View Full Version : Big Update Notice!~

23-06-2008, 08:15 PM
Welcome to the ClubTropica Island... The local time is Party time, and of course all of the drinks are free! We hope you enjoy your stay.


Hello Again Budding Islanders!

Get your bags packing! We're nearing the end of the BETA development, and preparing the start of the ClubTropica World. It's been one whole month since the last update... shocking, this past month as flown past.. so much as been going on behind the scenes, we're now all starting to panic ensuring everything is ready for our internal deadlines. Our website has been completely reformed, and the client is starting to come to shape.

We've made a few slight adjustments to some of the systems we planned to have, however most of these will have full low downs on when we launch the new website. One major change, which will effect you lot NOW is the VIP system. We have completely reformed the VIP system, and therefore when our new website is out, any VIP still active will no longer be valid. For this reason, anyone who may have a VIP active past the 15th of July can apply for a refund by contacting Customer Support. Are you unsure when yours expires? Click Premium Account now and a date will be provided.


As mentioned in the last news update, the only thing that is slightly causing us issues is the amount of time our graphics guys have to develop all the graphics required. Therefore, some rooms and features in BETA will not be available and will be designed during the BETA for the live version, after all, BETA is for testing! However, if any of you lot are interested in getting involved and help us produce high quality graphics so we can get as much ready as quick as possible please don't hesitate to contact me! Your help will be gratefully appreciated, and rewarded appropriately, plus making graphics for potentially the next big thing will look great on your CV/Portfolio.. (Psst, email me! I'm sure you've got an idea what my email will be @clubtropica.com if you take a look at my name!).

Okay, I'll call it a rap there... all I can say is, keep tuned.. something big will be happening next month! Give us all your input too, it is appreciated. :-)

ClubTropica Director


24-07-2008, 12:26 AM
not here yet still? lol

24-07-2008, 08:40 AM
something big will be happening next month
I'm sure they said that for the last 2 months LOL

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