big deal about this" all it is kissing someone so don't get so worked up about it!
I hope it helped. :)

17-06-2008, 07:59 AM
How do you mean by "got off", because lots of people around the UK I've found use it meaning different things.

You shouldn't be worrying about it at just 13...
You and nor will any of your friends stay with a boy for that long.
it means snogging where I live :P.

and erm don't feel pressured by it. there's a club like that which is so pathetic that only 12 year olds go to now lol :P. don't look for your first kiss because it will make it forced, maybe try and find a good looking boy in the same situation? ;)

17-06-2008, 09:48 AM
Definatly don't give into peer pressure, i did, and i know that it's annoying when somebody's giving advice but they didn't take it themselves, but yano :P
Speaking from experience, i had my first kiss in year 6, because i went to a 13-17 year old nightclub (and got in lol). I can't remeber the girl, i can't remeber if i was 10 or 11, sucks really. And it was really bad because there was so many people there kept getting nudged haha.
But yeah, don't loose it with someone you don't like, otherwise you're more inclined to forget it because you won't be able to talk to them again. It is more than annoying when you can't remeber it vividly yourself.

17-06-2008, 06:54 PM
Like Im exact same age as you and stuff, I had mine when I was like in yr5 but not everyone has it like proper early. My form tutor, I gotta admint shes pretty fit and she didn't get her first boyfriend or kiss till she was 17! Our form were like o.O LOL So dont worry :)

17-06-2008, 07:04 PM
Stop worrying ;)
Like 1/8 people (round about) haven't got off with anyone yet.
I kind of regret mine :(.. game of dares.. at a party :P
I was like 11 or something :S
Save it for the right person, who you know won't tease you or anything.
It will happen naturally !

17-06-2008, 08:38 PM
There's nothing wrong with you. You're only 13, and just because your friends do, doesn't me you have to. They just might be older mentally. If you don't think you're ready yet, then don't worry, it'll happen one day, that's all you need to remember.

Yes, I read all what you said so.. "Takes the thanks" ;)

17-06-2008, 08:41 PM
Ahh there's nothing wrong with that, I wish I was like you to be honest - I've actually had chlamydia and glandular fever (both of which are becoming much more common, plus you can get glandular fever from 'getting off'). Trust me, there's no rush. :)

17-06-2008, 08:46 PM
You really don't need to worry about it.
Just wait until the right person for you comes along, definatly not something to be forced.
If your friends say anything, just ignore them and say that you'll do what you like.

17-06-2008, 08:55 PM
awww bless ur only 13

17-06-2008, 09:54 PM
Nothing to worry about.
I think with a brain like yours you should be worrying more about school work and get your head down in lessons rather than worry about getting a boyfriend or whatever.
A boyfriend will just come naturally. There's no point going out and looking for one as more than likely that won't work.
Just don't worry about it too much and don't be a sheep and follow the herd. Just go with the flow and make your own decisions.

18-06-2008, 03:19 PM
The time will come. Dont do it because you HAVE to. Do it because you want to! And just go with it when it happens, let it take you! :)

Goodluck :) You wont need it though!

18-06-2008, 08:25 PM
Don't do something just because all your friends do it, be yourself and do what feels right to you, don't worry about getting a boyfriend.. I'm sure you'll find someone you like soon. :)

19-06-2008, 10:00 PM
Being single ios the best feeling ever!

20-06-2008, 05:42 PM
Okay I'm not attacking everyone in this thread but she wants to know something, stop telling her she should save it and all of this rubbish, she's a 13 year old girl.. a teenager, it happens. And no, kissing doesn't come naturally, anyone who says this have probably never done it.

Basically you're wanting to know how to "get off" or "snog" well I'm going to tell you how.

1. Always have soft lips, if you have cracked lips or something it's not really pleasurable when you kiss.

2. Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over his - now this is going to sound weird but it works, you know how you see a fish let air out with it's mouth, do that with the boy but slowely and softly.

You also want to have a nice position so your head is tilted to the opposite side of his!

3. Make sure you close your eyes because sometimes when you open your eyes and the person you are sharing a passionate kiss with is staring you blind in the face, it ruins the mood.

4. Enjoy it!! take things slow, graduate from a gentle kiss to a snog or "get off" I forget the termination people use :P

Hope this helps :)

20-06-2008, 05:48 PM
Dude, she doesnt need guidance on how to kiss you know! ^_^!!!!!!!>_>!!!

20-06-2008, 06:01 PM
Dude, she doesnt need guidance on how to kiss you know! ^_^!!!!!!!>_>!!!If you bothered to spend time reading what she posted you would know she does. post count addict:rolleyes:

20-06-2008, 06:05 PM
Okay I'm not attacking everyone in this thread but she wants to know something, stop telling her she should save it and all of this rubbish, she's a 13 year old girl.. a teenager, it happens. And no, kissing doesn't come naturally, anyone who says this have probably never done it.

Basically you're wanting to know how to "get off" or "snog" well I'm going to tell you how.

1. Always have soft lips, if you have cracked lips or something it's not really pleasurable when you kiss.

2. Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over his - now this is going to sound weird but it works, you know how you see a fish let air out with it's mouth, do that with the boy but slowely and softly.

You also want to have a nice position so your head is tilted to the opposite side of his!

3. Make sure you close your eyes because sometimes when you open your eyes and the person you are sharing a passionate kiss with is staring you blind in the face, it ruins the mood.

4. Enjoy it!! take things slow, graduate from a gentle kiss to a snog or "get off" I forget the termination people use :P

Hope this helps :)

I dont know wats wrong with you but why are you being sooo rude and on that other thread rember you said i should get run over by a bus DISGUSTING

20-06-2008, 06:06 PM
I dont know wats wrong with you but why are you being sooo rude and on that other thread rember you said i should get run over by a bus DISGUSTINGIf you don't like me telling it how it is, have an anger fit and break your computer.

20-06-2008, 06:08 PM
Okay I'm not attacking everyone in this thread but she wants to know something, stop telling her she should save it and all of this rubbish, she's a 13 year old girl.. a teenager, it happens. And no, kissing doesn't come naturally, anyone who says this have probably never done it.

Basically you're wanting to know how to "get off" or "snog" well I'm going to tell you how.

1. Always have soft lips, if you have cracked lips or something it's not really pleasurable when you kiss.

2. Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over his - now this is going to sound weird but it works, you know how you see a fish let air out with it's mouth, do that with the boy but slowely and softly.

You also want to have a nice position so your head is tilted to the opposite side of his!

3. Make sure you close your eyes because sometimes when you open your eyes and the person you are sharing a passionate kiss with is staring you blind in the face, it ruins the mood.

4. Enjoy it!! take things slow, graduate from a gentle kiss to a snog or "get off" I forget the termination people use :P

Hope this helps :)

You slate off everyone else's posts and then post that?!


20-06-2008, 06:10 PM
If you don't like me telling it how it is, have an anger fit and break your computer.

LOL but y get rude and say a bus should run me over I DONT KNOW YOU


20-06-2008, 06:15 PM

Edited by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude towards other forum members.

20-06-2008, 06:17 PM
That special person is out there somewhere.

20-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Okay, since you're acting like a child I'm going to treat you like one, you do a better explanation of something that you claim comes natural.

Because you're a pointless poster which in my mind is a pointless human being. Thats lovely, I don't know you either and I never wish to, dope.

tbh grow up and stop being so rude to people on threads its quite pathetic how old are you ..... 9

20-06-2008, 06:23 PM
tbh grow up and stop being so rude to people on threads its quite pathetic how old are you ..... 9I am grown up, hence why my knowledge is far greater than yours. Ahaha, an immature line from someone who believes that I am offensive - cry me a river, please.

20-06-2008, 06:25 PM
I am grown up, hence why my knowledge is far greater than yours. Ahaha, an immature line from someone who believes that I am offensive - cry me a river, please.

lol this is getting toooo personal . I bet you like taking the p*ss out of people on this forum tbh your out of order and one more thing get a life go outside ur house and go somewhere instead of being on this forum and taking the p*ss out of people

20-06-2008, 06:29 PM
lol this is getting toooo personal . I bet you like taking the p*ss out of people on this forum tbh your out of order and one more thing get a life go outside ur house and go somewhere instead of being on this forum and taking the p*ss out of peopleIt's getting personal because you're starting to get on my nerves with your lack of moral high ground and mature manners. You're a hypocrite, I'm on this forum, so are you, don't tell me I have no life when you're infact doing the same as me :)

20-06-2008, 06:32 PM
It's getting personal because you're starting to get on my nerves with your lack of moral high ground and mature manners. You're a hypocrite, I'm on this forum, so are you, don't tell me I have no life when you're infact doing the same as me :)

here we gooooo .......... am on this forum yh so wat but do you see me ******** of people over stuipd reasons. NO !!!!!!!!!

20-06-2008, 06:34 PM
here we gooooo .......... am on this forum yh so wat but do you see me ******** of people over stuipd reasons. NO !!!!!!!!!Less of the swearing little boy, mother will wash your mouth out with soap.

20-06-2008, 06:37 PM
Less of the swearing little boy, mother will wash your mouth out with soap.

Lmao ill stop because you will carry on like a little child waiting for its dad to come home awwwwwwwww blesss :(:(

20-06-2008, 06:41 PM
Lmao ill stop because you will carry on like a little child waiting for its dad to come home awwwwwwwww blesss :(:(I can keep on all night, you fail now, seriously, resulting to family insults, beaten -1.

20-06-2008, 06:42 PM
I can keep on all night, you fail now, seriously, resulting to family insults, beaten -1.

hahahahaha please dont make me laugh :P:P:D:D

20-06-2008, 07:04 PM
Okay I'm not attacking everyone in this thread but she wants to know something, stop telling her she should save it and all of this rubbish, she's a 13 year old girl.. a teenager, it happens. And no, kissing doesn't come naturally, anyone who says this have probably never done it.

Basically you're wanting to know how to "get off" or "snog" well I'm going to tell you how.

1. Always have soft lips, if you have cracked lips or something it's not really pleasurable when you kiss.

2. Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over his - now this is going to sound weird but it works, you know how you see a fish let air out with it's mouth, do that with the boy but slowely and softly.

You also want to have a nice position so your head is tilted to the opposite side of his!

3. Make sure you close your eyes because sometimes when you open your eyes and the person you are sharing a passionate kiss with is staring you blind in the face, it ruins the mood.

4. Enjoy it!! take things slow, graduate from a gentle kiss to a snog or "get off" I forget the termination people use :P

Hope this helps :)

dude im sure she's seen the movies.. you're just describing a movie kiss

20-06-2008, 07:37 PM
well first off, i'd like to say first kisses are overrated. had mine when i was 13 and it was with one of my good girl friends, but it was dumb. idk, it was basically out of nowhere and didn't mean anything. i haven't seen her in a long time.

you're 13. relationships at thirteen are ridiculous. if you get a boyfriend thats swell and all, but i honestly wouldn't dwell on it. at 13 you're just finding out you like boys, but you don't really know what to do with them yet. while this is a cliche answer, your friends are probably just getting boyfriends to seem cooler or more mature. it has nothing to do with being ready or fully aware of the commitment and sacrifice relationships take. when you're that young, dating is more of a game or a contest than anything.

20-06-2008, 07:37 PM
It's better than being a complete scat so don't worry about it :D

Try and get a boy that you actually like

21-06-2008, 09:04 AM
Okay I'm not attacking everyone in this thread but she wants to know something, stop telling her she should save it and all of this rubbish, she's a 13 year old girl.. a teenager, it happens. And no, kissing doesn't come naturally, anyone who says this have probably never done it.

Basically you're wanting to know how to "get off" or "snog" well I'm going to tell you how.

1. Always have soft lips, if you have cracked lips or something it's not really pleasurable when you kiss.

2. Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over his - now this is going to sound weird but it works, you know how you see a fish let air out with it's mouth, do that with the boy but slowely and softly.

You also want to have a nice position so your head is tilted to the opposite side of his!

3. Make sure you close your eyes because sometimes when you open your eyes and the person you are sharing a passionate kiss with is staring you blind in the face, it ruins the mood.

4. Enjoy it!! take things slow, graduate from a gentle kiss to a snog or "get off" I forget the termination people use :P

Hope this helps :)
that sounds like you got it off a site :S ... you're homepage? from reading your posts I highly doubt you have ever hugged a girl, nevermind kissed one...

21-06-2008, 12:48 PM
that sounds like you got it off a site :S ... you're homepage? from reading your posts I highly doubt you have ever hugged a girl, nevermind kissed one...

haha, not to mention the fact he's wrong. kissing does come naturally. its completely self-explanatory, really.

21-06-2008, 12:59 PM
dude im sure she's seen the movies.. you're just describing a movie kiss
Probably but she didn't know how and wanted to know so I told her? don't be so mellow dramatic.

that sounds like you got it off a site :S ... you're homepage? from reading your posts I highly doubt you have ever hugged a girl, nevermind kissed one...What because I layed it out neatly? Because I happen to visit the web design forums? don't assume anything you child.

haha, not to mention the fact he's wrong. kissing does come naturally. its completely self-explanatory, really. No it doesn't come naturally, when I had my first kiss years ago it took a while to get used to it, there is different techniques as in the french kiss, that doesn't come naturally to shove your tongue in someones throat and tickle it does it? no, fail.

21-06-2008, 02:49 PM
Probably but she didn't know how and wanted to know so I told her? don't be so mellow dramatic.

melodramatic? :S I wasnt exaggerating anything?

and yes you described the 'perfect' kiss, dare i say it. yet barely anyone has one of these. I'm sure you've never done all the steps you've told her to do.

21-06-2008, 03:09 PM
melodramatic? :S I wasnt exaggerating anything?

and yes you described the 'perfect' kiss, dare i say it. yet barely anyone has one of these. I'm sure you've never done all the steps you've told her to do.Now if you had seen what people have said about waiting for the perfect boy, her first kiss should be perfect, thats how I described it.

21-06-2008, 03:18 PM
Probably but she didn't know how and wanted to know so I told her? don't be so mellow dramatic.

What because I layed it out neatly? Because I happen to visit the web design forums? don't assume anything you child.

No it doesn't come naturally, when I had my first kiss years ago it took a while to get used to it, there is different techniques as in the french kiss, that doesn't come naturally to shove your tongue in someones throat and tickle it does it? no, fail.
I believe you mean melodramatic. It's rare to see a spelling error from a perfectionist like yourself, though.

And some good advice in here.

21-06-2008, 03:23 PM
I believe you mean melodramatic. It's rare to see a spelling error from a perfectionist like yourself, though.

And some good advice in here.

haha +rep :D

21-06-2008, 07:42 PM
ahh, sorry i haven't replied to everyone's advice. i just want to say thanks to everyone. i keep going through stages where i worry about everything, mainly because i'm really over-sensitive. thanks guyss :]

Glen Coco
22-06-2008, 08:20 PM
hah i dunno whats happened cos i have only read the first page but I'm like the same as you except i know im not good looking :)

Dont worry :)

22-06-2008, 08:44 PM
just remember this, the best fruit are always at the top of the tree where people have to try harder to reach it.

Some boys might feel they arn't good enough so they wont bother.

Your friends that get drunk are just being easy, don't go and have your first kiss with a bunch of guys that will just be using you because when your a little older you might do the same thing with sex. You might just sleep with a boy to get it over and done with. I know a kiss isn't as important but you'd still want to remember it.

I waited until i was about 14 until i had my first kiss and i waited until it was with someone i really liked.

Nothing is wrong with you just be happy how you are. Most of my friends at the moment are either in and out of relationships all the time or are in a serious relationship and i'm single. I don't care at all i'm not going to go out with someone just for the point of it. I mean if there isn't anyone you really like then there is no point in having a boyfriend. I could have a boyfriend right now if i wanted one, not trying to sound big headed but i'm being asked out quite often and trust me you're not missing out on anything.

Being single can be a good thing because you're not being tied down to one boy and you always have other options.

As you're still young you have time to get boyfriends maybe in a few years time, but right now just enjoy being single. :)


22-06-2008, 08:55 PM
delete this one, my internet went and when it came back it looked like I hadn't replied, so i resent it :P sozzi

27-06-2008, 07:18 PM
I havent reli been single much since i was in year 7 but like i have got hurt and being together with someone isnt always the best thing :P
i was like 10 when i had my first kiss with my nextdoor neighbour who was a year older :P ahh lol i laugh thinking about it it was in the bushes at the bottom of his garden!

27-06-2008, 07:22 PM
Boys don't kiss you because you don't seem the type to put out after about 2 months

sorry to break it to you, but boys want sex sex sex unless it's a real built up relationship

27-06-2008, 07:27 PM
Don't do it when you're young. My first kiss was forced when I was about 8 in year 4 with a guy in year 5. Playing hide and seek in the dark, he went to search for me and found me under the covers. He actually pinned me down and wouldn't stop and told me to be quiet.
I was kiss raped. =(
No joke either...

27-06-2008, 07:27 PM
had my first kiss at like 11/12
not really that big a deal

27-06-2008, 07:39 PM
i sort of went through the same thing as you.
my friends bragged because they 'got off' with someone at this park, and they didnt even know the people, it's like getting off with people is know just something people do to make them selves look cool.
i felt left out too, and i was the same age as you, but i never went to the park with them, i waited and i got my first kiss with the guy i've been with for two years, so it was really special for me.
but seriously, girls who do 'get off' with people for the sake of it might aswell grab a tramp from a street corner.
i would wait if i was you, the right guy will come along some day :)

27-06-2008, 07:56 PM
"special person" we are talking about KISSING not sex lmao!! kissing is just a bit of fun, but it's better if it's with someone you like, err...my first kiss wasn't till I was 13 and I was probably the last outta all my mates ahah! i didn't spend all my time worrying about it, i really didn't care...if you get offered a kiss playing dares, just do it, you probably won't get gylandia fever or what not..

27-06-2008, 08:13 PM
Yeah he's right.
It may seem like a big deal, right now, before your first kiss, but after it, you'll wonder what you worried about !
Just don't be forced into it, then you don't regret anything :)

27-06-2008, 08:31 PM
I've not had any relationship for a year! :]

05-07-2008, 11:52 PM
Well ive got the same problem as u ecept im a boy But the best thing to do is Forget about it! Wait till your older and then try trust me it is worthit

06-07-2008, 12:47 PM
As Im Italian im obviously always getting girls :P

But dont worry, I dont think anyone should rush things because they feel they should do, take stuff at your own pace :)

06-07-2008, 02:51 PM
Many other people before me on this thread have probably said the same thing but, I know it probably doesnt mean that much but what I say is don't let it worry you!, and I know that is easier said than done but I was in a similar situation to you and I was always wondering when am I going to have my first kiss, and I didnt have it until I was 16.
What i'm trying to say is (as its not really making sense lol) is that just wait, surely you want to have your first kiss with someone who you really like and not just for the sake of it? especially as you certainly don't want to regret it!, my first kiss was with someone who I really liked and it was worth the wait. Just remember that there is no rush, you have the rest of your life to do stuff like that, the time will come round for you :)

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