25-06-2008, 04:42 PM

iPhone 3G is coming soon for Pay & Go

Pay & Go customers can now enjoy all the great features of the iPhone without a monthly contract.

The new 3G 8GB iPhone for Pay & Go will be available for £299.99 and 16GB for £359.99. This also includes unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for the first 6 months after you activate your iPhone*.

At the end of the six months you can continue to receive unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for just £10 per month. We'll notify you at the end of the six month period by text and you can easily unsubscribe if you choose to do so.

You'll also be able to choose one of our standard Pay & Go tariffs to use with your iPhone. The more you top-up each month, the more free minutes or texts you'll receive.


Moved by Hayd93 (Forum Super Moderator) from technology discussion: Please Post in the correct section

25-06-2008, 04:45 PM


I love you so much!!! I was just about to check but +Rep cos THIS is the news I've been waiting to hear!!!

25-06-2008, 04:47 PM

I love you so much!!! I was just about to check but +Rep cos THIS is the news I've been waiting to hear!!!
Same LOL

Now all I've got to do is get paid to buy this :)

25-06-2008, 04:51 PM
Sell my iPod Touch = Enough money.

I'm gonna replace my 16GB touch with a 16GB iPhone and it's nice they've bundled some free Wi-Fi and 3G browsing! :D I don't know whether I'll stay with it, probably, maybe... As long as it isn't contract.

25-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Free 6 months LOL, I want life O2. God, £10 to keep it unlimited. I guess its not that bad. At last they have released the information out.

25-06-2008, 04:54 PM
Sell my iPod Touch = Enough money.

I'm gonna replace my 16GB touch with a 16GB iPhone and it's nice they've bundled some free Wi-Fi and 3G browsing! :D I don't know whether I'll stay with it, probably, maybe... As long as it isn't contract.
is there still capable to use wirelass hot spots? To conect to my internet?

25-06-2008, 04:55 PM
is there still capable to use wirelass hot spots? To conect to my internet?

Yeah, the iPhone has built in Wi-fi so you be able to connect at home for free if you have a wi-fi network and also any wi-fi spot around the UK.


25-06-2008, 04:59 PM
That's dear IMO, but it's probably worth buying as you can connect to any wifi spot.

25-06-2008, 05:02 PM
I can't wait tbh, I say once we get ours we'll have an iphone fest!!

25-06-2008, 05:02 PM
Woo im getting it :)

25-06-2008, 05:03 PM
Who needs to unblock it, when your on the best uk network?>

25-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Who needs to unblock it, when your on the best uk network?>

Actually its not one of the best UK networks.

25-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Actually its not one of the best UK networks.
well... it's the main one

25-06-2008, 05:07 PM
I will get an extra £65 knocked off with o2 aswell :) woop.

£50 for my old phone + £15+ discount for been an o2 customer and topping up more than £300 in 18 months.

25-06-2008, 05:10 PM
I will get an extra £65 knocked off with o2 aswell :) woop.

£50 for my old phone + £15+ discount for been an o2 customer and topping up more than £300 in 18 months.
on the 11th i'm poping down to o2 :) to get my iphone!

25-06-2008, 05:20 PM
Wow, pay as you go, just what i've been waiting for!! :D

I reckon i'll get one for my birthday or christmas at the end of the year, hopefully they might have dropped in price a little bit by then. I was gonna ask for an ipod touch but might as well get an iPhone since I need a new phone :P

25-06-2008, 05:51 PM
Favourite Place 500 mins to any UK landline or O2 mobile from a registered postcode

:S what does that mean

25-06-2008, 06:04 PM
You have to be in that postcode to ring out. For example if you use your phone the most in your house or office, you would use the office post code.

25-06-2008, 06:07 PM
I thought it was supposed to be $199.
That sucks.

25-06-2008, 06:10 PM
I thought it was supposed to be $199.
That sucks.

Thats with the contract.

25-06-2008, 06:11 PM
I thought it was supposed to be $199.
That sucks.

LMAO. When Steve Jobs announced that he was talking about contract only not PAYG.

25-06-2008, 06:12 PM
I thought it was supposed to be $199.
That sucks.
need to start watching the kynotes :P

25-06-2008, 06:14 PM
What a waste of cash.

25-06-2008, 06:14 PM
What a waste of cash.
How is it waste?

25-06-2008, 06:15 PM
How is it waste?

The phone doesn't have MMS, video recording, front facing camera features. But thats just some and I really don't mind about it not having them.

25-06-2008, 06:16 PM
The phone doesn't have MMS, video recording, front facing camera features. But thats just some and I really don't mind about it not having them.

There goes my plans to buy one! I use MMS LOADS lol.

25-06-2008, 06:16 PM
The phone doesn't have MMS, video recording, front facing camera features. But thats just some and I really don't mind about it not having them.
I think most people can live without them..

25-06-2008, 06:18 PM
I think most people can live without them..

You make me laugh to be honest.

Edit; Nick Cocchiarella?

Also MMS is actually very important, i mean we can't even send photos we take on the iPhone to other people. (Dont even mention Bluetooth)

25-06-2008, 06:19 PM
You make me laugh to be honest.
I don't send images via my phone? I seriosuly wouldn't care less. I'd rather put it on my PC and email it

25-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Yes, but its kinda useless if your out and about, people like me, when we go to gigs etc... we MMS pics to friends.

25-06-2008, 06:21 PM
Yes, but its kinda useless if your out and about, people like me, when we go to gigs etc... we MMS pics to friends.
oh, I understand, well, I don't normally do stuff like that so I'm fine :)

25-06-2008, 06:22 PM
oh thats sucks.
won't be buying one.

25-06-2008, 06:22 PM
I don't send images via my phone? I seriosuly wouldn't care less. I'd rather put it on my PC and email it

Most modern mobile phones have these features, its not hard for Apple to do it but no, we hardly seen much apart from 3G, GPS, new back. etc. They could of done so much more, but im still a fan of it.

25-06-2008, 06:22 PM
And tbh, MMS is a basic feature of even the crappiest/cheapest of phones nowadays.

And they so left 3G out of the original one on purpose, just so they could release another phone and get more money from suckers who bought the original one.

25-06-2008, 06:22 PM
Tbh its more of a business phone. Built in gps, easy conferincing ect. So for some people it would be a waste of money but for others will be a great bargain.

& who needs MMS when you can email it to your phones via the iphone or upload it to your blog and stuff :)

25-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Tbh its more of a business phone. Built in gps, easy conferincing ect. So for some people it would be a waste of money but for others will be a great bargain.

& who needs MMS when you can email it to your phones via the iphone or upload it to your blog and stuff :)
Maybe, just maybe, your friends don't have email setup on their phone? Or there is no WiFi/3G available at the event?

25-06-2008, 06:33 PM
Maybe, just maybe, your friends don't have email setup on their phone? Or there is no WiFi/3G available at the event?

Either way it would of been a nice and standard feature to add.

25-06-2008, 06:34 PM
Either way it would of been a nice and standard feature to add.
maybe apple should develop it for the next majour update

25-06-2008, 06:37 PM
maybe apple should develop it for the next majour update

In iPhone V3? What we going to have that time NickC? Front facing camera, MMS, 4G? :P

25-06-2008, 06:39 PM
In iPhone V3? What we going to have that time NickC? Front facing camera, MMS, 4G? :P
lol, why not...maybe if they wanted to improve the iphone all time... they hsdould of coded mms into it

25-06-2008, 06:43 PM
lol, why not...maybe if they wanted to improve the iphone all time... they hsdould of coded mms into it

Just another way for them to make money. I'm actually looking into Original iPhones Unlocked.

25-06-2008, 06:48 PM
I think £299.99 is quite alot for a phone, and thats not including top up?
If it was £199.99 then I would be getting one but seeing as its quite alot for a phone and it hasnt got the MMS feature I dont think its worth 300 quid :P

If I was going to get a iphone I would look at the original unlocked ones or get the new iphone on contract.

25-06-2008, 06:49 PM
I think £299.99 is quite alot for a phone, and thats not including top up?
If it was £199.99 then I would be getting one but seeing as its quite alot for a phone and it hasnt got the MMS feature I dont think its worth 300 quid :P

If I was going to get a iphone I would look at the original unlocked ones or get the new iphone on contract.
It's not based around home use I think. If you've seen the kynote you'll know that it's based at buisness.

25-06-2008, 06:51 PM
It's not based around home use I think. If you've seen the kynote you'll know that it's based at buisness.

Woo someone agrees. Also based at older people with more money beacause really what use would a young teenager have with a "sat nav".

25-06-2008, 06:52 PM
Woo someone agrees. Also based at older people with more money beacause really what use would a young teenager have with a "sat nav".
finding the nearest sex store :P

25-06-2008, 06:53 PM
finding the nearest sex store :P

Lmao +REP :P

Apart from that lol

25-06-2008, 06:54 PM
Lmao +REP :P

Apart from that lol
on the 3G network, would you beable to download as much as you want for 6 months?

25-06-2008, 06:57 PM
Not as much as you wan't. They usually limit you to like 2GB for the phone if you look in the TOS.

Actually, I find the GPS in my phone VERY usefull once i've downloaded Google Maps (works with phone GPS)

25-06-2008, 06:59 PM
there will be a fair usage polocy. Maybe more than 2gb though.

25-06-2008, 07:01 PM
there will be a fair usage polocy. Maybe more than 2gb though.

The new 3G 8GB iPhone for Pay & Go will be available for £299.99 and 16GB for £359.99. This also includes unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for the first 6 months after you activate your iPhone*.

can't find the tos on there site

25-06-2008, 07:04 PM

25-06-2008, 07:07 PM
Im not 'in the loop' on mobile phones. So let me get this straight.

Unlimited wifi. What does that mean? Can I still connect to wi-fi in my home. What about in town, could I use the wifi available there with no extra charge.

25-06-2008, 07:10 PM
Im not 'in the loop' on mobile phones. So let me get this straight.

Unlimited wifi. What does that mean? Can I still connect to wi-fi in my home. What about in town, could I use the wifi available there with no extra charge.
yup.. for 6 months (I think?) :)

25-06-2008, 07:47 PM
yup.. for 6 months (I think?) :)

No, you can use any wifi hotspots for as long as you want forever but you have access to O2 hotspots for 6 months.

25-06-2008, 07:56 PM
You spelt confirmed wrong.

25-06-2008, 08:17 PM
Now, how much is data download.

25-06-2008, 08:26 PM
£10 per month after the 6 month.

25-06-2008, 08:32 PM
£10 per month after the 6 month.

The phone on PAYG is a rip off to be honest with you.

25-06-2008, 08:41 PM
That's a fairly reasonable price, I was expecting it to be alot more expensive than that.

25-06-2008, 08:46 PM
I want to see what they do with the iPod Touch before I start considering one of these.

25-06-2008, 08:48 PM
That's a fairly reasonable price, I was expecting it to be alot more expensive than that.
Not really, if you work it out I bet it works out just abit more expensive to be honest with you.

I want to see what they do with the iPod Touch before I start considering one of these.
64GB and well thats it? :S

25-06-2008, 08:50 PM
Not really, if you work it out I bet it works out just abit more expensive to be honest with you.

64GB and well thats it? :S
Yes, it's more expesise as you have to top up at lest a tenner.. it works out better for people under 18

25-06-2008, 08:50 PM
Not really, if you work it out I bet it works out just abit more expensive to be honest with you.

64GB and well thats it? :S

A bit more expensive than what?

Pay monthly?

25-06-2008, 08:52 PM
Yes, it's more expesise as you have to top up at lest a tenner.. it works out better for people under 18

How does it work out better for people under 18 :S

25-06-2008, 08:53 PM
How does it work out better for people under 18 :S
people under 18 can't bind into a contract..

25-06-2008, 08:53 PM
The new iPhone is only available on £45 a month, free that is.

It's available from £30 but the handset is £99.

25-06-2008, 08:54 PM
people under 18 can't bind into a contract..

True but I would of thought it would of worked out better for over 18 as most people will either be working or getting funding someway. So they can easily top up. Most people under 18 have a contract these days through their parents. I rather be on a contract then some PAYG rip off.

25-06-2008, 08:55 PM
True but I would of thought it would of worked out better for over 18 as most people will either be working or getting funding someway. So they can easily top up. Most people under 18 have a contract these days through their parents. I rather be on a contract then some PAYG rip off.
yeah, and so do most of people i know but it works out to be easier

25-06-2008, 08:56 PM
yeah, and so do most of people i know but it works out to be easier

So your saying going to shop or a bank machine to top up your phone is easier? *I know you can do it online on some networks* I rather just pay my bill monthly, it saves time. It also saves money in ways, but also has better deals for example Unlimited browsing, etc etc.

25-06-2008, 08:57 PM
Business people would get this probly because their company usually pays atleast £20 a month for their phone use. So it would work out better for them :)

Companys always seem to buy the newest phones for their workersto use as company phones.

25-06-2008, 08:58 PM
If i remember correctly there was a post on digg etc that stated the new iPhone was more expensive than the old one, to be honest the new iPhone isn't worth it in the UK the only fully covered 3G network areas are London and manchester (well 80% of it), Nick mentioned that it was better for someone under 18, sorry but WHAT?! no one can bind on a contract and PAYG, Matt Garner for example is 15 he can't get a job and if even he gets the phone as a present the up keep of it is alot, £10 a month, I am sorry but who spends £10 a month on a PAYG phone your looking at what £30/£40 monthly + the data plan when it kicks in you have to remember on this phone you will realize you will change the way you use it, like I did you will be surprised alot, I bet when it's finalised it will be alot more expensive.

25-06-2008, 09:00 PM
If i remember correctly there was a post on digg etc that stated the new iPhone was more expensive than the old one, to be honest the new iPhone isn't worth it in the UK the only fully covered 3G network areas are London and manchester (well 80% of it), Nick mentioned that it was better for someone under 18, sorry but WHAT?! no one can bind on a contract and PAYG, Matt Garner for example is 15 he can't get a job and if even he gets the phone as a present the up keep of it is alot, £10 a month, I am sorry but who spends £10 a month on a PAYG phone your looking at what £30/£40 monthly + the data plan when it kicks in you have to remember on this phone you will realize you will change the way you use it, like I did you will be surprised alot, I bet when it's finalised it will be alot more expensive.

Exactly. That is why one of my main reasons for looking at the Original iPhones on ebay as either they are unlocked or I unlock it myself and then I just carry on with my nice simple T-Mobile contract.

25-06-2008, 09:01 PM
If i remember correctly there was a post on digg etc that stated the new iPhone was more expensive than the old one, to be honest the new iPhone isn't worth it in the UK the only fully covered 3G network areas are London and manchester (well 80% of it), Nick mentioned that it was better for someone under 18, sorry but WHAT?! no one can bind on a contract and PAYG, Matt Garner for example is 15 he can't get a job and if even he gets the phone as a present the up keep of it is alot, £10 a month, I am sorry but who spends £10 a month on a PAYG phone your looking at what £30/£40 monthly + the data plan when it kicks in you have to remember on this phone you will realize you will change the way you use it, like I did you will be surprised alot, I bet when it's finalised it will be alot more expensive.
I'd still have the pandg i don't use my phone that much. I just need a good phone lol.

say one month i use 2 texts and 1minute of phone calls.... it's a waste of £35 when I could of had £10

25-06-2008, 09:02 PM
I'd still have the pandg i don't use my phone that much. I just need a good phone lol.

So you want a good phone but you don't use it much? Then don't get he iPhone. Get a nice Sony Ericssion or Nokia or Samsung or Lg.

25-06-2008, 09:03 PM
So you want a good phone but you don't use it much? Then don't get he iPhone. Get a nice Sony Ericssion or Nokia or Samsung or Lg.
it sounds werld.. but i'm illegally inlove with the iphone lolol

25-06-2008, 09:03 PM
I'd still have the pandg i don't use my phone that much. I just need a good phone lol.

say one month i use 2 texts and 1minute of phone calls.... it's a waste of £35 when I could of had £10

It's not really just a phone thats the thing, it's not that cheap to be honest, your not paying for a phone it's a small computer with the 2.0 update.

25-06-2008, 09:04 PM
It's not really just a phone thats the thing, it's not that cheap to be honest, your not paying for a phone it's a small computer with the 2.0 update.
the resone why I wanted the iphone.. is simply becasue it has everything I need.

25-06-2008, 09:05 PM
the resone why I wanted the iphone.. is simply becasue it has everything I need.

Well good luck funding the new one, as it's more than the old one if you work it out.

25-06-2008, 09:05 PM
it sounds werld.. but i'm illegally inlove with the iphone lolol

What the hell?

Nick, Im sure we all know who you are and your past experiences such as people hating you. But how the hell can you be illegally in love with the iPhone. Because illegal = breaking the law. Which you haven't done. Jesus. I can understand loving it and being addicted to it, but to me I don't think you suit having one.

25-06-2008, 09:06 PM
What the hell?

Nick, Im sure we all know who you are and your past experiences such as people hating you. But how the hell can you be illegally in love with the iPhone. Because illegal = breaking the law. Which you haven't done. Jesus.
i don't care if oyu know me, i knwo you hate me simple? jeez great get over it it's supost to be a god dam joke...:rolleyes:

25-06-2008, 09:08 PM
i don't care if oyu know me, i knwo you hate me simple? jeez great get over it it's supost to be a god dam joke...:rolleyes:

Lmao, Who says I hate you? Because your blocked on my msn. No. I only know who you are because I got told and to be honest, I know understand why people did. Anyway back to the iPhone. Yeah sure good luck and buy it, have fun. Just don't break it in your first couple of days or a week owning it. It be a great phone but an expensive one.

25-06-2008, 09:10 PM
Lmao, Who says I hate you? Because your blocked on my msn. No. I only know who you are because I got told and to be honest, I know understand why people did. Anyway back to the iPhone. Yeah sure good luck and buy it, have fun. Just don't break it in your first couple of days or a week owning it. It be a great phone but an expensive one.
yah well.. it doesn't brake easy anyways..buying a case, etc.

i don't care if it costs mch :)

25-06-2008, 09:11 PM
yah well.. it doesn't brake easy anyways..buying a case, etc.

i don't care if it costs mch :)

You be surprised. I know a guy in school and when he gets a new mobile its broke within the few days. To be honest your wasting money, but if you have money to spend buy a nice mac pro along side with it. =]

25-06-2008, 09:11 PM
yah well.. it doesn't brake easy anyways..buying a case, etc.

i don't care if it costs mch :)

Can you afford it :rolleyes:

25-06-2008, 09:13 PM
You be surprised. I know a guy in school and when he gets a new mobile its broke within the few days. To be honest your wasting money, but if you have money to spend buy a nice mac pro along side with it. =]
don't want anything other then the phone, :).

25-06-2008, 09:21 PM
they've taken pirces of there websites now.
Edited By DaveTaylor// (Forum Moderator) Please don't double post, simply edit your first post within the 15 minute time.

25-06-2008, 10:24 PM
If i remember correctly there was a post on digg etc that stated the new iPhone was more expensive than the old one, to be honest the new iPhone isn't worth it in the UK the only fully covered 3G network areas are London and manchester (well 80% of it), Nick mentioned that it was better for someone under 18, sorry but WHAT?! no one can bind on a contract and PAYG, Matt Garner for example is 15 he can't get a job and if even he gets the phone as a present the up keep of it is alot, £10 a month, I am sorry but who spends £10 a month on a PAYG phone your looking at what £30/£40 monthly + the data plan when it kicks in you have to remember on this phone you will realize you will change the way you use it, like I did you will be surprised alot, I bet when it's finalised it will be alot more expensive.
I spend £10 on PAYG? It's down to the use of the user. Some people use their phones more for texts and such. I use around 250 texts, so the 300 texts tariff + £10 call time is perfect for me. I lived like that for 3 years and I'm sure I'll be just fine carrying on like that.

yah well.. it doesn't brake easy anyways..buying a case, etc.

i don't care if it costs mch :)
I hate it when people put "etc." at the end of their post when it isn't relevant. You're going to buy a case... etc. What's "etc." about that? Unless your going buy a shield for it...

You be surprised. I know a guy in school and when he gets a new mobile its broke within the few days. To be honest your wasting money, but if you have money to spend buy a nice mac pro along side with it. =]

Well that's 'a guy' at your school. Obviously he doesn't look after his phones. I know someone in my school who breaks the phone, it's their fault. Doesn't mean all my other friends + me break their phone(s) as soon as we get them? :S

He isn't wasting his money, if he wants an iPhone, he can damn well have one! It's his choice, it's his money and it's his preference. If you want something, and you're going to enjoy it, you're not wasting it. Wasting money is when you buy loads of crap you don't want/need.

I'm going to be purchasing a 16GB iPhone on PAYG. I'm not going to be carrying on with u/l data after 6 months. I'll just top up £10 when I need it. :) It's my choice and it's going to my phone. If you don't know the person IRL and it's not going to affect you why does it matter :S

25-06-2008, 10:43 PM
I think thats quite reasonable actually!

Like I could just keep all my normal tects and stuff I get just now which is brill, with the free net added on!

Lol very noob question, but what exactly is 3g? lol

25-06-2008, 11:18 PM
Why are people always mentioning 3G? No one really uses it, it's just there in the corner doing nothing half the time :/ I'm not getting one, too much for a phone that is getting close to basic becauses it misses loads of common features. But that shouldn't stop other people buying one.

25-06-2008, 11:25 PM
EXPLAIN PLEASE - The whole internet thing, is it basically the same as the internet on mobile phones? Where you can access it just about anywhere really, like I could sitting on the bus or in a park or something... But it would mean I could view just about all pages (as obviously you can only load so much on a mobile!).


Is it the same as the ipod touch where it works based on wifi hotspots?

25-06-2008, 11:35 PM
EXPLAIN PLEASE - The whole internet thing, is it basically the same as the internet on mobile phones? Where you can access it just about anywhere really, like I could sitting on the bus or in a park or something... But it would mean I could view just about all pages (as obviously you can only load so much on a mobile!).


Is it the same as the ipod touch where it works based on wifi hotspots?
The unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi deal gives you 24/7 access to 3G speeds (if available in your area, otherwise GPRS I think??) and 'The Cloud' and 'BT Openzone' Wi-Fi hotspots for six months. So, yes, you could sit on the bus and use the net at near broadband speeds in a 3G area.

The iPhone comes with the Safari browser, so it can load basically any page (excluding Flash pages) at near PC speeds.

25-06-2008, 11:37 PM
The unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi deal gives you 24/7 access to 3G speeds (if available in your area, otherwise GPRS I think??) and 'The Cloud' and 'BT Openzone' Wi-Fi hotspots for six months. So, yes, you could sit on the bus and use the net at near broadband speeds in a 3G area.

The iPhone comes with the Safari browser, so it can load basically any page (excluding Flash pages) at near PC speeds.

Okay so, regardless of speed it is basically the same concept as mobile phone internet... that I can access it anywhere really.

Cool ;P

25-06-2008, 11:41 PM
Yeah, basically... I can't wait http://s.bebo.com/img/smiley_laugh.gif

25-06-2008, 11:42 PM
Yeah, basically... I can't wait http://s.bebo.com/img/smiley_laugh.gif

Haha that does make it sound a whole lot better!

And I can keep all my normal texts and everything the way it is, so the only extra cost really would be for the net after the 6 months which is worth it I guess!

Lol I need a new phone anyway ;P

25-06-2008, 11:49 PM
Haha that does make it sound a whole lot better!

And I can keep all my normal texts and everything the way it is, so the only extra cost really would be for the net after the 6 months which is worth it I guess!

Lol I need a new phone anyway ;P

Just doesn't do the job anymore :(

26-06-2008, 12:04 AM

Just doesn't do the job anymore :(

LOL you have got to be kiding.

26-06-2008, 12:38 AM
Okay so, regardless of speed it is basically the same concept as mobile phone internet... that I can access it anywhere really.

Cool ;P

I don't think I quote understand what you're saying, but if you went to for example cnn.com on an IPhone it would look exactly like it does on a PC using Internet Explorer, or Firefox. It's full on browsing, not just WAP.

The unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi deal gives you 24/7 access to 3G speeds (if available in your area, otherwise GPRS I think??) and 'The Cloud' and 'BT Openzone' Wi-Fi hotspots for six months. So, yes, you could sit on the bus and use the net at near broadband speeds in a 3G area.

The iPhone comes with the Safari browser, so it can load basically any page (excluding Flash pages) at near PC speeds.

Well the speed of loading can be justified, seeing as it depends on how close you are to a tower, and if you're using EVDO or not. Though when I used Safari on an iPod Touch, I was very impressed by how well it renders pages.

You be surprised. I know a guy in school and when he gets a new mobile its broke within the few days. To be honest your wasting money, but if you have money to spend buy a nice mac pro along side with it. =]

Oh, a Mac Pro? They're just about as over priced as the iPhone in my humble opinion :P.

The new iPhone is only available on £45 a month, free that is.

It's available from £30 but the handset is £99.

Wow, if we were all business men yeah, sure...but this is $80 bucks a month we're talking..absolutely ridiculous. It's like throwing cash out the window.

How is it waste?
To be frank, I can think of some better ways to spend $600.

My reaction to this whole iPhone thing was similar to the reaction of Steve Ballmer..I just laughed..Apple did succeed in making a unique phone, but in doing so they've created an extreamly expensive phone. If you wait a year you'll be able to get a good UMPC with an EVDO wifi mini-PCIE card for the price of the iPhone.

26-06-2008, 05:00 AM
It seems O2 has removed the prices as stated above? :S

26-06-2008, 06:41 AM
I couldn't stand those prices. I use all my £35 contract limit on Flext and usually get close to my internet web'n'walk usage limits. And then you get the WiFi in with Web'n'walk on T-Mobile, so if you think about it, Those prices are total crap

26-06-2008, 08:54 AM
Wooo. Ive got my mate to hold me back one on the launch date in the o2 store in guildford. However im getting it on the £35 contract caus it most suits my needs.

26-06-2008, 09:51 AM
Nice price, i think i'll wait for iPhone 2 and then buy it from the states at Christmas..

26-06-2008, 09:52 AM
This is the iPhone v2...

And the states iPhone won't work in the UK.

26-06-2008, 11:27 AM
Plus in america you can't buy it unless you sign the contract there and then. But that would be useless because you don't need an american mobile contract if living in the UK...

04-07-2008, 10:13 PM
Urm am i the only one not seeing this

04-07-2008, 10:26 PM
Urm am i the only one not seeing this

They were removed. O2 released them by error.

04-07-2008, 10:49 PM
Hmm need to decide between an N96 and iPhone. Or some versace sunshades :(

I don't understand the unlimited Wifi though. It should have unlimited Wifi already because when you connect via a wifi spot it uses a completely different ISP the wifi spot is using, nothing to do with O2 :S

05-07-2008, 05:22 AM
Hmm need to decide between an N96 and iPhone. Or some versace sunshades :(

I don't understand the unlimited Wifi though. It should have unlimited Wifi already because when you connect via a wifi spot it uses a completely different ISP the wifi spot is using, nothing to do with O2 :S

Data usage whilst roaming not included. Unlimited Wi-Fi is available at any of the 9,500 Wi-Fi hotspots from our partners The Cloud and BT Openzone (available from 11 July 2008).

There you go :)

07-07-2008, 03:20 PM
BT Openzone wifi spots you have to buy minutes so is that basically saying you get unlimited minutes whenever theres a BT openzone WLAN spot.

07-07-2008, 03:21 PM
You can now pre-order your phones on o2 to be delivered on the 11th :).

07-07-2008, 03:30 PM
You can now pre-order your phones on o2 to be delivered on the 11th :).

There out of stock on 16GB and 8GB :)

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