View Full Version : Chambers loses Olympic Ban Case

18-07-2008, 11:20 AM
British sprinter Dwain Chambers will not be able to run at the Olympics after he lost his attempt to overturn his lifetime ban.
The 30-year-old took his case to secure an injunction against the British Olympic Association by-law to the High Court, but the ruling went against him.
Under BOA rules, the sprinter was banned from future Games after testing positive for the steroid THG in 2003.
Chambers had argued that the ban was an unfair restraint of trade.
But Mr Justice Mackay refused to grant an injunction to temporarily suspend the lifetime ban before a full hearing - which is now not expected to go ahead - in March next year.
In his summing up, Mr Mackay said Chambers' right to work was not a good enough reason to overturn the ban.
"Many people both inside and outside sport would see this by-law as unlawful," said Mr Mackay.
"In my judgment it would take a much better case than the claimant has presented to persuade me to overturn the status quo at this stage and compel his selection for the Games."

He also said if Chambers' team had brought the case earlier, there would have been more chances to research evidence and expressed concerns about "the harmony and management of the British team" if an injunction was granted.
Chambers still has the right of appeal against the decision, but the clock is against him with any hearing having to take place before the end of the court's proceedings on Friday.
British selectors have to name their final squad for next month's Games in Beijing by Sunday at the very latest.
Chambers had already gained the necessary qualifying time for the 100m and comfortably won the British trials in a time of 10.00 seconds on Saturday.
But when the British team was named on Monday, only Simeon Williamson - who finished second behind Chambers in the trials - was named for the individual 100m event, with two places left unfilled until the legal case had been decided.
BOA chairman Lord Moynihan said: "It's a matter of regret that Dwain Chambers, an athlete of such undoubted talent, should by his own actions have put himself out of the running to shine on the Olympic stage in Beijing.
"The BOA will continue to send a powerful message that nobody found guilty of serious drug-cheating offences should have the honour of wearing GB vests at the Olympic Games.
"The court's decision allows us now to focus on, and support, those athletes who will be travelling to Beijing to represent Team GB in just 21 days' time. We must now focus on their interests."
Chambers, pursued by scores of journalists, TV cameramen and photographers, left court without saying anything to the media. More to follow.

He deserved to lose it tbh.

18-07-2008, 12:18 PM
This is like the Luton situation - he's the best 100m sprinter we've got and he showed that last Saturday and now our own panel are dismissing him from entering. It's ludicrous.

18-07-2008, 12:28 PM
This is like the Luton situation - he's the best 100m sprinter we've got and he showed that last Saturday and now our own panel are dismissing him from entering. It's ludicrous.

I agree looks like we're only getting one gold this year from track and field Idowu I never expected him to beat Powell or Gay but still Chambers was really plan B and tbh I'd be surprised if anyone from Britain even gets to the final now :|

18-07-2008, 12:34 PM
Chambers was the best we got ( fact ).He doesn't take drugs anymore so i don't see what the problem is.

I love Chambers:D

Good luck for 2012..

18-07-2008, 12:56 PM
Chambers was the best we got ( fact ).He doesn't take drugs anymore so i don't see what the problem is.

I love Chambers:D

Good luck for 2012..

He will propablly quit by then.

18-07-2008, 05:06 PM
:(Possibly , although even if he doesn't his ban is for LIFE so never he can compete at the OLYMPICS again:(

18-07-2008, 05:35 PM
This is like the Luton situation - he's the best 100m sprinter we've got and he showed that last Saturday and now our own panel are dismissing him from entering. It's ludicrous.

How's it ludicrous? He's a cheat, face the facts. He's our best sprinter which means there was no need to dope, which he did.

I agree looks like we're only getting one gold this year from track and field Idowu I never expected him to beat Powell or Gay but still Chambers was really plan B and tbh I'd be surprised if anyone from Britain even gets to the final now :|

Chambers deserved it, he should never have cheated in the first place.

Chambers was the best we got ( fact ).He doesn't take drugs anymore so i don't see what the problem is.

I love Chambers :D

Good luck for 2012..

You don't see the problem? He's a cheat, althought he might not do it now he still did. This also shows everyone who is thinking about doping that they won't get away with it.

:(Possibly , although even if he doesn't his ban is for LIFE so never he can compete at the OLYMPICS again:(

His ban is for life and he deserves it. He shouldn't get privileges that other people don't get, face the facts he's a cheater, no need to cry.

18-07-2008, 06:05 PM
Oh you're very loyal to your countrymen aren't you? :rolleyes:

Yes, he took drugs but it was a long time ago - people change you know.

18-07-2008, 06:34 PM
Oh you're very loyal to your countrymen aren't you? :rolleyes:

Yes, he took drugs but it was a long time ago - people change you know.

Obviously people change but that does still not mean they should get extra priviliges.

If someone commits genocide yet they say sorry it's not going to change peoples opinions. :rolleyes:

18-07-2008, 06:36 PM
tbh when he took the drugs he knew the consequences - and he got caught. Why should they let him back in, he knew what was in store for him!

18-07-2008, 06:40 PM
tbh when he took the drugs he knew the consequences - and he got caught. Why should they let him back in, he knew what was in store for him!

Exactly - Well Said.

18-07-2008, 06:48 PM
The outcome of this sends out a very loud message, don't cheat, there is a price to pay!

18-07-2008, 06:57 PM
It's not a matter of loyalty to our "countrymen", plenty of other English competitors don't rely on drugs to make them better at their sport, they just go out there and do as good as they can. Dwain was dumb enough to get caught out so he deserves the ban.

18-07-2008, 07:12 PM
He has done the time, cleaned up and tried again though.

The outcome of this sends out a very loud message, don't cheat, there is a price to pay!

18-07-2008, 08:59 PM
He has done the time, cleaned up and tried again though.
Sense ;)

18-07-2008, 09:15 PM
Yeah, his punishment was a 2year ban. The purpose of a competitive career is to get to the very top and they're not letting him, thus totally killing his career... so much for the 2year ban.

18-07-2008, 09:27 PM
He has done the time, cleaned up and tried again though.

The Olympics isn't like a Sports Day at school. If you cheat, you'll more than likely to be allowed to join in the next year because the whole world wouldn't see it as unfair. He did drugs to boost his chances of winning, so if he did win - it wouldn't have been due to his own natural abilities. A life time ban is a life time ban, he was an idiot enough to do it in the first place while knowing the consequences and unfortunately for him was caught in the act.

Most druggies get the same treatment everywhere else, so why should he be singled out just because he's one of the best runners from the UK? He's disgraced the UK, it's his fault. He deserves shame to be brought upon him, I hope everybody pities him.

18-07-2008, 09:51 PM
However much I think people who take drugs should be banned from competing forever, I think Chambers should compete. The guy has tried to get back to it, he even tried changing sport to rugby league but he stuck at it, he knew he had a slim chance of competing but he didn't give up. He was Britain's best hope of a medal in the 100m in Beijing. If he hadn't done anything, I'd say fair enough but he's cleaned up, he's tried to do everything to compete in the Olympics. I know they're trying to send out a message to other athletes about the consequences of taking drugs but I think this is a different situation. I know the British rules say anyone caught taking drugs will not compete for Britain ever again but they're ruining athletics. He had a 2 year ban. He trained for that 2 year ban and he should be running for Britain in Beijing.

18-07-2008, 10:02 PM
He was given a two year ban not a life time ban, he served his ban and cleaned up his act. If someone goes to prison for xx years they come out and get given a fresh start, he did drugs early in his career got banned for 2 years and then is given a life ban from the Olympics even after he served his ban and cleaned up.

The Olympics isn't like a Sports Day at school. If you cheat, you'll more than likely to be allowed to join in the next year because the whole world wouldn't see it as unfair. He did drugs to boost his chances of winning, so if he did win - it wouldn't have been due to his own natural abilities. A life time ban is a life time ban, he was an idiot enough to do it in the first place while knowing the consequences and unfortunately for him was caught in the act.

Most druggies get the same treatment everywhere else, so why should he be singled out just because he's one of the best runners from the UK? He's disgraced the UK, it's his fault. He deserves shame to be brought upon him, I hope everybody pities him.

18-07-2008, 10:06 PM
He was given a two year ban not a life time ban, he served his ban and cleaned up his act. If someone goes to prison for xx years they come out and get given a fresh start, he did drugs early in his career got banned for 2 years and then is given a life ban from the Olympics even after he served his ban and cleaned up.

The British Olympic rules do state that if you take drugs you can't compete ever again.

18-07-2008, 10:20 PM
The British Olympic rules do state that if you take drugs you can't compete ever again.
Our own panel said no - that just makes it all the more ironic.

19-07-2008, 07:27 AM
Xonph , I'm not crying thanks. I'm stating facts ; he's the best we got for the 100m sprint with a time of 10.00 this year.He was a chance for the U.K to get on the podium.Yes he did take drugs and he has now learnt from his mistakes.

Quote 'Many people make mistakes it's only the wise that learn from them'

Chambers for life ;).

19-07-2008, 12:09 PM
He was given a two year ban not a life time ban, he served his ban and cleaned up his act. If someone goes to prison for xx years they come out and get given a fresh start, he did drugs early in his career got banned for 2 years and then is given a life ban from the Olympics even after he served his ban and cleaned up.

According to the news a Drug Ban is a life time ban, that's all I was going on. At the end of the day it's his own fault, the only person to blame is himself.

19-07-2008, 12:34 PM
Stupid decision. He could've been a great role model for this country for getting off drugs, cleaning up and going straight :(

19-07-2008, 12:37 PM
Obviously people change but that does still not mean they should get extra priviliges.

If someone commits genocide yet they say sorry it's not going to change peoples opinions. :rolleyes:

It's not a privilege it's an accomplishment :|

It's not a matter of loyalty to our "countrymen", plenty of other English competitors don't rely on drugs to make them better at their sport, they just go out there and do as good as they can. Dwain was dumb enough to get caught out so he deserves the ban.

Yeah and they're all rubbish basiclly he owned up to doing it and British athletics hated it for example Ohorugu lied and got away with it :| and stupid enough to get caught so you're saying he should have done them but not got caught that makes it so much better...

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