View Full Version : superfly-dan on... Being a boyfriend

01-07-2008, 05:52 PM
Hey guys, well ever since I was removed from the Habbox Articles dept. I have been asked many a time to continue writing articles in this section of HXF. I didn't know my articles were that popular!

So due to popular demand... superfly-dan on... is back!

Each week superfly-dan brings you his latest adolescent opinions on various everyday occurences. From mad drunken house parties to car brochures, Dan has something to say about it.

This week, Dan talks about the perils of being a girl's everything - a boyfriend.

Wow it's so good to be back... Believe it or not but I've actually missed complaining about things in the form of an article and hearing people's positive and negative comments on it. I loved it when people said "wow great work, made me laugh a couple of times, keep it up" and even the ones that implemented that my apparent sexuality was "gaii" because they didn't agree with my views. I wasn't going to bother coming back, but then I thought about all of this and I changed my mind and came back anyway.

Now don't think that this whole article is going to be about the negative side to being an other half to some lucky girl, because it's not. Being a boyfriend is amazing, watching all the single people stare in jealousy at you as you walk hand in hand with your "only one for me" and the fact that you're nearly always in a good mood (unless your relationship is going badly, but that's a completely different story). You've also got the fact that if you're "in the mood", you have someone to relieve your sexual tensions with, and if you're down, you've got her to make you smile again.

However, all of this positivity has it's downsides. For a start, everyone knows that girls get very cranky if it's their "time of the month". This issue is rarely discussed with you (the boyfriend), and you never know when the next TOTM is, and when you notice that your bird is unusually grumpy and you ask what's wrong, you're usually given a frown and you're told to "get lost" (usually not said like that though, the "f" word and "off" are normally associated instead).

Another negative point to being a boyfriend is a girl's intolerance to man's misunderstanding of the female mind. No, I'm not being sexist, I'm talking about the time when a man gives a girl which to him is a compliment, but she might see the other side of it and take offence. For example, my last girlfriend Sabrina was famous for this sort of thing. She came into school one day wearing her brand new pair of glasses which she had gotten the previous day. Being the loving, caring boyfriend that I'm reknown to be, I greeted her with a "you look good with those on" to aid her negativity towards her appearance and she replied with a scowl and said "what, are you trying to say I don't look good with them on?"

Now I'm not saying all girls are like this, and this is a severely extreme example of this (either that or my ex was just a moody cow).

But the worst thing about being a boyfriend is definitely the shopping trips in town. It happens nearly all the time. You and the wife/girlfriend whatever are in town shopping and you are dragged into Topshop. While wandering around the shop, you find that you're girlfriend usually picks up random tops or skirts and says
"my god that is gorgeous ehhh?"
what? how the hell am I meant to know? I'm about as useful as a nun's breasts when shopping for my own clothes, how am I meant to know what girls will look good in?

Even when you are not involved you see it happen all the time. I was in town on Sunday and my best girl-pal Shannon dragged me into New Look or something like that and I counted about 3 guys in there, with their other halves, looking extremely bored and feeling ever so slightly embarassed while their Beloveds asked their opinion on handbags.

So there you have it - the perils of being a boyfriend. Although I've probably put all the single guys out there off getting a bird, I can assure you, positivity in a relationship definitely outweighs the negativity. Still not convinced? Well see it from my point of view: You put up with her period grumpiness and the trips into Internacionale and you'll make her a very happy girl indeed. And happy girls is want we want, isn't it ladies?

02-07-2008, 04:24 PM
Lol@The Inbetweeners quote about Nuns Breasts.

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