View Full Version : Do you think Magic should have an update?

17-07-2008, 09:21 PM
Mage when acients and lunar came out used to be.. OMG OMG PWNAGE, now if your in a fight with somone you just get called a noob for using mage. I mean, the normal spell book is a bit appauling. Its rubbish.

Eat my 30 with my Saradomin Strike... oh.. im sorry, i wasn't expecting that 82 from your armndyl Godsword, i'll just stop kthnxbi.

Pfft... and mages are suppose to pwn melee'ers.. SO MUCH FOR THE BLOODY COMBAT TRIANGLE....

And range.. WOW! its so good now, hitting a max of 150 with ruby (e) bolts.. they are truely amazing, but this has tough competition with magic spell Ice blitz. I can freeze you, oh your still hitting me... wow nice 40.. oh i can't type this last sentence cuz you've killed me already. Fair enough rangers should pwn magers... the Triangle.

But the Triangle is more like:

Melee pwn range unless they use dragon arrows on your with a dark bow special then your kinda naffed.

Mage Pwns melee... YAH RIGHT

Range pwns Mage, yeh.. i can freeze the rangers... won't hit me now will they.. i'll just hide behind this rock.. oh wait they fire arrows?

Tbh, i think the mage levels of each set of spelll (strike, blast, wave and bolt) should be lowered to make room for some new element spells like:

Electric Wave - Max hit 34 (1/4 of damage hitting surrounding players in a 1x1 square radius)

Or maybe combo spells like: Using a water spell first then electric spell so the electric hits x1.5 more?

Anyway i think mage should have an update! =[

17-07-2008, 10:02 PM
it's fine thr way it is

17-07-2008, 10:12 PM
so u'd choose mage over range and melee?

I'll put it bluntly and non-sarcasticly

Mage is crap.
Most expensive Combat style... and it doesn't pay off

17-07-2008, 10:21 PM
I would choose Magic over Range and Melee anyday. Hence why I got it to 98 then quit.

17-07-2008, 10:22 PM
so u'd choose mage over range and melee?

I'll put it bluntly and non-sarcasticly

Mage is crap.
Most expensive Combat style... and it doesn't pay off

... thats why theres spells like barrage, sure theres some bad things about it, but theres some bad things about melee, and range.. but i do feel mage is being overlooked for melee and range

17-07-2008, 10:32 PM
I agree, Ice barrage, for quite a lot of people, is the only reason to train mage. There should be another spellbook, which is really hard to get and with some really offensive spells.

17-07-2008, 10:32 PM
But when has there been the lastest update in mage? Arround 2 years ago

Update to melee: roughly arround every 2 months theres something new
Update to range: Loads; dragon arrow types, dark bow, c'bows, new bolts.

17-07-2008, 10:41 PM
I think a new spellbook should come out.

A really hard quest first, like 85 magic req

maybe a Tzarr spellbook?

level 99 magic, a spell similiar to what Jad can do, (he hit 90s or something?)
Not that high though, maybe be able to hit 40-50s with it?

17-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Nobody just pks with mage anyway, its not how its meant to be used. Everyone uses mage as a help to hinder other people i.e barraging them so they can't move then gs'ing them a nice 70

18-07-2008, 05:03 AM
Nobody just pks with mage anyway, its not how its meant to be used. Everyone uses mage as a help to hinder other people i.e barraging them so they can't move then gs'ing them a nice 70

yeah i agree with above, very good point :)

18-07-2008, 05:46 AM
I only use magic for teleporting to places anyway, seems pointless in fights.

18-07-2008, 06:28 AM
god u make alot of threads

18-07-2008, 12:57 PM
god u make alot of threads

and you make alot of pointless posts.

The perfect fit :P

And Magic was orignally intended to be used to fight.
the triangle died and turned into a line really.

18-07-2008, 01:04 PM
and you make alot of pointless posts.

The perfect fit :P

And Magic was orignally intended to be used to fight.
the triangle died and turned into a line really.

Exactly... remake the triangle... range can put up a good enough fight against melee but usually loses... but mage is right rock bottom

And when the gam was originally made.. people either usually used mage / range or melee in combat. Fair enough it got more advanced than that, but still it melee can fight on its own, range can fight on its own... but mage on its own.. bound to get owned.

And somone said barrage owns cuz it freezes? well think about it... there was a very hard quest to complete to be able to use it... and now melee all they need is 75 attack and they can use the same sort of thing with one of the godsword specials it can freeze

18-07-2008, 03:23 PM
Also magic isn't really looked at as a combat skill anymore, it's been a while since melee and range have had a total re-vamping but magic got ancients, added spells, lunar etc.

Magic is still way out in front there.

18-07-2008, 05:50 PM
In my opinion:

Magic is too strong because of Ancients
Range is too strong because of DarkBow & (e)Bolts
Melee is too strong because of God Swords

I think Runescape should give us more HitPoints or take hits they induce down.

Magic can hit 40s-50s
Range can hit up to 90s (These damage counts might be out of date, i haven't played in a while)
Melee can hit 80s-90s

all players can die in under 2Hits from the top weapons - that's crazy.

Currently players can inflict more damage in one hit then they have in hitpoints themselves - that doesn't make sence in my opinion.

18-07-2008, 09:10 PM
good point alex (vito) i mean, melee has this high strength bonus, and things like hit 25% more of your hit (AGS) mage doesnt have that.. all mage has is a spell that freezes at 94 mage, when melee'rs can do that with 75 attack, which is less time consuming AND costs less.. your wasting money to get owned by something thats free to get, when mage should be able to hit like 40's at least

maybe increase the damage our spells do OR increase the mage bonus mage armour gives, and make that count towards the hits damage

18-07-2008, 09:39 PM
yeha but ags/ all gs are expensive so not ALL meele'rs have them.

18-07-2008, 09:59 PM
How has it changed?

18-07-2008, 11:27 PM
Another reason why is that the only thing you gain with mage levels/attack bonus is the chance of hitting them but that makes no diff as by the time you have hit your fisrt attack home the Meleer/Ranger has killed you

19-07-2008, 05:01 AM
one word springs to mind. hybrid.

using magic alone in fights is hard to pull off. hence why most have either range or melee gear with them aswell

19-07-2008, 07:05 AM
Magic is a good as it is... you just need to know how to use it right.

19-07-2008, 03:57 PM
one word springs to mind. hybrid.

using magic alone in fights is hard to pull off. hence why most have either range or melee gear with them aswell

I swear you just go around copying everything i post !

hmm i know

Dj-Vimto is am noob.

19-07-2008, 11:59 PM
ye m8 i didnt get 18.3m xp for nothin

20-07-2008, 10:45 AM
I think they should but not a combat sort of one just one that can come in handy around 85 magic - I got that for teleblock then it was removed so now it wsa pretty much just a waste of time.

20-07-2008, 11:38 AM
no more updates!

22-07-2008, 10:13 PM
no more updates!

Ok no more updates, no more skills, quests, armour. weapons?

Melee can do good things.. hit people with chickens!

23-07-2008, 09:03 PM
Ok no more updates, no more skills, quests, armour. weapons?

Melee can do good things.. hit people with chickens!

... it might say you have 3 hp left then get hit a 2, then you eat like 7 bananas - 14 hp left

And.. rubber chickens and undead chickens are poo.

25-07-2008, 12:10 PM
Lol the first post in this made me laugh outloud, you seemed really angry whilst writing it ha! yeah mage should have an update its boring now!

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