View Full Version : BRATS BRATS BRATS!!!!!! [Poll]

14-07-2008, 09:11 PM
Ever Walked arround runescape and some idiot comes up to you and goes: "Noob". Okay fair enough i don't take offense, one because i don't know them, Two its a game, Three I couldn't care if i was a noob, Four Im not a noob ^.^.

But the basic point is... Runescape is full of teenage arrogant brats. Thinking there 'cool' because they can insult other players... It just makes the whole Runescape Community so nasty. I remember when runescape first came out... Everyone was helping eachother, and going questing with friends.

14-07-2008, 09:21 PM
you get way to angered by things man

14-07-2008, 09:22 PM
Indeed i do, but they ruin the game =[

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