View Full Version : need a coder

18-06-2008, 08:21 PM
need a coder, to code my layout,
which some people don't understand its was coded wrong before

Paying habbo:rolleyes:

Thread closed by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): To prevent further abuse from hurling around.

18-06-2008, 08:27 PM

Can't code your ripped layout properly? Poor baby.
Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

18-06-2008, 08:34 PM
lmao if you think its ripped, you mean its v good, thanks for judging my layout!
I have proof it's mine we've disucssed this and you sh'ed and yet your carrying on..
You jelous idiot.. And i didn't say i can code.. If i could code, why would i be asking common sense mate
that's how i know you lie, with your little brain.

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

18-06-2008, 08:46 PM
lmao if you think its ripped, you mean its v good, thanks for judging my layout!
I have proof it's mine we've disucssed this and you sh'ed and yet your carrying on..
You jelous idiot.. And i didn't say i can code.. If i could code, why would i be asking common sense mate
that's how i know you lie, with your little brain.

No, I think it's crap, I mean it's good, wow! You don't even understand reverse psychology. GO YOU! :eusa_clap

We didn't discuss proof, you just said I'm jealous which I'm not.
lol. It's a crap rip and all you did was put a picture of a habbo and coloured it green ahah.

You stated you coded it, and it said it was perfect, oh snap! That was before your edit :rolleyes:

How do I lie? My little brain?

In logic, if my brain was small, other parts of my functions would fail.

I.e - My spelling and grammar.

Oh snap! It's better than yours! Following through with technicalities, this means. I have a bigger brain than you!

8 miutes later, still no reply!

18-06-2008, 09:01 PM
No, I think it's crap, I mean it's good, wow! You don't even understand reverse psychology. GO YOU! :eusa_clap

We didn't discuss proof, you just said I'm jealous which I'm not.
lol. It's a crap rip and all you did was put a picture of a habbo and coloured it green ahah.

You stated you coded it, and it said it was perfect, oh snap! That was before your edit :rolleyes:

How do I lie? My little brain?

In logic, if my brain was small, other parts of my functions would fail.

I.e - My spelling and grammar.

Oh snap! It's better than yours! Following through with technicalities, this means. I have a bigger brain than you!

Think you've got a good qualification eh LMAO..
Sorry but guess what? Your a nobody and you alway's will be one!
And yes, you are jealous "Ripped Layout" wth are you on about
Im not that sad, Its not hard making box's which you can't achieve, Ive got a knowledge to make my own layout's.
Don't think your "IT" or the legend to be precise, Because all i know
Your no where near one!

Good Day "Failure";)

LMAO "8 miutes later, still no reply!"
Im not a addict babe x

I swear miutes is spelt like: Minutes
LMAO I don't have spelling&grammar pfft..

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

18-06-2008, 09:08 PM
Think you've got a good qualification eh LMAO..
Sorry but guess what? Your a nobody and you alway's will be one!
And yes, you are jealous "Ripped Layout" wth are you on about
Im not that sad, Its not hard making box's which you can't achieve, Ive got a knowledge to make my own layout's.
Don't think your "IT" or the legend to be precise, Because all i know
Your no where near one!

Good Day "Failure";)

LMAO "8mins still no reply"
Im not a addict babe x

You failed yourself sorry.

You attempted correct grammar and literature! Now I shall bolden all your mistakes. which fail your attempt.

18-06-2008, 09:13 PM
Back on topic,

do you want it coded in tables again?

18-06-2008, 09:15 PM
Back on topic,

do you want it coded in tables again?

You'll be fined for coding a ripped layout if it goes official. ;)

18-06-2008, 09:16 PM
You failed yourself sorry.

You attempted correct grammar and literature! Now I shall bolden all your mistakes. which fail your attempt.

LMAO, why would you like to bold some mistakes..
which are spelt correctly for example:



18-06-2008, 09:17 PM
Back on topic,

do you want it coded in tables again?

Yes please..:)

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not double post, simply edit your previous post.

18-06-2008, 09:18 PM
You'll be fined for coding a ripped layout if it goes official. ;)

where did he rip this layout from?

18-06-2008, 09:20 PM
You'll be fined for coding a ripped layout if it goes official. ;)

You'll never get over it.. Jealousy gets you no where..
It's not ripped, I done the boxs which me and you know
Its only one drag away and also the banner, have you seen
a banner like that.. go on tell me LMAO:P

18-06-2008, 09:42 PM
Why would he be jealous over something that makes me sick, quite profusely. You have opened paint, put an image in there, rubbed everything out, added a few lines, posted a poorly designed image of what I believe to be your habbo, drawn a few boxes and took a background. You proceeded to shoving it in photoshop and pressed "save for web an devices" you then opened this in dreamweaver, put in a background and added a bit of text.

Don't start calling anyone jealous when all I see is a two bit piece of crap that lets face it, I could wipe my white **** with.

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

19-06-2008, 06:13 AM
You seem to argue with everyone, you even attempted to argue with me and failed badly - You fail at most things I haven't seen one thing you've successfully done, and even arguing, you get a lot of practice of it but no - you still suck.

Man, take your head out your *** and learn something decent before you come back.

Your arguing with this kid who's like 11 years old and has some crap habbo website, don't you think its worse as it is for him? Don't make him cry as well.

No, I think it's crap, I mean it's good, wow! You don't even understand reverse psychology. GO YOU! :eusa_clap

We didn't discuss proof, you just said I'm jealous which I'm not.
lol. It's a crap rip and all you did was put a picture of a habbo and coloured it green ahah.

You stated you coded it, and it said it was perfect, oh snap! That was before your edit :rolleyes:

How do I lie? My little brain?

In logic, if my brain was small, other parts of my functions would fail.

I.e - My spelling and grammar.

Oh snap! It's better than yours! Following through with technicalities, this means. I have a bigger brain than you!

8 miutes later, still no reply!

Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

19-06-2008, 02:53 PM
You seem to argue with everyone, you even attempted to argue with me and failed badly - You fail at most things I haven't seen one thing you've successfully done, and even arguing, you get a lot of practice of it but no - you still suck.

Man, take your head out your *** and learn something decent before you come back.

Your arguing with this kid who's like 11 years old and has some crap habbo website, don't you think its worse as it is for him? Don't make him cry as well.

I didn't attempt to? When...

19-06-2008, 02:59 PM
LMAO, please don't make me laugh..
I fail? stop confusing you with me..
I may not be able to code, But im certainly no where near failing..
As for you Excellent Stop trying to impress people..
Ive been rated on my layout, and 75% say its awsome
So i would stay out of this, if i was you.
Let me see you do better.. the name Excellent don't represent you Sorry;)

19-06-2008, 03:36 PM
LMAO, please don't make me laugh..
I fail? stop confusing you with me..
I may not be able to code, But im certainly no where near failing..
As for you Excellent Stop trying to impress people..
Ive been rated on my layout, and 75% say its awsome
So i would stay out of this, if i was you.
Let me see you do better.. the name Excellent don't represent you Sorry;)

I bet, you showed those people something crap, or all of them were mentally challenged people?

Wow! You're threatening me! Going to -rep me? PLEASE DON'T! :rolleyes:
Neither does it you. You're a stuck up 11 year old crying over a crap, stolen layout, trying to act hard.


Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

19-06-2008, 03:40 PM
LMAO, get over it, ITS NOT RIPPED? seriously go to the doctors..
And im not going to lie about my age, im 14..

19-06-2008, 03:43 PM
LMAO, get over it, ITS NOT RIPPED? seriously go to the doctors..
And im not going to lie about my age, im 14..

Okay, I would've let you off, as the stereotypical 11 year old is generally immature. 14 years old is a mature age (Well starting) If you've enterred puberty. :rolleyes:

Which you'll brag about you have, but I sincerely doubt it. You're very immature, for your age and should shut the **** up.

19-06-2008, 03:46 PM
You really have issues, Please go to the mad house
You need help, You gaze at your computer screen 24/7
Please get a life! And don't swear on forums ;)

19-06-2008, 03:56 PM
LMAO, please don't make me laugh..
I fail? stop confusing you with me..
I may not be able to code, But im certainly no where near failing..
As for you Excellent Stop trying to impress people..
Ive been rated on my layout, and 75% say its awsome
So i would stay out of this, if i was you.
Let me see you do better.. the name Excellent don't represent you Sorry;)
You failed by coding your layout in tables, by trying to make a layout in photoshop, by not knowing how to use <tr> tags properly and by lieing about 75% of people likeing it.

You really have issues, Please go to the mad house
You need help, You gaze at your computer screen 24/7
Please get a life! And don't swear on forums ;)
You are a joke.

19-06-2008, 04:16 PM
It needed re-coded, so it got recoded


19-06-2008, 04:34 PM
You really have issues, Please go to the mad house
You need help, You gaze at your computer screen 24/7
Please get a life! And don't swear on forums ;)

I don't have issues lol. You do too be honest, you ***** and moan about me being jealous, when it's infact you. You have to rip a layout because you suck.

19-06-2008, 04:41 PM
I Made a layout do you like it woodberry?


19-06-2008, 05:13 PM
You can't resist&take it i pwn you..
Sorry www.youfail.org (http://www.youfail.org) << Click ity ;)

19-06-2008, 05:30 PM
You can't resist&take it i pwn you..
Sorry www.youfail.org (http://www.youfail.org) << Click ity ;)

How do you pwn me? By as you said "drawing easy boxes"?
and what was it? "any idiot can do it" wow. You pwn me at something an idiot can do. :eusa_clap

But no, you're no where near as good as me in anyway, aparrt from your vagina.

19-06-2008, 05:40 PM
Sorry, i started from scratch, and you think i ripped meaning your jelous,
not jelous of the layout, but me;)
What did you do recolour it and failed lmao.....

19-06-2008, 06:22 PM
I didn't attempt to? When...


19-06-2008, 07:01 PM


That wasn't aimed at you the "He can't type properly" it was at Meti, because of your quote saying" He & She :S

19-06-2008, 07:43 PM
Woodberry you fail on this forum, your threads get flamed by half the Design & Developement section,


19-06-2008, 07:48 PM
Close, i wouldn't be talking if i was you, if i was to push you with one finger
You would then collapse onto the floor.. That's how weak you are
You can "talk" but no action ;)

19-06-2008, 07:51 PM
Close, i wouldn't be talking if i was you, if i was to push you with one finger
You would then collapse onto the floor.. That's how weak you are
You can "talk" but no action ;)
People change, such as I've gained weight and became stronger, *removed*

On topic: You're not going to find anybody to code your layout as youfail.org and you've just argued with anybody who would code it for free.


Edited by SyrupyMonkey (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

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