View Full Version : Effectiveness of Moderators

03-07-2008, 07:07 PM
Do you think the UK Moderators are doing a good job? Vote here!

My opinion? I think they are doing HORRIBLE jobs. I base this on a few things:
- Calls for help go ignored or replied with the generic, impersonal response.
- Obvious breaking of the rules go unbanned. You report it, they reccomend using ignore. You retaliate with exactly what they were saying, you get banned.
- No warnings.. Just ban, even for seemingly innocent errors.

03-07-2008, 07:13 PM
I think there doing great, remember that alot of people are online @ once, so maybe thats why it can be a bit slow?

03-07-2008, 07:14 PM
I think there doing great, remember that alot of people are online @ once, so maybe thats why it can be a bit slow?

This may be true, but I get the same response when theirs only a few hundred people online. And it's not always that their slow, sometimes my messages get completely ignored. IE: Next time I go to report, an old message is still there.

03-07-2008, 07:22 PM
Who honestly cares? I mean it's all fine and dandy stoping pedos and stuff but what else are they REALLY used for? Would you report someone for swearing or cyber? For scamming? "Oh dear lord, they stole someone elses pixels I should tell the mods!"

Moderators are not needed unless it's a big case of trying to get an address or something.

03-07-2008, 07:25 PM
Moderators are needed in Habbo, Sulake can't live without them...
Otherwise there weren't any Mods so Sulake did not have to pay anything.

Quite obvious right?

05-07-2008, 01:56 PM
Good job but a little slow tbh. But yh still room for improvement.

06-07-2008, 10:46 AM
I believe they are trying their hardest.

There are millions of habbo and only a few of them.
So they can't come as quick as they can.

06-07-2008, 10:48 AM
It's not that the Moderators themselves are bad, it's the community managers and higher Sulake staff. There are 2 (sometimes 3 on weekends), moderators online at peak times, which one some hotels such as USA gives each Moderator an average of 4,500 Habbos to look after.[

Community managers decide what the moderators ban for, not the moderators themselves.

06-07-2008, 10:53 AM
I also think they are doing a great job

1. They don't have to reply to your call for help, i know i reported a few people for trying to hack me and i didnt get a response back from the online Moderator.

2. They do recommend you using the "ignore" button, thats what it is there for, people could maily use it to "ignore" flooders.

3. They don't run a system like we do on habbox, they will ban you if you abuse the "call for help system"

06-07-2008, 11:09 AM
Bad - They ignore most CFH and they do use warnings :)

06-07-2008, 11:12 AM
All im going to say is there is alot of room for improvement :)

06-07-2008, 11:17 AM
They do what they are told.

06-07-2008, 11:26 AM
I think they do a good job of serving the community, yes they make mistakes but everyone does. I assume most of them are late teens early twenties so they'll have experience and training but I do sometimes sense immaturity in some of the moderators. I guess they have a sort of 'guide/handbook' they're supposed to follow. The annoying thing about that is it'll just be wrong or right and they use their knowledge of this to impose bans. However, I think in quite a vast number of cases if they used their common sense then they wouldn't come to the same conclusion as they did without using common sense.

Virgin Mary
06-07-2008, 09:28 PM
There aren't hobbas anymore to supplement them. Although HabboXs and other idiots think "3 mods on at peak time!!!!!" is enough to get through all the CFHs at once.

06-07-2008, 10:01 PM
There not like 70, and they do have social lives to have.
You can't expect them all to be on 24.7 checking through your CFH's.. So imagine having to cope with annoying CFH's when you do get online? An having to deal with them.. An about warnings, of course they use warning's you cant expect them to ban everyone for every single little thing.

Yeah there doing a good job, I'd like to see you do better!

06-07-2008, 10:04 PM
There not like 70, and they do have social lives to have.
You can't expect them all to be on 24.7 checking through your CFH's.. So imagine having to cope with annoying CFH's when you do get online? An having to deal with them.. An about warnings, of course they use warning's you cant expect them to ban everyone for every single little thing.

Yeah there doing a good job, I'd like to see you do better!

I have no doubt that a lot of people could do better. Everyone has a social life, I don't that's a good enough excuse for the amount of errors. I am one user of the game and there are just over 100 million around the globe. I have been banned unfairly 4 times. Yes each time it was lifted by the people who take common sense into each case. When they're on a shift I do expect them to be constantly checking through CFH's, yes - because that is there job.

06-07-2008, 10:34 PM
they have a hell of a lot of mods, hardly any on at a time really

they should have a cfh system like runescape, narrow everythin down

07-07-2008, 12:29 PM
I think it is a very difficult job actually, people always complain about there ban's and how "unfair" they are.
Yes they have social lives to upkeep, most of them are like 20-25?
I know there job is to check the CFH's but there's hundred's of them to go throuugh!

I bet its difficult, and I wouldn't want there job.

07-07-2008, 01:02 PM
I think it is a very difficult job actually, people always complain about there ban's and how "unfair" they are.
Yes they have social lives to upkeep, most of them are like 20-25?
I know there job is to check the CFH's but there's hundred's of them to go throuugh!

I bet its difficult, and I wouldn't want there job.

I'm not saying it isn't difficult because I imagine that it is. However, I think some of them do a very poor job because like I said you don't get perm banned four times by accident and get them all lifted. I'm sure it's happened to a lot of users. If they just used common sense on each case then they would be better in my honest opinion. I don't doubt they have social lives, like I said everyone does. I don't think that can be an excuse for not using common sense.

Virgin Mary
07-07-2008, 02:28 PM
In all fairness, I think they're instructed to ban anyone who looks as if they may be breaking the habboway, regardless of whether they are. This is to ease the amount of CFHs they get. Probably because it's easier to send automated emails telling habbos to wait out a short ban and sending the ones that confuse people with perm bans.

07-07-2008, 04:32 PM
I'm not saying it isn't difficult because I imagine that it is. However, I think some of them do a very poor job because like I said you don't get perm banned four times by accident and get them all lifted. I'm sure it's happened to a lot of users. If they just used common sense on each case then they would be better in my honest opinion. I don't doubt they have social lives, like I said everyone does. I don't think that can be an excuse for not using common sense.

Hmm Jake, we agree on something. Absolutely correct in all parts^^

07-07-2008, 04:52 PM
Hmm Jake, we agree on something. Absolutely correct in all parts^^

Miracles can happen ;)

07-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Some of them do give unfair perm ban's, but if it really is unfair you can appeal. I guess its annoying when you've got to go through people making joke CFH's and actually real ones.
At the end of the day, I'm sure there just doing there job.

08-07-2008, 08:32 AM
Even though it may seem that there are no moderators online doesn't mean there isn't.

Janet Snakehole
08-07-2008, 02:55 PM
I think they do try their hardest. But there is clearly room for improvement.

08-07-2008, 02:57 PM
They're extremely petty to my liking. Only the ones I've come into contact with anyway.

08-07-2008, 08:14 PM
Yeah these mods are pathetic. They use the auto reply "Ignore them.." sooo often. When you have a noob screaming "F YOU YA F'IN TW.." it's like, so when are they going to learn to stop?

Rofl @ how bad the results are.

08-07-2008, 08:19 PM
ALOT needed for improvement :)
Two bunnys blocking the welcome lounge, Reply This is not an emergency -.-

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