View Full Version : I'm atheist - everyone else is Christian

23-06-2008, 08:49 PM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

23-06-2008, 08:51 PM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

I would get sum1 to prayer with you

23-06-2008, 08:55 PM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

I reckon you should tell your friends, if they dislike you for it then they aren't good friends, but it is fine if they disagree with you. It is natural I am best friends with an Atheist but I am a christian, we disagree about each others choices but in a jokey way :)

Just because you believe in there being no God doesn't mean girls won't like you. East is East is a perfect example of not only a mixed race marriage but a mixed religion one too.

Hope that helps :)

23-06-2008, 08:56 PM
Well if you don't want to lie anymore then there's only one thing you can do, right? Just tell people you're athiest. If they are so serious about their religion they'll realize that they should accept everyone no matter what their views are. If someone asks and you say that and they start saying stuff just be like "It's just how I feel" or something.

Also; it's not lying if you don't tell them. If no one asks, don't say anything.

23-06-2008, 08:59 PM
I'm a Christian and almost all of my friends are athiests I don't hate them.. if they were good friends they'd understand and respect your beliefs.

23-06-2008, 09:01 PM
I reckon you should tell your friends, if they dislike you for it then they aren't good friends, but it is fine if they disagree with you. It is natural I am best friends with an Atheist but I am a christian, we disagree about each others choices but in a jokey way :)

Just because you believe in there being no God doesn't mean girls won't like you. East is East is a perfect example of not only a mixed race marriage but a mixed religion one too.

Hope that helps :)
But see, all these people i know are kinda different.. i see how they act about things and overreact. plus i kinda met almost all of em at a christian school my parents made me go to lmao. i do like your points. Im just scared of losing my current friends, as im real shy and its hard to get more friends... i hardly have any true friends too, i never hang out with em >.>

also, one thing about religion: ive TRIED and wanted to believe in god, but i myself know it isnt true (not arguing, just tellin u so it might help u tell me what i should tell people :S)

23-06-2008, 09:05 PM
What makes me sad is when people have been christened as a baby they automatically think that they are a Christian.

23-06-2008, 09:10 PM
But see, all these people i know are kinda different.. i see how they act about things and overreact. plus i kinda met almost all of em at a christian school my parents made me go to lmao. i do like your points. Im just scared of losing my current friends, as im real shy and its hard to get more friends... i hardly have any true friends too, i never hang out with em >.>

also, one thing about religion: ive TRIED and wanted to believe in god, but i myself know it isnt true (not arguing, just tellin u so it might help u tell me what i should tell people :S)

Inevitably there may be friends who do not accept your beliefs, especially if you went or are going to a christian school. I would tell your parents first as they are (hopefully) more likely to understand. If they are the sort of friends who you just use to "get by" ie, you just talk to them in school to be able to get through the day, then it should be easy to make friends like that (you could always make another thread :P).

If you believe in the lack of a god then there is no stopping it, of course you can try and believe otherwise but if you have tried and failed I don't think you will be able to. So tell people "I have heard and understand your reasons for believing in god but I just don't see the truth in it, it isn't that I don't accept your beliefs I just dont believe them myself." Or something like that :)

23-06-2008, 10:07 PM
I've been atheist for the past 7 years since I felt that God in its own right as a person didn't exist, when I told my Dad, he didn't believe me, and still doesn't :P. A majority of my friends are religous, 2 are catholic and more or less the rest are protestant, but we don't really go on about it despite the fact we all went of a CofE school or a RC school. The simple thing is that if your friends can't accept your beliefs, they aren't true friends since (hoping), you accept their beliefs.

23-06-2008, 10:17 PM
I'd not bother mentioning it tbh. It's not something that has to be said, and it's only one morning a week for a short time init. For youth camps and stuff just make excuses for why you don't want to go or something, but if it's gonna stir up trouble there's no need to go around telling everyone you're an atheist. I have some weird beliefs about gods and stuff, but I don't go around letting everyone know because it just doesn't need to be done.

23-06-2008, 10:50 PM
Throw quotes from the bible at them. Tell them you're an athiest, if they believe in what the bible says, then they'll know "strangers" (non-Christians and argueably, hmosexuals) are more welcome than Christians in the eyes of God.

23-06-2008, 10:50 PM
I agree with FlyingJesus - unless your freinds wear a crusifix around their neck, whip themselves and rape the bible, there is no point in bringing it up.

23-06-2008, 10:51 PM
I agree with FlyingJesus - unless your freinds wear a crusifix around their neck, whip themselves and rape the bible, there is no point in bringing it up.

Hell if they do that I'd be even more likely to keep my mouth shut lol

23-06-2008, 11:52 PM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

I don't really see how you are "lying" by being an aethiest... I mean if you don't believe in Christianity and don't want to follow it thats entirely up to you and is nothing to be ashamed of.

We are individuals and are freely allowed to believe what we wish - hence the huge variation and number of religions within our societies! When you were born your parents obviously wanted you to believe in Christianity, and therefore had you christened under that etc. However, you have no say over this and it is your responisibility as you get older and mature etc. to form your own personal opinions and viewpoints and decide on such matters yourself. Your parents can only do so much for you.

Personally I believe everyone is entitled to believe in any religion they wish. If you ask me, if you tell people your religion and it causes you to lose friends and stuff - then your really better off having they sort of people out your life. I don't really understand why someone wouldn't be your friend because of your religion. I am a christian but have many muslim, aethiest, hindu and many other religious friends.

The girlfriend thing is a bit different though as obviously if your with a Christian it would be awkward not to go to mass with her and whatever. However, theres no point stressing about that sort of thing just now. Just take life as it comes I say, and you'll see how it goes.

It's your decision what religion you follow, and the you part is definitely the key to it. Don't let others pressurise you.

However, I also agree with FlyingJesus that you do not need to publicy voice your opinions and beliefs. Perhaps if someone asks or something then just explain your viewpoints, but I don't see a need to go barging round telling people what you beleive in and stuff.

It's all your opinions though!

Virgin Mary
24-06-2008, 04:30 AM
Don't listen to them they're just rednecks.

24-06-2008, 04:42 AM
Don't listen to them they're just rednecks.

trust me they are, i live in alabama. it sucks

24-06-2008, 05:28 AM
I've only been to Church a few times, with School, we don't really go as a family, I had my holy communion and all that so I'm still classed as a Christian but you don't need to go to Church every Sunday to be a good person. :P

I don't see why you're atheist, how could you not belive in God? How else would the Earth been made and humans. ;)

24-06-2008, 08:30 AM
Some of you are making very good points about keeping your opinions to yourself etc. But some of you are missing what he's actually asked, he wants to be able to voice his opinions when asked, and not loose his friends in the process. In a society in which you live, it seems very hard to be truely ones self as so many social constraints are there so voicing an oppositional opinion to the social constraint can lead to negative reactions of your friends and family, the only thing I can really suggest at the time is just gradually bring your opinions out in the open, and as I said earlier, if your freinds aren't willing to accept your beliefs, they aren't true friends. Not sure what to do about your family :P

Also GearsOfWar, I like your question there :P and just in passing, many religious figures no longer believe that God created the earth, they now believe he more closely terraformed it (usually assosiated with God being a UFO (not saying he is for the purpose of this reply), and altered the plain of the planet to accomodate the natural create of life, after thus, he waiting until human evolution took a more independent stage before leaving to do what ever. So in a sense, he didn't create earth or man, he changed the planet to allow man to be born.

24-06-2008, 12:44 PM
I've only been to Church a few times, with School, we don't really go as a family, I had my holy communion and all that so I'm still classed as a Christian but you don't need to go to Church every Sunday to be a good person. :P

I don't see why you're atheist, how could you not belive in God? How else would the Earth been made and humans. ;)

Off-topic: i dont believe in the big bang though :P

Edited by Alkaz (Forum Moderator): Please stay on-topic.

24-06-2008, 01:49 PM
also, one thing about religion: ive TRIED and wanted to believe in god, but i myself know it isnt true (not arguing, just tellin u so it might help u tell me what i should tell people :S)

You think it isn't true.

They aren't going to like you if you say stuff like that. :blue_doub

EDIT: ... So what theory do you believe in? :S

I don't see why you're atheist, how could you not belive in God? How else would the Earth been made and humans. ;)
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard...

Virgin Mary
24-06-2008, 03:06 PM
I think GearsOfWar was being satirically sarcastic. And I saw your location so I knew they were rednecks, but I'm just saying you shouldn't really value their opinion, their mental state is a few centuries old.

24-06-2008, 08:45 PM
I've only been to Church a few times, with School, we don't really go as a family, I had my holy communion and all that so I'm still classed as a Christian but you don't need to go to Church every Sunday to be a good person. :P

I don't see why you're atheist, how could you not belive in God? How else would the Earth been made and humans. ;)

25-06-2008, 07:24 PM
Hey. Don't worry about it. My friends give me stick for being atheist giving me all this rubbish about God. But to be honest I don't care what they think. I believe what I want to.

Love Beth xxx

26-06-2008, 09:34 PM
Dont worry. I have a diffrent religion from most of my friends, and they dont say anything so neither will your parents or w/e lol!
Put up with church eventhough I probably wouldn't want to be preying to something I dont believe in.

You don't have to tell your parents until your ready but it will come up one day.

Duck Hunt
29-06-2008, 06:21 AM
That is exactly like me. Im atheist (im thinking of being pagen? i have a friend who is and its interesting) and my mom knows it, i hate church, my friends dont mind. Just tell your friends. If you lose a couple, they cant be a good friend. Its better to have a few best friends that alot of friends. Telling them isnt all that hard, or atleast it wasnt for me, but it seems to be needed for you to tell them so just... tell them.

I've only been to Church a few times, with School, we don't really go as a family, I had my holy communion and all that so I'm still classed as a Christian but you don't need to go to Church every Sunday to be a good person. :P

I don't see why you're atheist, how could you not belive in God? How else would the Earth been made and humans. ;)

I Think the owner of this thread was talking about people like you that say stuff like this (The bold spot)

Many scientists have studied creation & evolution. They mix chemicals, they have created before. There once was a scientist a while back (1700s?) and he mixed a couple of chemicals. 26 days later, he had moving living insects... he recorded what he did and it has been repeated quite a few times. HOW COULD YOU NOT BELIEVE IN GOD - Because he doesnt. How could YOU believe in god? How else would evolution of taken place. Many people have their own opinions and sometimes its better to keep them to yourself.

08-07-2008, 09:53 PM
Would it not be quite ironic if your christian friends hated you for being atheist?

09-07-2008, 02:16 AM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

Hey there!

I would suggest that around your family, just tell them. They are your family and they should be the most understanding people in your world. Just because you don't believe in a "higher power" that doesn't change who you are. Yes I believe in God but, I am not criticizing you on your beliefs. They are a part of who you are, and you should be able to express yourself in all the ways you possibly can. Don't let yourself hold yourself back, because it will get you no where. As of the friends part, just talk to people about it. Be open, you'd be suprised at how people are today. You just never know.

Hope that helped!

09-07-2008, 09:25 PM
I use to be a Christian and quite a lot of my friends were and still are Christians but once I told them that I was an athiest they were fine with it. Later on I moved on to become a Buddhist and they are fine with that. As long as I respect their religion they will respect mine. I believe that a true Christian is someone who accepts people for who they are instead of their religion and I know that most do.

10-07-2008, 10:23 PM
This might be the wrong section.. but here it goes:

I'm an atheist and almost everyone around me is christian. I hate going to church every sunday, but my parents think im christian, but im not. I dont go to like youth retreats or anything if i can.

I want to be able to say im atheist when someone asks if i believe in god but im scared ill lose all my friends and will never get a girlfriend that is my type (obviously im lookin for an atheist or if she has a religion doesnt think it has to do with everything and bugs me about being atheist). i dont want to lie anymore. How should i do it? I dont want to have a religious discussion with people about it if they ask (my parents have to defend every thing they dont like to hear from someone). Dont argue your religions here, this is sort of about teen life because i dont want to lose my friends.

Just tell them. They will respect you for having your own beliefs.
(well they should) and if they dont, tough. ;)

11-07-2008, 10:30 AM
trust me they are, i live in alabama. it sucks

Well, if they're real friends, they'll understand and still talk with you. Also, try to talk to your parnets about that. They MUST accept your point of view.
Also, atheism is actually a big word. You're atheist because you don't believe in God or because you actually dislike to go to church ?
I'm not asking you this because I believe you're stupid, but because it happened in my school to have sort of "atheists", that didn't have a religion just because of laziness.

And yes, I think GearsOfWar was ironic. Not even christians believe in that now, and this includes me.

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