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View Full Version : English coursework

24-06-2008, 08:56 PM
Hi all
I'm in year 9, but we have started out first piece of english coursework already. We have to write a short story, which is 10% of our final mark. I have picked a hostage situation story, and have wrote a beginning and starting on the middle. I'm not entirely sure how I will end it. There's many ideas, but I can't choose what one to pick. I was thinking something along the lines of this -

As he was let free in the park, he saw his children and wife running towards him. He was fulfilled with glory and relief as he realized he was finally free. But, suddenly, he heard what seemed like a gunshot. Everyone ducked to the floor, and then came a second gunshot. His children were very scared, and it was then he noticed his daughter point to a building screaming. The man, never heard the third gunshot.

It would be in different, better words, but thats the general gist of it. Is this a good ending? I think its alright but I need some help.

+Rep for help :)


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