View Full Version : If we discovered extraterrestrial life...

30-06-2008, 10:01 PM
One of the questions in my Physics GCSE was "should we spend money on searching for extra-terestial life?".

This made me wonder... What would actually happen if we did find life out there? Would we go say hello? Unite together? And then it occured to me that if we actually did discover life out there... There would be a mass debate as to whether we should introduce ourselves, or simply attack them.

Attack them? Why ever would we do that?
Think about it. So many of us fear the unknown. Since the dawn of time Earth has been the only planet we know is home to intelligent life. A totally new race of intelligent aliens - which we know nothing about? So many of us, me being one of them, would just be terrified of the thought...

I'm pretty sure there would be people insisting that we should wipe them out before they even get the chance to attack us (And of course, it would be the same situation with them).

No, there's no reason why we should harm them when we don't even know them, and there is no reason why we should take prejudism to the extreme, but I think the sheer amount of paranoia amongst us Humans would outweigh this good nature. "What if they attack us?" "It's for our own safety!" "We don't have time to see if they're safe to meet!".

I mean come on, if America and Russia are paranoid that they're about to attack eachother, what are they going to think of a brand new race of creatures?


30-06-2008, 10:05 PM
Aliens are already here. :O

but um
I think when we start discovering extraterrestrial life, we'll all be shocked, confused, etc. and do what scientists do with everything else.. test them.

30-06-2008, 10:09 PM
What if they try test us? They may well have the same mindset about aliens as us. We're aliens to them.

30-06-2008, 10:14 PM
That's true.
I guess we'll just have to wait to see.. but I really do believe at some point in life we WILL see these so called "aliens"
I don't think they'll be those green skins, 100 eyed creatures from movies, but they'll be normal - like us.. sorta.

and tbh, some sort of test for SOME race will go down because humans are too ignorant to just leave **** alone.

Scientists can't go two minutes with extracting eggs, fertilizing them with weird ****, changing species, mixing species, creating viruses, destroying them, etc., etc., etc. but I guess that's just life.. We'd be no where if we didn't do testing for all these kinds of things.. but thats beyond the point.

My only fear is that a large amount of people who are ignorant and won't be able to accept it will try and attack these 'aliens' and we'll all be ******. :(

30-06-2008, 10:54 PM
If any aliens as in the classic type who are a civilisation elsewhere came close enough for us to find, they'd be so advanced that we'd stand no actual chance against them. We'd be dead or slaves.

Virgin Mary
30-06-2008, 11:12 PM
But people always ask why UFOs would come to earth. If sightings are true then they're obviously observing us.

01-07-2008, 09:26 AM
I read a funny artcle in the NewScientist the other day. Scientists here are useing the most up to date technology to 'listen' for any life out there. But one Scientist pointed out, that if the aliens were anything like us, they'd also be listening out for aliens (us).
The point is, we're all sitting quietly waiting to hear something, and no one's making any noise to be heard.

But do we really want to make a noise?

01-07-2008, 11:30 AM
But people always ask why UFOs would come to earth. If sightings are true then they're obviously observing us.
Thats true.
If you looked up some famous UFO sightings on youtube you'd notice whatever the things they fly in are so fast lol. We would stand no chance towards them, there obviously so advanced in technology that we'd stand no chance if they wanted to kill us/attack us.
To me, seems like they've found us already - but we are having trouble finding them.. :rolleyes:

01-07-2008, 11:31 AM
We'd be friendly towards them. We're constantly sending out friendly signals/messages on all freguencies etc. anyway in hope of extrerestrial ife finding us. There's a lot of speculation that extraterestrial life would be like reptilians and lizard type creatures.

01-07-2008, 11:38 AM
There probely saying the same thing
But I don't thinks it fair that WE kill them? :S
Is'nt that called mass murder?

01-07-2008, 11:40 AM
if we discovered aliens, my life ambition would be to have sex with one of their women. no joke.

01-07-2008, 11:59 AM
I read a funny artcle in the NewScientist the other day. Scientists here are useing the most up to date technology to 'listen' for any life out there. But one Scientist pointed out, that if the aliens were anything like us, they'd also be listening out for aliens (us).
The point is, we're all sitting quietly waiting to hear something, and no one's making any noise to be heard.

But do we really want to make a noise?

But we do send 'noise' out into space a lot of television and radio transmissions get sent out into space for aliens to pick up the only trouble being it'd take a long time for it to reach them so the first transmission they'd receive would be from the 1940s or something lol

01-07-2008, 12:19 PM
The thing is, if aliens came to earth, the government would kill them straight away.

But, the government expect aliens to accept us and not kill us.

01-07-2008, 12:25 PM
I don't think we should, it's aload of rubbish.

Virgin Mary
01-07-2008, 12:40 PM
The thing is, if aliens came to earth, the government would kill them straight away.

But, the government expect aliens to accept us and not kill us.

There is also the possibility aliens are looking for another world to inhabit, meaning they'd come here to kill us. If they're advanced enough to get here so quickly, then them fighting us would be like us fighting Victorians.

01-07-2008, 12:40 PM
Depends if they're hostile or not. If they pose some sort of thread we'd bomb them to hell for the good of humanity.

01-07-2008, 01:04 PM
It would be pointless because it would take too long to get to them.

01-07-2008, 01:14 PM
we shouldn't spend money looking for et, we should just let the Americans do it and use the money saved to improve the nhs.

01-07-2008, 01:28 PM
Due to sightings, they've already been here afew times - maybe there is nothing in them spaceships and all they do is like record us or something and go back to them? All I know is there pretty damn fast! :S
We don't know what these Aliens look like, how they react and how they will take to us. They'll more then likely try to take our world over - and if they tried we'd have to surrender due to the fact there obviously so ahead of technology then us, shame really.
I dont think its the best idea personally, we don't know nothing about them but I think they probably know alot more about us.

01-07-2008, 01:34 PM
Just because people say they have seen them, doesn't mean they have.

Due to sightings, they've already been here afew times - maybe there is nothing in them spaceships and all they do is like record us or something and go back to them? All I know is there pretty damn fast! :S
We don't know what these Aliens look like, how they react and how they will take to us. They'll more then likely try to take our world over - and if they tried we'd have to surrender due to the fact there obviously so ahead of technology then us, shame really.
I dont think its the best idea personally, we don't know nothing about them but I think they probably know alot more about us.

01-07-2008, 02:32 PM
when there's been thousand's of sightings in all diffrent countries - I'm sure one had to be real.

01-07-2008, 05:08 PM
when there's been thousand's of sightings in all diffrent countries - I'm sure one had to be real.

Exactly.. saying that there is no other life in this entire universe imo is just ignorant (not rude, but ignoring the fact). You think that only ONE planet in ONE system in ONE galaxy is able to hold life while everything else is just a waste of space?

02-07-2008, 10:33 AM
Due to sightings, they've already been here afew times - maybe there is nothing in them spaceships and all they do is like record us or something and go back to them? All I know is there pretty damn fast! :S
We don't know what these Aliens look like, how they react and how they will take to us. They'll more then likely try to take our world over - and if they tried we'd have to surrender due to the fact there obviously so ahead of technology then us, shame really.
I dont think its the best idea personally, we don't know nothing about them but I think they probably know alot more about us.

How do you know they have better technology?

The thing with aliens is, we cannot even begin to imagine what they look like - not in the slightest. We naturally assume they have the same senses as us - we assume they have some sort of way of seeing, hearing, and smelling, but they could have a totally different array of senses - body parts that do totally bizarre things we can't imagine. We just assume their eyes and ears are in different places and are different sizes- but the chances are, the way they function is probably impossible for us to understand.
Yes, there is a chance that they're very similar, but a planet's inhabitants depend so much on the sources on that planet. They'd have to have an almost identical planet to be anything like us.

02-07-2008, 10:57 AM
I think that most religions would just collapse.

02-07-2008, 11:05 AM
Why do we have to search for new life?
Who cares if Earth is going to explode, it won't affect us now.

02-07-2008, 11:18 AM
I would try and have sex with one of them

same as some other guy posted

02-07-2008, 01:00 PM
How do you know they have better technology?

The thing with aliens is, we cannot even begin to imagine what they look like - not in the slightest. We naturally assume they have the same senses as us - we assume they have some sort of way of seeing, hearing, and smelling, but they could have a totally different array of senses - body parts that do totally bizarre things we can't imagine. We just assume their eyes and ears are in different places and are different sizes- but the chances are, the way they function is probably impossible for us to understand.
Yes, there is a chance that they're very similar, but a planet's inhabitants depend so much on the sources on that planet. They'd have to have an almost identical planet to be anything like us.

Think about it, they have spaceships or whatever they are that are so fast, we cant even compete with that.
Of course we cant imagine what they look like, or how they function but neither can they with us.
We're so stuck up our own ****'s we reckon we could beat these aliens, and we have an image of what they look like. Chances are Aliens probably could look like us, or maybe not? They could have more sense then us, more eye's and ears and noses, mouths then us. They could be an identical planet? Just because there aliens dosn't mean they are SO diffrent from us, but they could be. Seems to me if at least one of these sightings is real which is a good possability then they are so far ahead of technology to actually get to our planet and see us, shame we can never find where they are, huh?
An religions might not collapse, theres nothing in much religions stating there is no life from Earth. Its just diffrent they might not worship someone called 'GOD'.

An saying you'd try to sleep with one of them, well they could be really ugly so have fun - no offence.

02-07-2008, 02:53 PM
I would try and have sex with one of them

same as some other guy posted
They may not even mate the same way as us... ;)

03-07-2008, 05:54 PM
They may not even mate the same way as us... ;)

I'd find a hole somewhere

le harry
04-07-2008, 08:33 AM
I would try and have sex with one of them

first jen and now aliens. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

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