View Full Version : Child Pornography

16-06-2008, 11:14 PM
A quick note to all of our members that child pornography is and always has been against the rule. All members engaging in the distribution or knowing reception of images of, links to, or instances of child pornography will be placed on the autoban list.

Although one is legal in the UK at age 16, for the purposes of this forum we define child pornography as images of those under 18. We reserve our right to "edit, caution, temporarily ban or permanently ban, as well as your IP, or take any other measurements that we feel necessary." with regards to members who have distributed or knowingly recieved nude material over the forum of members under 18 years of age (as well as with all other members, but for the purposes of this announcement specifically towards those members). Basically, there will be no argument about nude pictures of under 18s, you will be autobanned if you PM/post them, post links to them, tell where to find them or knowingly ask for them.

Please note that just because someone is over 18 does not mean you can redistribute their nude image without their consent, and please remember you cannot spread any images of members without their consent, although you may not be autobanned you will be dealt with harshly.

Please also remember that bullying with regards to such photos is a punishable offense. Just some reminders for some of you and to clarify a few questions that were asked.

Be mature, keep that stuff off the forum.

Habbox Management

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