View Full Version : Selling HC Sofas For Some Unpures

26-06-2008, 03:15 PM
I need following unpures:

2 Green Birdbaths - 7HC
Jupiter Smoke Machine - 15HC? or name your price
Rare Gold Trophy - Name your price
DJ Decks - 3HC
Yellow Solarium - 4HC
White Birdbath - 13HC
Green Icm - 2HC
Holiday Romance - 2HC
Any laser gates - Name your price
Bronze Dragon - Name your price
Pillows - HC Each (Any type except purple unless my prof)
Jade dragons - HC Each

and if you have any other decent rares throw me a price! :)
All for hcs.

26-06-2008, 04:20 PM
4hcs per my gold laser gate or all 5 for 18hcs :D

26-06-2008, 04:27 PM
No, thankyou.

I see them as 3Hcs.

26-06-2008, 04:32 PM
ive got 2 red laser gates, and 1 gold.

will do a deal if you want; give me a f/r and message me.

26-06-2008, 04:41 PM
You removed me? :O

fine fine..

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